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  • PW2202-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2202 is silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligned planarTECHnology which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance theavalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power switching circuit for system

    标签: pw2202

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • 8205A6_2.1.pdf规格书

    The PW8205A6S uses advanced trench TECHnology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate chargeand operation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protectionor in other Switching application.

    标签: 8205a6

    上传时间: 2022-02-14


  • LT3095MPUDD双通道低噪声偏置发生器的典型应用电路

    LT3095MPUDD双通道低噪声偏置发生器的典型应用电路凌力尔特公司 (Linear TECHnology Corporation) 推出双通道 IC LT3095,该器件从单一输入提供两路非常低噪声、低纹波的偏置电源。每个通道都纳入了单片升压型 DC/DC 转换器,一个集成的超低噪声和高 PSRR (电源抑制比) 线性稳压器对该转换器进行了后置稳压。LT3095 在输出电压高达 20V 时提供高达 50mA 的连续输出电流,总纹波和噪声 <100µVP-P。该器件在 3V 至 20V 输入电压范围内工作,从而可与多种电源兼容。  LT3095 的固定频率、峰值电流模式升压型 DC/DC 转换器包括一个集成的 950mA 电源开关、肖特基二极管和内部频率补偿。开关频率在 450kHz 至 2MHz 内可通过单个电阻器编程,或可同步至一个外部时钟,因此允许使用纤巧的外部组件。结合紧凑的 3mm x 5mm QFN 封装,LT3095 可提供简单、占板面积紧凑、高效率的解决方案,适用于仪表放大器、RF 和数据转换系统、以及其他低噪声偏置应用。  LT3095 的线性稳压器运用凌力尔特专有的电流源基准架构,从而提供了很多优势,例如能够用单个电阻器设定输出电压,带宽、噪声、PSRR 和负载调节性能基本上不受输出电压影响。集成输出噪声 (在 10Hz 至 100kHz 带宽) 仅为 4µVRMS,而且在整个开关频率范围内 PSRR 超过70dB,从而使总的噪声和纹波 <100µVP-P。线性稳压器调节升压型转换器的输出电压,使其比线性稳压器输出电压高 2V,从而优化了功耗、瞬态响应和 PSRR 性能。为了提高系统可靠性,LT3095 提供短路和热保护,还为每个通道提供独立和精确的使能 / UVLO 门限。微功率工作时,两个 EN 引脚均被拉低。

    标签: 噪声偏置发生器

    上传时间: 2022-02-15


  • 基于LabVIEW2012 FPGA模式的数据采集和存储系统

    基于LabVIEW2012FPGA模式的数据采集和存储系统摘 要:为了提高数据采集系统精度,减少开发成本,提高开发效率,基于LabVIEW虚拟仪器开发工具研究并设计了一 种数据采集系统。该系统采用FPGA编程模式和网络流技术实现大批量数据实时传输,并对数据进行分析处理和存储。系 统硬件采用美国NI实时控制器CRIO⁃9025,实现16路数据可靠采集与存储。实验仿真及实际运行结果表明该数据采集系 统能够精确地对数据进行实时采集以及分析处理,达到了项目要求。 关键词:FPGA;FIFO;网络流;数据采集系统;SQL数据库 中图分类号:TN98⁃34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004⁃373X(2014)14⁃0142⁃04 Data acquisition and storage system based on LabVIEW 2012FPGA pattern WANG Shu⁃dong1,2 ,WEI Kong⁃zhen1 ,LI Xiao⁃pei1 (1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Lanzhou University of TECHnology,Lanzhou 730050,China; 2. Gansu Key Laboratory for Advanced Industrial Process Control,Lanzhou 730050,China)

    标签: labview fpga 数据采集

    上传时间: 2022-02-18


  • 传感器资料scb10h

    SCB10H series pressure elements are high performance absolute pressure sensors. The sensors are based  on Murata's proven capacitive 3D-MEMS TECHnology. They enable exceptional possibility for OEM customers  to integrate pressure measurement function in an optimal way into their products. SCB10H series elements  can be designed to match the application specific pressure range. It is a bare capacitive sensor element that  enables optimized application specific package and electronics design.

    标签: 传感器

    上传时间: 2022-03-03


  • 基于FPGA设计的相关论文资料大全 84篇

    基于FPGA设计的相关论文资料大全 84篇用FPGA实现FFT的研究 刘朝晖  韩月秋 摘 要 目的 针对高速数字信号处理的要求,给出了用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现的 快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方案.方法 算法为按时间抽取的基4算法,采用递归结构的块浮点运 算方案,蝶算过程只扩展两个符号位以适应雷达信号处理的特点,乘法器由阵列乘法器实 现.结果 采用流水方式保证系统的速度,使取数据、计算旋转因子、复乘、DFT等操作协 调一致,在计算、通信和存储间取得平衡,避免了瓶颈的出现.结论 实验表明,用FPGA 实现高速数字信号处理的算法是一个可行的方案. 关键词 离散傅里叶变换; 快速傅里叶变换; 块浮点运算; 可编程门阵列 分类号 TP39; TN957.511 Implementation of FFT with FPGA TECHnology Liu Zhaohui  Han Yueqiu (Department of Electronics Engineering, Beijing Institute of TECHnology, Beijing 100081) Abstract Aim To propose a scheme for implementing FFT with FPGA in accor-dance with the requirement for high speed digital signal processing. Methods The structure of FPGA and requirement of system were considered in the experiment, radix-4 algorithm of DIT and recursive structure were adopted. The group float point arithmetic operation was used in the butterfly and the array multiplier was used to realize multiplication. Results The pipeline pattern was used to ensure the system speed, it made fetching data, calculating twiddle factor, complex multiplication and D

