1:文件说明: ExampleServlet.java 发信JAVA源文件 CSEmail.jar 发信包 com CSEmail.jar 的源文件 2:部署: ExampleServlet.java 发到 WEB-INF/CLASSES/ CSEmail.jar 放到 web-inf/lib/ 3. 修改ExampleServlet.java 中 private String SERVLET_HTTP_PATH = "http://www.yourSite.com/servlet/ 把www.yourSite.com 改成你的网址 4运行: http://www.yourSite.com/servlet/ExampleServlet 填写你的SMTP邮件服务器和发信端口,还有你在这个邮件服务器上的帐号(不正确发不出信)
标签: ExampleServlet CSEmail java jar
上传时间: 2015-01-12
重写了微软提供SQLHelper(共用的数据库调用接口) 1把SqlHelper的connectionString做成一个全局量,统一设置数据库连接字符串 2增加了返回特定表名的DataSet的各接口。 可在项目的config文件设置数据库连接字符串 private static String connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"] <!-- application specific settings --> <appSettings> <add key="ConnectionString" value="packet size=4096 user id=sa data source=localhost persist security info=True initial catalog=NorthWind password= "/> </appSettings> 当然可以把数据库连接方法修改后直接用。
标签: connectionString SQLHelper SqlHelper 微软
上传时间: 2013-12-12
软件测试:一个编译器测试软件,支持下列C语言运算符:+ - * / % ^(乘方) 负 (int) (double) "字符串" [](数组) > < == >= <= != && ! ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= ^=,支持下列关键字:void int double String if else for while do goto break continue return,支持下列数据类型:int double String int[] double[] String[],支持下列系统函数:int max(int,int),double max(double,double),int[] newint(int),double[] newdouble(int),String[] newString(int),void delete(int[]),void delete(double[]),void delete(String[]),支持任意用户定义函数,支持函数重载。不支持全局变量。如果发现错误,请告诉我
上传时间: 2013-12-15
这是我的一些数据结构(C语言)源代码 比如LinkList,String,Array,Tr
上传时间: 2015-03-11
SPLASH is a c++ class library that implements many of the Perl constructs and data types, including extensive regex regular expression pattern matching. For those not familiar with Perl, it is an excellent scripting language by Larry Wall and is available for most platforms. This Class library provides List, String, Regular Expression, and text manipulation handling capabilities based on those provided in Perl
标签: implements constructs including library
上传时间: 2013-12-07
This scheme is initiated by Ziv and Lempel [1]. A slightly modified version is described by Storer and Szymanski [2]. An implementation using a binary tree is proposed by Bell [3]. The algorithm is quite simple: Keep a ring buffer, which initially contains "space" characters only. Read several letters from the file to the buffer. Then search the buffer for the longest String that matches the letters just read, and send its length and position in the buffer.
标签: initiated described modified slightly
上传时间: 2014-01-09
java语言中的系统类,包括String类、 StringBuffer类、 Vector类、 Data类、 Random类
上传时间: 2013-12-20
This driver was developed using a USB keyboard from Cherry,as indicated by the VID and PID codes. These IDs must be set for the device you intend to support. Similarly, you will need to set Class to the appropriate String for your device class.
标签: developed indicated keyboard Cherry
上传时间: 2015-04-02
接收pop3 Public Function Retrieve(ByVal rhs As Pop3Message) As Pop3Message Dim message, response As String Dim msg As New Pop3Message msg.bytes = rhs.bytes msg.number = rhs.number message = "RETR " + rhs.number.ToString + vbCrLf write(message) response = Respond() If response.SubString(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then Throw New Pop3Exception(response) End If MsgBox(msg) msg.retrieved = True While (1 = 1) response = Respond() If response = "." + vbCrLf Then Exit While Else msg.message += response End If End While Return msg End Function
标签: Pop3Message Function Retrieve response
上传时间: 2013-12-28
This directory contains the memtest 8051 firmware for the Anchor Chips EZ-USB chip. The purpose of this software is to test the different memory segments in the Ez-Usb chip. This example will output the String "good" on the 7 segment LED if the mem test passes, or it will output the first address where the memtest fails.
标签: directory the contains firmware
上传时间: 2015-05-04