This is a source of 13.560MHz RFID card reader for TRH031M as ATMEGA8-16AU MPU. The title is 3Alogics TRH031M 13.56MHz RFID Reader V1.0. project : RFID Reader V2.0 Target : MEGA8-16AU Crystal: 16.000 Mhz Input : TRH031M RFID 13.56MHz Output : RS232C 115200,N,8,1 Compiler : ICC-AVR V6.26C // Pin configuration for ATMEGA8-16AU TQFP32 // #30 RXD <--- RXD (SP3232) // #31 TXD ---> TXD (SP3232) // #32 PD2/INT0 <--- INTR (TRH031M) // # 1 PD3/INT1 ---> RST (TRH031M) // # 2 PD4 ---> D4 (TRH031M) // # 9 PD5 ---> D5 (TRH031M) // #10 PD6 ---> D6 (TRH031M) // #11 PD7 ---> D7 (TRH031M) // #12 PB0 ---> D0 (TRH031M) // #13 PB1 ---> D1 (TRH031M) // #14 PB2 ---> D2 (TRH031M) // #15 PB3 ---> D3 (TRH031M) // #16 PB4 ---> CSB (TRH031M) // #17 PB5 ---> LED // #23 PC0 ---> A0 (TRH031M) // #24 PC1 ---> A1 (TRH031M) // #25 PC2 ---> A2 (TRH031M) // #26 PC3 ---> ALE (TRH031M) // #27 PC4 ---> /RD (TRH031M) // #28 PC5 ---> /WR (TRH031M)
标签: 13.560 ATMEGA 3Alogi source
上传时间: 2017-03-31
In computer vision, sets of data acquired by sampling the same scene or object at different times, or from different perspectives, will be in different coordinate systems. Image registration is the process of transforming the different sets of data into one coordinate system. Registration is necessary in order to be able to compare or integrate the data obtained from different measurements. Image registration is the process of transforming the different sets of data into one coordinate system. To be precise it involves finding transformations that relate spatial information conveyed in one image to that in another or in physical space. Image registration is performed on a series of at least two images, where one of these images is the reference image to which all the others will be registered. The other images are referred to as Target images.
标签: different computer acquired sampling
上传时间: 2013-12-28
The program computes the checksum and displays the result in an output port. The program is written for Microchip PIC16F877A Target device
上传时间: 2014-10-28
这是全套的PPP协议的源码,运行在vxworks5.5.1上的。绝对权威,因为它是安装vxworks PNE2.2后的源代码,只要拷贝到$WIND_BASE\Target\src下直接MAKE就行。
上传时间: 2013-12-13
上传时间: 2013-12-27
2007年全国大学生电子设计大赛,A题音频信号分析仪的全部源程序。 单片机为c8051f120,系统时钟倍频至96MHZ。 main.c是一个包含五级菜单的主函数。 FFT.C是进行fft变换,将时域信号变换成频域信号。 flash.c是读写片外flash存储器的程序,可以将分析结果保存,以备调用. z7290.c是周立功7290键盘芯片的驱动程序. FFT_xgjis.c是对变换后的频谱进行分析和运算. FFT_CodeTable.c是一个正弦表,在FFT的时候调用. LCD320240.c是320*240的液晶驱动程序,液晶的控制器是SED1335. 所有的.h文件提供了子函数的定义. 本程序用KEIL3 802版本编译通过,将所有的.C文件添加到工程中,并编译main.c 注意两点:1.器件选择c8051f120. 2.在Target中将时钟设为96M.同时必须将Memory Model 改成large--XDATA.默认的是small. 因为本设计占用的资源是非常大的. Program Size: data=81.3 xdata=6811 code=43056
上传时间: 2014-01-05
A Genetic Algorithm finding Strings. Enter any Word it will search this string using fitness function as Target string.
标签: Algorithm Genetic finding Strings
上传时间: 2017-05-06
interrupt application code * compile : * $/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin/arm-linux-gcc -o interrupt interrupt.c * $cp interrupt /tftpboot/examples * run in Target: * #mount /mnt/nfs * #cd /mnt/nfs/examples * #insmod eintdrv.o * #mknod eint c 98 0 * #./interrupt
标签: arm-linux-gcc application interrupt compile
上传时间: 2017-05-07
Index NAME 总览 (SYNOPSIS) 警告 (WARNING) 描述 (DESCRIPTION) 选项 (OPTIONS) 总体选项 (Overall Option) 语言选项 (LANGUAGE OPTIONS) 预处理器选项 (Preprocessor Option) 汇编器选项 (ASSEMBLER OPTION) 连接器选项 (LINKER OPTION) 目录选项 (DIRECTORY OPTION) 警告选项 (WARNING OPTION) 调试选项 (DEBUGGING OPTION) 优化选项 (OPTIMIZATION OPTION) 目标机选项 (Target OPTION) 机器相关选项 (MACHINE DEPENDENT OPTION) 代码生成选项 (CODE GENERATION OPTION) PRAGMAS 文件 (FILE) 另见 (SEE ALSO) BUGS 版权 (COPYING) 作者 (AUTHORS) [中文版维护人] [中文版最新更新] 《中国Linux论坛man手册页翻译计划》 NAME gcc,g++-GNU 工程的 C和 C++编译器(egcs-1.1.2
上传时间: 2014-01-03
A certification path is an ordered list of certificates starting with a certificate issued by the relying party s trust root, and ending with the Target certificate that needs to be validated. Certification path validation procedures are based on the algorithm supplied in ITU-T Recommendation X.509 and further defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 3280. Certification path processing verifies the binding between the subject distinguished name and/or subject alternative name and the subject public key defined in the Target certificate. The binding is limited by constraints, which are specified in the certificates that comprise the path, and inputs that are specified by the relying party. To ensure secure interoperation of PKI-enabled applications, the path validation must be done in accordance with the X.509 and RFC 3280 specifications. This document provides the test assertions and the test cases for testing path validation software against these specifications.
标签: certification certificates certificate starting
上传时间: 2017-07-31