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  • This module handles ARP messages and ARP resolution and manages the ARP cache

    This module handles ARP messages and ARP resolution and manages the ARP cache

    标签: ARP resolution and messages

    上传时间: 2014-01-31


  • ds18b20 digitsl 1-wire thermometer with programmable resolution code for initialization write and re

    ds18b20 digitsl 1-wire thermometer with programmable resolution code for initialization write and read and convert temperature functions

    标签: initialization programmable thermometer resolution

    上传时间: 2017-08-29


  • Resolution of heat equation using Crank Nicholson method. Implemented in matlab language.

    Resolution of heat equation using Crank Nicholson method. Implemented in matlab language.

    标签: Implemented Resolution Nicholson equation

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Lukas Kanade Multi resolution program in matlab language.

    Lukas Kanade Multi resolution program in matlab language.

    标签: resolution language program Kanade

    上传时间: 2017-09-25


  • 基于ARM的远程视频监控系统研究

    视频监控系统是一门集计算机技术、通信技术和数字视频技术于一体的综合系统。目前视频监控正向着数字化、网络化的方向发展。实现基于网络的视频监控系统的关键是一种嵌入式设备,它应该能够采集压缩视频数据并通过网络进行传输。 本文介绍了一种基于嵌入式Linux的网络视频监控系统的设计和实现方法。首先从整体上分析了网络视频监控系统的总体设计方案,给出了视频服务器的硬件框架和软件体系,并重点讨论了在ARM处理器上实现MPEG-4压缩编码的方法。其次在ARM硬件平台成功构建了armlinux嵌入式系统:包括引导程序Bootloader的设计、修改配置linux内核以及制作JFFS2文件系统。其中创新地提出了从nandflash启动U-BOOT具体设计方法。为了完成系统进一步的视频采集工作,系统实现了USB数码摄像头的驱动。在应用程序开发过程中,首先设计了基于Vide04Linux的视频采集程序,并采用mmap(内存映射)方式截取图片。其次重点分析了MPEG-4编码模型XVID程序中的运动估计部分,并研究了半像素快速搜索算法,从而减少了搜索点数提高了运算速度。最后利用开源JRTPLIB库实现视频数据流的RTP传送。 整个设计都是在深圳旋极公司研制的SUPER-ARM硬件平台上进行的,linux内核采用2.4.18。其中MPEG-4编码优化测试是在ARM DeveloperSuite(ADS)version 1.2中完成。 本课题为在ARM平台实现网络视频监控的设计做了有益的探索性尝试,对今后进一步完成远程嵌入式视频监控系统的设计有着积极的意义。

    标签: ARM 远程视频监控 系统研究

    上传时间: 2013-07-21


  • DS18B20中文资料

    FEATURES  Unique 1-Wire interface requires only one port pin for communication  Multidrop capability simplifies distributed temperature sensing applications  Requires no external components  Can be powered from data line. Power supply range is 3.0V to 5.5V  Zero standby power required  Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C. Fahrenheit equivalent is -67°F to +257°F  ±0.5°C accuracy from -10°C to +85°C  Thermometer resolution is programmable from 9 to 12 bits  Converts 12-bit temperature to digital word in 750 ms (max.)  User-definable, nonvolatile temperature alarm settings  Alarm search command identifies and addresses devices whose temperature is outside of programmed limits (temperature alarm condition)  Applications include thermostatic controls, industrial systems, consumer products, thermometers, or any thermally sensitive system

    标签: 18B B20 DS 18

    上传时间: 2013-08-04


  • 16位高精度多输入隔离模拟前端(AFE)

    Abstract: This document explains how the Cupertino (MAXREFDES5#) subsystem reference design meets the higher resolution, higher voltage,and isolation needs of industrial control and industrial automation applications. Hardware and firmware design files as well as FFTs andhistograms from lab measurements are provided.

    标签: AFE 高精度 输入 模拟前端

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • COOLMOS_原理结构

    看到不少网友对COOLMOS感兴趣,把自己收集整理的资料、个人理解发出来,与大家共享。个人理解不一定完全正确,仅供参考。COOLMOS(super junction)原理,与普通VDMOS的差异如下: 对于常规VDMOS器件结构,大家都知道Rdson与BV这一对矛盾关系,要想提高BV,都是从减小EPI参杂浓度着手,但是外延层又是正向电流流通的通道,EPI参杂浓度减小了,电阻必然变大,Rdson就大了。所以对于普通VDMOS,两者矛盾不可调和。8 X( ?1 B4 i* q: i但是对于COOLMOS,这个矛盾就不那么明显了。通过设置一个深入EPI的的P区,大大提高了BV,同时对Rdson上不产生影响。为什么有了这个深入衬底的P区,就能大大提高耐压呢?

    标签: COOLMOS

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 了解模数转换器的噪声、ENOB

    Abstract: Specifications such as noise, effective number of bits (ENOB), effective resolution, and noise-free resolution inlarge part define how accurate an ADC really is. Consequently, understanding the performance metrics related to noise isone of the most difficult aspects of transitioning from a SAR to a delta-sigma ADC. With the current demand for higherresolution, designers must develop a better understanding of ADC noise, ENOB, effective resolution, and signal-to-noiseratio (SNR). This application note helps that understanding.

    标签: ENOB 模数转换器

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • ADC中精确度与分辨率认识


    标签: ADC 精确度 分辨率

    上传时间: 2013-11-06
