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  • FT245U169 FIFO Loopback This program transmits data through the FT245BM FIFO data bus to the MSP430

    FT245U169 FIFO Loopback This program transmits data through the FT245BM FIFO data bus to the MSP430F169 on Port 4. The data is decremented and sent back out of Port 4 to to FIFO on the FT245BM. Use Hyperterminalto send and receive data. FIFO control lines are on Port2 (P2.0-P2.3).

    标签: FIFO data 245 transmits

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • 蜂鸣器唱《祝你平安》 * * ******************************************************************************

    蜂鸣器唱《祝你平安》 * * ********************************************************************************/ SPK bit P2.3 ORG 0000H LJMP START ORG 000BH INC 20H 中断服务,中断计数器加1 MOV TH0,#0D8H MOV TL0,#0EFH 12M晶振,形成10毫秒中断

    标签: 蜂鸣器

    上传时间: 2014-11-08


  • Where We ve Been Where We re Going Back in February (that s 1998, but it almost seems longer), Dr.

    Where We ve Been Where We re Going Back in February (that s 1998, but it almost seems longer), Dr. GUI set off to start a set of columns on the Active Template Library (ATL).

    标签: Where February almost longer

    上传时间: 2016-08-29


  • 完成在S3C2410处理器上移植μC/OS-II内核

    完成在S3C2410处理器上移植μC/OS-II内核,然后实现以下多任务: a) 控制实验箱核心板上4盏LED灯轮流亮灭; b) 将LED1连接到ARM9-2410EP增强型实验箱扩展口的DA OUT端口,通过实验箱上的键盘(比如“↑”、“↓”键)控制LED1亮暗变化,同时在超级终端显示该控制值; c) 将LED2连接到扩展口的I/O输出口,通过超级终端按键控制LED2亮灭,即按一下PC的超级终端某个键(比如回车键)LED2灭,再按LED2亮,反复循环。

    标签: S3C2410 OS-II 处理器 内核

    上传时间: 2016-09-17


  • ants 算法求解TSP问题(自己以前写的

    ants 算法求解TSP问题(自己以前写的,进行过验证)。c为邻接矩阵,p is the start city

    标签: ants TSP 算法

    上传时间: 2014-01-27


  • Writing Robust Java Code The AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java v17.01d Scott W. Ambler Sof

    Writing Robust Java Code The AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java v17.01d Scott W. Ambler Software Process Mentor This Version: January 15, 2000 Copyright 1998-1999 AmbySoft Inc.Purpose of this White Paper This white paper describes a collection of standards, conventio code. They are based on sound, proven software engineering p understand, to maintain, and to enhance. Furthermore, by foll productivity as a Java developer should increase remarkably ¨C write high-quality code right from the start you will have a much development process. Finally, following a common set of codi making teams of developers significantly more productive.

    标签: W. Java Standards AmbySoft

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • This book is for you if You re no "dummy," and you need to get quickly up to speed in intermediate

    This book is for you if You re no "dummy," and you need to get quickly up to speed in intermediate to advanced C++ You ve had some experience in C++ programming, but reading intermediate and advanced C++ books is slow-going You ve had an introductory C++ course, but you ve found that you still can t follow your colleagues when they re describing their C++ designs and code You re an experienced C or Java programmer, but you don t yet have the experience to develop nuanced C++ code and designs You re a C++ expert, and you re looking for an alternative to answering the same questions from your less-experienced colleagues over and over again C++ Common Knowledge covers essential but commonly misunderstood topics in C++ programming and design while filtering out needless complexity in the discussion of each topic. What remains is a clear distillation of the essentials required for production C++ programming, presented in the author s trademark incisive, engaging style.

    标签: intermediate you quickly dummy

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • SSD3: Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to prob

    SSD3: Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to problem solving by means of object-oriented design and implementation. Emphasis is on problem analysis and solution design, documentation and implementation. Students use commercial software libraries, and create software projects. Programming assignments are carried out in Java.

    标签: Object-Oriented Introduction Programming introduces

    上传时间: 2016-10-08


  • ADC0809采样控制电路的实现ADC0809是CMOS的8位A/D转换器


    标签: 0809 ADC CMOS 8位

    上传时间: 2016-10-13


  • 使用68013的测试程序

    使用68013的测试程序,包含68013固件程序(采用slave FIFO bulk同步读写,EP2 OUT,EP6 IN),驱动,PC端测试用程序。CPLD的VHDL代码

    标签: 68013 测试程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-29
