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  • 简单介绍一下

    简单介绍一下,整个工程分为5个文件:Main.c ----- 程序的入口点,其实很简单,就是调用两个函数。Global.h ----- 定义了一些全局变量及宏Parse.h ----- 语法分析器的主要算法Prece.h ----- 定义和实现了一些关于优先级的操作Stack.h ----- 定义和实现了一个栈及其操作编译的时候只要用TC2.0或者WinTC打开Main.c文件进行编译就好了。如发现有Bug请在这里贴出来或者把修改后的代码跟帖在这里:)总之,这个工程仅仅是一个简单示例,告诉大家怎么样把课堂上学到的知识运用到实际编程当中去,工程中所用到的模块化思想,数据结构等知识都是大家学过的,大三了,希望大家在最后这段时间里把写程序的本领练就出来。:)


    上传时间: 2015-03-18


  • linux下的usb开发


    标签: linux usb

    上传时间: 2015-03-28


  • Addfilter is a command-line application which adds and removes filter drivers for a given drive or v

    Addfilter is a command-line application which adds and removes filter drivers for a given drive or volume. It is intended to demonstrate how to insert a filter driver into the driver Stack of a device. The sample illustrates how to do this by using the SetupDi APIs. The sample works on both x86 and Alpha platforms. It has only been tested in a 32-bit environment. Since Addfilter is not a driver, it does not deal with Plug and Play or Power Management.

    标签: command-line application Addfilter drivers

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • FPFilter is a sample disk filter driver that demonstrates how a disk failure prediction filter drive

    FPFilter is a sample disk filter driver that demonstrates how a disk failure prediction filter driver could be implemented. A failure prediction filter driver can predict when a disk may fail and notify the disk driver Stack of this condition.

    标签: filter disk demonstrates prediction

    上传时间: 2015-03-30


  • The flpydisk sample is a floppy driver that resides in the directory \NtddkSrcStorageFdcFlpydsk. It

    The flpydisk sample is a floppy driver that resides in the directory \\Ntddk\Src\Storage\Fdc\Flpydsk. It is similar to a class driver in that it sits a level above the floppy disk controller in the driver Stack, and brokers communication between the application level and the low-level driver. The floppy driver takes commands from the application and then calls routines in the controller which will in turn perform the actual interaction with the device. The sample compiles in 64-bit, but has not been tested in this environment. It is compatible with x86 and Alpha platforms.

    标签: NtddkSrcStorageFdcFlpydsk directory flpydisk resides

    上传时间: 2015-03-30


  • This version of the code is compatible only with the AT89C2051 due to the location of the data buf

    This version of the code is compatible only with the AT89C2051 due to the location of the data buffer and Stack in RAM. The code may be modified to work with the AT89C1051 by relocating or resizing the buffer and Stack to fit into the smaller amount of RAM available in the AT89C1051.

    标签: the compatible location version

    上传时间: 2015-04-05


  • The Small C compiler translates a subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under P

    The Small C compiler translates a subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under PC/MS-DOS 2.1 and later. Small C is compatible with the Microsoft and Small Mac assemblers. Small C takes full advantage of the ability of these assemblers to generate relocatable object code, to maintain libraries of relocatable modules, and to link separately compiled program modules. It supports a small memory model with one code and one data/Stack segment.

    标签: language translates compiler assembly

    上传时间: 2015-04-08


  • DELPHI basicCtrl+NUM 直接将光标跳到NUM处

    DELPHI basicCtrl+NUM 直接将光标跳到NUM处,NUM是用Ctrl+Shift+NUM设置的标号。 NUM不能用小键盘。 Ctrl+Home 将光标移至文件头。 Ctrl+End 将光标移至文件尾。 Ctrl+B Buffer List窗口。 Ctrl+I 同Tab键。 Ctrl+M 同Enter键。 Ctrl+N 同Enter键,但光标位置保持不变。 Ctrl+T 删除光标右边的一个单词。 Ctrl+Y 删除光标所在行。 Ctrl+Shift+↑ 光标在函数体内时,将光标快速移至当前函数声明处。 Ctrl+Shift+↓ 光标在函数声明行时,将光标快速移至函数定义处。 Ctrl+Shift+C 声明一个过程或函数后,直接生成过程或函数的名称、begin、end Ctrl+Shift+E 光标在Edit窗口和Explorer窗口间切换。 Ctrl+Shift+G 插入GUID。 Ctrl+Shift+J 弹出Delphi语句提示窗口,选择所需语句将自动完成一条语句。 Ctrl+Shift+T 在光标行加入To-Do注释。 Ctrl+Shift+Y 删除光标之后至本行末尾之间的文本。 Ctrl+F3 Call Stack窗口。 Ctrl+F4 等于File菜单中的Close项。

    标签: basicCtrl NUM DELPHI 光标

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix, with a focus on high performance and goo

    LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix, with a focus on high performance and good code. The library differentiates itself from other implementations by transfering directly from file pages to the network Stack. On high-bandwidth connections it is able to seed at 3 times the speed of the official client. The client uses ncurses and is ideal for use with screen or dtach. It supports saving of sessions and allows the user to add and remove torrents.

    标签: performance LibTorrent BitTorrent library

    上传时间: 2015-07-24


  • 说明: 此计算机可以计算同时超过多个操作项的什. 例如: y = 3 + 64 * (2 + 3^5) + sinPI 的值

    说明: 此计算机可以计算同时超过多个操作项的什. 例如: y = 3 + 64 * (2 + 3^5) + sinPI 的值, 用括号区分优先级,如果有大量很长的算式需要计算,可以试一下这个计算器. 开发语言: C#语言,用Stack原理实现

    标签: sinPI 64 计算机 计算

    上传时间: 2013-12-22
