上传了一个批量传输得IN程序,现在上传的是EZ-USB FX2的批量传输的OUT程序
上传时间: 2013-12-29
8253的初始化程序举例: 例1:选择2号计数器,工作在3方式,计数初值为533H(2个字节),采用二进制计数。其初始化程序段为 MOV DX,307H ;命令口 MOV AL,10110110B ;2号计数器的初始化命 令字 OUT DX,AL ;写入命令寄存器 MOV DX,306H ;2号计数器数据口 MOV AX,533H ;计数初值 OUT DX,AL ;选送低字节到2号计数器 MOV AL,AH ;取高字节送AL OUT DX,AL ;后送高字节到2号计数器
上传时间: 2015-06-24
c8051f020 实时时钟模块程序 内含IIC模块程序/********************** SYSTEM CLOCK 8M********************************/ extern unsigned char xdata currenttime[16]={0} extern unsigned char xdata settime[16]={ 0x00, // control regesiter 1 0x00, // control regesiter 2 0x01, //current second 0x19, //current minute 0x20, //current hour 0x29, //current data 0x04, //current week 0x07, //current month 0x05, //current year 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // alarm value reset 0x00, // clk out disable 0x00, // close timer 0x00, } /*********************************************************************/ extern void Current_Time ( void ) extern void Set_Time ( void )
标签: c8051f020 SYSTEM CLOCK IIC
上传时间: 2015-06-30
MeChat语音视频聊天会议系统 1.1 双击运行install.bat, 如果运行了run.bat ,一定要先关闭相应的窗口。 或 在命令行方式下键入install.bat. 如果提示成功安装信息说明安装成功。这时打开系统控制面板的“服务”管理器, 找到 MeChat 一项,单击"START"即可启动。
上传时间: 2015-07-01
HT48c10控制TDA7313N(音效处理芯片)程序 #if 0 //ht48c10控制TDA7313N(音效处理芯片),音源从L3输入,再从OUT LF脚输出 //SDA=PA1--PA7 , SCL=PA0--PA6 ...
上传时间: 2013-12-21
This application report introduces and describes an MP3 /AAC audio player for use with the TMS320C54x(TM) digital signal processor (DSP) devices. This audio player is based on Reference Framework Level 3 (RF3). Reference Framework for eXpressDSP(TM) Software is a start-ware for developing applications that use DSP/BIOS(TM) and the TMS320(TM) DSP AlgorithmStandard.
标签: application introduces describes report
上传时间: 2014-05-25
参照栈类模板的例子编写一个队列类模板class <T> Queue,私有成员包括:队首指针Front,队尾指针Tail,队列容积max。实现:构造函数Queue,析构函数,入队函数In,出队函数Out(每次出队,后面的元素自动前移一位),判队列空函数Empty。并分别用队列类模板定义int和float对象,调用各个成员函数
上传时间: 2013-12-03
A program to find frequent itemsets (also closed and maximal) with the eclat algorithm ,which carries out a depth first search on the subset lattice and determines the support of itemsets by intersecting transaction lists.
标签: algorithm frequent itemsets program
上传时间: 2013-12-27
The crystallize of the initial study, one class examination system of calculator, everyone gives order to point out.
标签: crystallize examination calculator everyone
上传时间: 2015-07-14
Java+Tomcat+ZK Welcome to ZK, the simplest way to make Web applications rich. The Developer s Guide describes the concepts and features of ZK. For installation, refer to the Quick Start Guide. For fully description of properties and methods of components, refer to the Developer s Reference.
标签: applications Developer simplest Welcome
上传时间: 2015-07-19