Solve Sudoku(Game) quickly. Just need a txt file with all of the number u have, then answer out.
标签: quickly Sudoku answer number
上传时间: 2016-01-30
FSK信号鉴频的程序.This program implements the function of finding out the largest and the second largest values of the sequence of "in_buffer[10]"
标签: largest the implements function
上传时间: 2016-02-05
Quick start guide to using the xilinx Picoblaze 8 bit MCU on B5-X300 Board by Nial Stewart
标签: Picoblaze Stewart xilinx Quick
上传时间: 2016-02-07
/*SPI规范:Data is always clocked into the device on the rising edge of SCK a-*/ /* nd clocked out of the device on the falling edge of SCK.All instruction-*/ /* s,addresses and data are transferred with the most significant bit(MSB) */ /* first.
上传时间: 2016-02-19
EOG Correction program is used to work out the amount of ocular potential recorded by the electroencephalograph
标签: Correction electroenc potential the
上传时间: 2014-11-27
developed under vxwork, support bt878 video card, use socket to stream video out.
标签: video developed support socket
上传时间: 2014-03-04
basic feature example for vxWork, good example to start. include POSIX and vxwork library call.
标签: example feature include library
上传时间: 2014-06-27
此示例效果用Java多线程来实现,通过设置线程的优先级,来控制小球的运行速度. 程序运行后,单击"Start"按钮,弹出一个黑色小球 单击"Express"按钮,弹出一个红色小球.如果你的内存足够大,你可以连续单击(Start或Express),挺不错的.....
上传时间: 2016-02-26
out< "please input the number of the nodes"<<endl cin>>nodesNum cout<<"please input the graph"<<endl for( i = 1 i<=nodesNum i++) for( j = 1 j <= nodesNum j++) cin>>graph[i][j] */
上传时间: 2013-11-29
this is a sample about usb out transmission,it s default installation is D:\RedLogic\RCII_samples, and the software environment is quatrusII 5.0,it is usefull for studying hardware and usb.
标签: RedLogicRCII_samples installation transmission default
上传时间: 2014-01-17