    标签: fpga

    上传时间: 2022-03-23


  • 用IAP技术在线升级STM32单片机固件

    针对嵌入式产品程序更新问题,提出了一种基于IAP技术的STM32单片机在线固件升级方案,设计了STM32单片机最小系统硬件电路和USB转串口通信电路,并给出了Bootloader程序、APP程序、PC上机程序的实现流程.实验结果表明,该方案具有简单实用、稳定性高、维护成本低和设备使用效率高的特点,适用于嵌入式产品升级.For the problem of updating embedded products program,an online firmware upgrade scheme of STM32 single chip microcomputer based on IAP TECHnology is proposed.This scheme not only elaborates the principle of IAP TECHnology in detail but also provides the design of the minimum system hardware circuit of STM32 MCU,the design of USB for serial communication circuit,and the implementation flow of Bootloader program,APP program and PC program.The experiment results show that the scheme is simple,practical and highly stable.In addition,it can be used to actual embedded product upgrading,significantly reducing maintenance costs and improving the efficiency of equipment.

    标签: iap stm32 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-03-25


  • 一种车载充电器的设计

    以AT89S52单片机为控制核心,采用电容降压技术,Buck电路拓扑,PWM驱动模块和功率器件散热设计,通过高速的数据采集、主功率输入输出模块和控制模块,设计一种新型智能车载充电器.在充电过程中,通过负脉冲瞬间放电实现对铅酸蓄电池的再生修复,提高电池的有效容量,延长使用寿命.该充电器体积小、速度快、效率高、可靠性好.With AT89S52 single chip computer as the control core,a new type of intelligent car-carried charger was designed by using capacitance step-down TECHnology,Buck circuit topology,PWM driving module and power device heat dissipation design,through high-speed data acquisition,main power input and output module and control module.In the charging process,the regeneration and repair of lead-acid batteries are realized by instantaneous discharge of negative pulse,which improves the effective capacity of batteries and prolongs their service life.The charger has the advantages of small size,fast speed,high efficiency and good reliability.

    标签: 车载充电器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 半导体制冷温度控制系统的设计研究

    在半导体制冷技术的工作性能及其优缺点研究的基础上,设计了以单片机为核心控制元件,以TEC1-12706为执行元件的半导体制冷温度控制系统。采用高精度分段式PID控制算法配合PWM输出控制的方法实现温度控制;选择数字传感器DS18B20为温度检测元件,还包含1602液晶显示模块、按键调整输入模块和H桥驱动模块等。实际测试表明,该系统结构简单易行,操作方便,工作性能优良,同时针对该系统专门设计的温控算法,使半导体制冷器能更好地适应不同工况而充分发挥其制冷制热工作特性。Based on the study of the performance and advantages and disadvantages of thermoelectric cooler(TEC)TECHnology,a thermoelectric cooling temperature control system with single-chip microcomputer as the core control element and TEC1-12706 as the executive element was designed. High precision piecewise PID control algorithm combined with PWM output control method is adopted to realize temperature control. The digital sensor DS18B20 is selected as the temperature detection element. It also includes 1602 LCD module,key adjustment input module and H bridge drive module. The actual test shows that the system has simple structure,convenient operation and excellent performance. Meanwhile,the temperature control algorithm specially designed for the system can make the semiconductor cooler better adapt to different working conditions and give full play to its refrigeration and heating characteristics.

    标签: 半导体 温度控制系统

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 基于STM32F103单片机电流电压采集系统设计

    配电网中,各种配电终端的电流、电压、有功功率及无功功率等模拟量的采集是配电网自动化的重要环节。这些模拟量的采集也是各种仪器和家用电器的必要功能。因此,设计了基于嵌入式STM32F103单片机的交流电压、交流电流及有功功率的采集系统,通过电压互感器TV1005M和电流互感器TA1005M分别检测交流电压和交流电流值;屏幕或者手机APP和WiFi模块互联后,可以实时显示交流电压、交流电流、功率及电量值;通过设定阈值功率,可以实现对电流的监控和对电路的保护。In the distribution network,the collection of analog,such as current,voltage,active power,and reactive power at various distribution terminals is a very important part of distribution network automation. These analog acquisitions are also for various instruments and household appliances. Very important TECHnology. Therefore,an AC voltage,AC current and active power acquisition system based on embedded STM32 F103 machine is designed,and AC voltage and AC current values are detected by voltage transformer TV1005 M and current Transformer TA1005 M respectively;After the screen or mobile phone APP and WiFi modules are interconnected,AC voltage,AC current,power,and power values can be displayed in real time;By setting the threshold power,the current can be monitored and the circuit can be protected.

    标签: stm32f103 单片机 电流电压采集

    上传时间: 2022-03-27
