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  • 利用键盘输入keypress和text的文本比较编制的一个小游戏


    标签: keypress text 键盘 输入

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 基于AT89C2051的红外遥控学习器源程序

    基于AT89C2051的红外遥控学习器源程序6 源程序          ORG 0000H          AJMP MAIN          ORG 0003H          AJMP keypress          ORG 000BH           AJMP TIMEOUT          ORG 001BH          AJMP TIMEOUT           SENDDUAN   BIT P3.0          JIEDUAN    BIT P3.1          INTRPO     BIT P3.2          JIEXUAN    BIT P3.3          SENDLIGHT  BIT P3.4          JIELIGHT   BIT P3.5          CS         BIT P3.7          DATADUAN   BIT P1.6          CLK        BIT P1.7           JIANWEI    EQU R5          JIANMA     EQU R6          SHANGJIAN  EQU 07H;R7          OPENKEY    EQU 81H          CLOSEKEY   EQU 00H          CHUT0      EQU 11H          CHUT1      EQU 11H          BUFBEGIN   EQU 18H          OPENT1     EQU 88H          CLOSET1    EQU 00H          OPENT0     EQU 82H          CLOSET0    EQU 00H          DATABEG1   EQU 0AAH          DATABEG2   EQU 33H           ORG 0030HMAIN:     MOV  IE,#80H          MOV  IP,#00H          MOV  P3,#0FFH          CLR  CS          SETB P1.0          SETB P1.1          SETB P1.2          CLR  P1.3          CLR  P1.4          CLR  P1.5          CLR  P1.6          CLR  P1.7                    MOV  R3,#80H          MOV  R0,00HCYCLE1:   MOV  @R0,#00H          INC  R0          DJNZ R3,CYCLE1                    MOV  PSW,#00H          MOV  SP,#07H           MOV  TMOD,#11H          MOV  TCON,#00H START:    MOV  SP,#07H          SETB SENDDUAN          CLR  F0          SETB EXOWAITKEY:  MOV  C,F0          JNC  WAITKEY          CJNC JIANMA,#1BH,SEND          LCALL LEARNP          LJMP STARTSEND:     LCALL SENDP          LJMP START SENDP:    SETB SENDDUAN          CLR  F0          MOV  TMOD,#CHUT1

    标签: C2051 2051 89C AT

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • This source code has been tested under OpenWindows 2.0, Sun s X11/NeWS server. For Xlib programs th

    This source code has been tested under OpenWindows 2.0, Sun s X11/NeWS server. For Xlib programs that use keypress events you should either (1) set the FocusLenience resource to `True , or (2) specifically notify the window manager that you want to receive keypress/KeyRelease events (but only in programs that need these events).

    标签: OpenWindows programs source server

    上传时间: 2016-03-29
