Sector is a system infrastructure software that provides functionality for distributed data storage, access, and analysis/processing. It automatically manages large volumetric data across servers or clusters, even those over distributed wide area high speed networks. Sector provides simple tools and APIs to access and/or process the data. Data and server locations are transparent to users, as the whole Sector network is a single networked super computer to the users.
标签: infrastructure functionality distributed software
上传时间: 2013-12-21
SPLC501液晶显示模组为128X64点阵,面板采用STN(Super Twisted Nematic)超扭曲向列技术制成并且由128 Segment和64 Common组成,LCM非常容易通过接口被访问。
上传时间: 2013-12-15
presents a new particle filter that maintains samples in the state space at dynamically varying resolution for computational efficiency
标签: dynamically maintains presents particle
上传时间: 2016-05-08
sfrmat is a Matlab function that provides a spatial frequency response* (SFR) from a digital image file containing a slanted-edge feature. The specific edge-gradient algorithm follows the intent of the standard ISO 12233, developed by Technical Committee ISI/TC 42, for resolution measurements for electronic still pictorial cameras.
标签: frequency function provides response
上传时间: 2014-01-20
IP地址将不同的物理地址统一起来,从而将物理地址隐藏起来,上层软件使用IP地址标识结点。但是,两台计算机只有在知道彼此的物理地址时才能进行通信。 IP数据包常通过Ethernet发送。Ethernet设备并不识别32位IP地址,它们是以48位MAC地址传输Ethernet数据包的。因此,IP驱动器必须把IP目的地址转换成Ethernet网络目的地址。这两种地址之间存在着某种静态的或动态的映射,通常需要查看一张表来进行这种映射。地址解析协议(Address Resolution Protocol,ARP)就是用来确定这些映象的协议。 ARP工作时,送出一个含有所希望的IP地址的Ethernet广播数据包。目的地主机(或另一个代表该主机的系统)以一个含有IP和Ethernet地址对的数据包作为应答。发送者将这个地址对高速缓存起来,以节约不必要的ARP通信
上传时间: 2014-12-07
After an introduction to the history of mobile communications, this guide considers the basics of mobile radio, the design of cellular and private radio systems, and issues of interworking with the fixed network. It then looks at the role of the mobile radio operator, the design and operation of mobile radio networks, the needs of large user groups, and relevant regulatory and government decisions. A final section focuses on career development through resolution of conflicts, understanding managerial issues, and professional vehicles.
标签: communications introduction considers the
上传时间: 2016-06-24
顶点倒塌(Vertex Collapse)算法中,一开始图中的N个顶点看作N个孤立的超顶点(Super Vertex),算法运行中,有边连通的超顶点相继合并,直到形成最后的整个连通分量。每个顶点属于且仅属于一个超顶点,超顶点中标号最小者称为该超顶点的根。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
实验8 继承与多态 8.1 实验目的 (1) 理解类的继承,掌握变量隐藏、方法覆盖的概念。 (2)理解引用类型的变量的赋值转换原则。 (3)理解多态概念,掌握方法的匹配调用原则; (4)理解抽象类与接口的使用; (5)理解this和super的含义及使用。 (6)理解访问控制符的使用 8.2 知识要点 8.2.1 继承的概念 通过类的继承,祖先类的所有成员均将成为子类拥有的“财富”。但是能否通过子类对象直接访问这些成员则取决于访问权限设置。Object类是所有类的祖先。 8.2.2 构造方法与继承关系 构造方法不存在继承关系,子类中是如何给父类继承的属性赋初值呢? 子类通过调用父类的构造方法给父类的属性赋值,在子类的构造方法的第1行可以通过super去调用父类的构造方法,如果没有super调用,则默认调用父类的无参构造方法。所以,在父类中编写构造方法通常均要提供无参构造方法。 8.2.3 对象引用变量赋值原则 可以将子类的对象引用赋值给父类引用变量,由于父类能操作访问属性和方法的子类已全部继承。但将父类引用变量的值赋给子类引用变量就受到限制,必须进行强制转换,编译总是认可强制转换,但运行程序时如果不能正确转换就会报错。
上传时间: 2016-08-05
LCD Driver datasheet The SPF54126A, a 262144-color System-on-Chip (SoC) driver LSI designed for small and medium sizes of TFT LCD display, is capable of supporting up to 176xRGBx220 in resolution which can be achieved by the designated RAM for graphic data. The 528-channel source driver has true 6-bit resolution, which generates 64 Gamma-corrected values by an internal D/A converter. The source driver of SPFD54126A adopts OP-AMP structure to enhance display quality and it cooperates with advanced circuitry techniques to reduce power consumption.
标签: System-on-Chip datasheet designed Driver
上传时间: 2016-09-22
ili9320 datasheet. ILI9320 is a 262,144-color one-chip SoC driver for a-TFT liquid crystal display with resolution of 240RGBx320 dots, comprising a 720-channel source driver, a 320-channel gate driver, 172,800 bytes RAM for graphic data of 240RGBx320 dots, and power supply circuit.
标签: 9320 datasheet one-chip crystal
上传时间: 2014-11-21