标签: Speech-Text-Speech applet 程序
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Dijkstra算法求最短路径(C#版) using System using System.Collections using System.Text namespace Greedy { class Marx { private int[] distance private int row private ArrayList ways = new ArrayList() public Marx(int n,params int[] d) { this.row = n distance = new int[row * row] for (int i = 0 i < row * row i++) { this.distance[i] = d[i]
标签: System using Collections namespace
上传时间: 2013-12-29
procedureTForm1.Button1Click(Sender:TObject) var S:String begin S:=idhttp1.Get(PostURL.text+ ?username= +EdUserName.Text+ &password= +EdPassWord.Text+ &password2= +EdPassWord.Text+ &email= + EdEMail.Text+ &gendernew=1&year=&month=&day=&locationnew =&site=&oicq=&icq=&yahoo=&msn=&bio=&styleidnew =&tppnew=0&pppnew=0&timeformatnew=12&cstatus=&dateformatnew =yyyy-mm-dd&showemail=1&newsletter=1&timeoffsetnew=8&avatar =&sig=®submit=注册 ) //一句代码 ifPos( 非常感谢您的注册 ,s)>1then //判断部分 ShowMessage( 注册成功! ) else ifPos( 已经被注册了 ,S)>1then ShowMessage( 该用户名或E-Mail已被注册! ) else ShowMessage( 已关闭注册,注册失败! ) end
标签: procedureTForm PostURL TObject Button
上传时间: 2014-08-24
使用说明: 双击Demo.bat文件便可以执行 (需要配置好jre||JDK环境) 请输入sql语法关键字来测试改程序谢谢 目前支持的语法关键字如下设置: text.getSettings().setCase_Insensitive(false) // 不区分大小写 text.getSettings().addKeyWord1("select") text.getSettings().addKeyWord1("commit") text.getSettings().addKeyWord1("from") text.getSettings().addKeyWord1("AND") text.getSettings().addKeyWord1("WHERE") text.getSettings().addKeyWord1("with ur") text.getSettings().addKeyWord1("VARCHAR") text.getSettings().addKeyWord2("inSert") text.getSettings().addKeyWord2("DECLARE") text.getSettings().addKeyWord2("distinct") text.getSettings().addKeyWord2("SET") text.getSettings().addFunctionKeyWord("int") text.getSettings().addFunctionKeyWord("COUNT") text.getSettings().setComment("--") //设置行注释 当前版本主要改进块注释的算法 块注释示例: /* 12312334 "测试字符串" select count(*) from where with ur */
上传时间: 2016-01-10
Impulse Response in Rayleigh Fading channel, and Doppler Shift is in it.
标签: Response Rayleigh Impulse Doppler
上传时间: 2013-12-25
能够和支持AT命令通讯的手机进行交互,比如发送短信(Text Mode, PDU mode),打电话等. 除了库的源代码以外,还有demo的源代码. 该代码是学习短信,modem通讯,手机AT命令通讯的好材料.
上传时间: 2014-11-30
TFIND searches for one or more strings (boolean AND) in a text file. TFIND reports all lines where the string(s) were found (or NOT found by option). The search can be limited to a field in a fixed field (i.e. column oriented) list. An extended search mode is available, where only letters and digits are relevant. Other options: case sensitive search, alternative errorlevel with number of hits, header line with file name, LFN, custom prefix
标签: TFIND searches boolean reports
上传时间: 2016-01-24
urifind the uri from specially text samples or files. nice.
标签: specially urifind samples files
上传时间: 2013-12-20
encryption the text or decryption the hash text
标签: text encryption decryption the
上传时间: 2014-05-25
上传时间: 2013-12-22