CAN1.c and CAN2.c are a simple example of configuring a CAN network to transmit and receive data on a CAN network, and how to move information to and from CAN RAM message objects. Each C8051F040-TB CAN node is configured to send a message when it s P3.7 button is depressed/released, with a 0x11 to indicate the button is pushed, and 0x00 when released. Each node also has a message object configured to receive messages. The C8051 tests the received data and will turn on/off the Target board s LED. When one Target is loaded with CAN2.c and the other is loaded with CAN1.c, one Target board s push-button will control the other Target board s LED, establishing a simple control link via the CAN bus and can be observed directly on the Target boards.
标签: CAN configuring and transmit
上传时间: 2013-12-11
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of Target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2014-10-31
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of Target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of Target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2013-12-22
标签: Target
上传时间: 2017-02-08
Linux Home Server 是专门为家庭和SOHO/SMB 设计的高性价比的ISCSI 存储服务器, 具有如下的特色: 强大的iscsi 存储服务器软件; 混合iscsi 和NAS 服务; Free, 基于Linux; LHS-200 的编译使用openwrt 框架,需要先下载并配置openwrt 开发环境 从openwrt 的开发站点, 下载最新的开发分枝,并下载到本地 svn co 为方便起见,建议下载所有的可选包,后面要用到 svn co 从公司网站 或者 下载 LHS-200 的最新源代码并解压缩,源代码中包含两个目录和一个README文件,按README文件的要求,拷贝下列包到trunk/package 目录 libs/libiconv net/samba3 utils/pciutils net/wget net/ctorrent libs/uclibc++ 然后从解压缩的源代码中分别拷贝目录modified 和lhstoolfix中的内容到trunk 目录 至此,就可以象通常的openwrt 项目一样进行编译, Target System 选 "RDC 321x", Target Profile 选 "R3210 based linux home server board"
上传时间: 2017-02-09
In term project, we will take the baseline JPEG codec in ARM-based platform system as an example to practice the design flow in SoC. We divide the project into three parts, and the goal of each part is described as follow. Part I: Design a baseline JPEG software codec in C/C++ and port it to ARM core,(ARM7TDMI, ARM720T, or ARM922T.) Part II: Make use of virtual prototype to integrate/verify the hardware and software. Part III: Verify your soft IP in Target environment.
标签: ARM-based baseline platform project
上传时间: 2017-02-15
This file contains board-specific information for the Motorola LoPEC in support of the lopec BSP. Specifically, this file contains information on any BSP interface changes from previous software or hardware versions, and contains caveats that the user must be aware of before using this BSP. Additionally, the Target board s manual page entry (for example, lopec/ provides board-specific information necessary to run VxWorks, and should be read before this BSP is used.
标签: board-specific information the Motorola
上传时间: 2013-12-05
This document constitutes the user manual for the YAMON™ ROM monitor. YAMON (“Yet Another MONitor”) is the ROM monitor used on MIPS Technologies evaluation and reference boards. The Target audience for this document is users of those boards. This would typically be engineers developing hardware or software including compilers, RTOS and other tools. Currently, the following boards/CPUs are supported by YAMON : • Atlas™ with MIPS32 4K™ or MIPS64 5K™ class of CPUs. • Atlas with QED RM5261® . • Malta™ with MIPS32 4K or MIPS64 5K class of CPUs. • Malta with QED RM5261® . • SEAD™ with MIPS32 4K or MIPS64 5K class of CPUs. • SEAD-2™ with MIPS32 4K or MIPS64 5K class of CPUs.
标签: YAMON constitutes the document
上传时间: 2017-02-19
调试通道例子。DCC is available on ARM cores which contain EmbeddedICE logic, e.g. ARM7TDMI, ARM9TDMI, etc. DCC is accessed by the Target via coprocessor 14 using the ARM instructions MCR and MRC. The two assembler source files provided are: outchan.s for Target to debugger communication inchan.s for Debugger to Target communication
标签: ARM e.g. TDMI EmbeddedICE
上传时间: 2013-12-21