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  • selects the mux channel and configures the MAX197 for second write pulse, written with ACQMOD = 0,

    selects the mux channel and configures the MAX197 for second write pulse, written with ACQMOD = 0, termi- either unipolar or bipolar input range. A write pulse (WR nates acquisition and starts conversion on WR°Os risin is restarted. The ACQMOD bit in the input control byte offer+ CS) can either start an acquisition interval or initiate a edge (Figure 6). However, if the second control byte combined acquisition plus conversion. The sampling contains ACQMOD = 1, an indefinite acquisition interval interval occurs at the end of the acquisition interval.

    标签: configures the selects channel

    上传时间: 2016-12-24


  • 44b0公版的测试程序

    44b0公版的测试程序, ******************************************************* * NAME : 44BINIT.S * * Version : 10.JAn.2003 * * Description: * * C start up codes * * Configure memory, Initialize ISR ,stacks * * Initialize C-variables * * Fill zeros into zero-initialized C-variables *

    标签: 44b0 测试程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • The AVRcam source files were built using the WinAVR distribution (version 3.3.1 of GCC). I haven t

    The AVRcam source files were built using the WinAVR distribution (version 3.3.1 of GCC). I haven t tested other versions of GCC, but they should compile without too much difficulty. * The source files for the AVRcam had the author name and copyright information added back into them after the judging of the project, since it states in the competition rules that the author s name can not be present during their inspection. * The included source files are the ones that were submitted for the entry into the Circuit Cellar contest. I have continued to develop the AVRcam, and have added several new features (such as ignoring objects that aren t larger than a minimum size, removing tracked objects that overlap with each, and some general optimizations). If you are interested in the latest source, email me at john@jrobot.net * For more info about the AVRcam, check out http://www.jrobot.net John Orlando August 20, 2004

    标签: distribution version AVRcam source

    上传时间: 2016-12-30


  • 设有父子2个进程共享一个临界资源

    设有父子2个进程共享一个临界资源,每个进程循环进入该临界区3次:父进程每次进入临界区后显示“prnt in”,出临界区则显示“prnt out”;子进程每次进入临界区后显示“chld in”出临界区则显示“chld out”。观察运行结果,应该是一个进程出来后另一个才能进去。

    标签: 进程 资源

    上传时间: 2017-01-02


  • linux下同一个进程中多个定时器实现。简单描述下定时器模块的实现

    linux下同一个进程中多个定时器实现。简单描述下定时器模块的实现,有一个manager单例类保存所有CTimer对象,开启一线程运行延迟函数,每次延迟间隔到,扫描保存CTimer的容器,对每个CTimer对象执行减少时间操作,减少到0则执行回调函数。对一次性CTimer,超时则从容器中删除,循环型的将间隔时间重置,不从容器中移除。 CTimer的start执行将对象插入到manager容器中操作;stop执行将对象从manager容器中删除的操作;reset执行先删除,重置间隔,然后再放到容器中,reset不改变CTimer的定时器类型属性。 代码来源于CppExplore,感谢博客主的共享。

    标签: linux 定时器 进程 模块

    上传时间: 2017-01-03


  • 给出一个非负小数

    给出一个非负小数,找出分子不超过M,分母不超过N的最简分数或整数, 使其最接近给出的小数。如果这个分数不唯一,输出‘TOO MANY’。 输入文件格式(closest.in) 第一行,M,N(1<=M,N<=10^9) 第二行,即小数R,(0<R 输出文件格式(closest.out) 仅一行,若解唯一输出 分子 / 分母(整数K写成K/1),否则输出TOO MANY 样例输入: 360 120 3.1415926536 样例输出: 355/113


    上传时间: 2017-01-08


  • 本程序通过tc2.0和tc3.0编译运行


    标签: tc 2.0 3.0 程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • Symbian 内存泄露检查及调式教程

    Symbian 内存泄露检查及调式教程,Using Hooklogger to find out where a leave() came from

    标签: Symbian 内存 教程

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • Distributed applications, devices, and services appear in many different arrangements in an enterpr

    Distributed applications, devices, and services appear in many different arrangements in an enterprise. At your company, you probably access data from your intranet services, from computers distributed throughout the company network, and from services across the firewall out on the Web. For example, you might access a calendar-sharing application or a financial application to fill out expense sheets. Someone must maintain all these applications. Not only the applications, but also the hardware that supports them must be maintained. Resource management encompasses both applications and hardware. In fact, both application and hardware management can be supported through the development of Java Management Extensions (JMX) resource management software. This book will show how you can use JMX to manage and monitor all your resources across an enterprise—both software and hardware.

    标签: applications arrangements Distributed different

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • 创建两个生产者进程和两个消费者进程


    标签: 进程

    上传时间: 2014-01-24
