DES,MD5,ZLIB算法源代码 文件列表: Adler32.cpp ArithDLL.cpp ArithDLL.def ArithDLL.dll ArithDLL.dsp ArithDLL.dsw ArithDLL.h ArithDLL.lib ArithDLL.ncb ArithDLL.opt ArithDLL.plg Arithzxz.h Arithzxz.h.BAK Compress.cpp CRC.cpp Deflate.cpp Deflate.h Des.cpp Des.h Infblock.cpp Infblock.h Infcodes.cpp Infcodes.h Inffast.cpp Inffast.h Inffixed.h Inflate.cpp Inftrees.cpp Inftrees.h Infutil.cpp Infutil.h md5.cpp md5.h ReadMe.txt StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h StRing.cpp Trees.cpp Zlib.h Zutil.cpp Zutil.h
上传时间: 2014-11-23
ICTCLAS的JNI调用接口文件: Title:ICTCLAS Caller * <p>Description:do chinese word segmentation.don t change the pakage and CLASS name, orelse you can t use it. * 请不要改变包名、类名以及native的方法名,否则调用将失效。 * 由于ICTCLAS本身存在很多鲁棒性问题,调用segSentence时,StRing参数请保证不要过长或带有乱码。调用次数过多(如处理几十G的数据)会有可能造成内存溢出。 * 故基本只能用于较小规模数据(相对几十G来说)。 * 请运行时设置jvm足够的堆栈空间。
标签: ICTCLAS segmentation Description chinese
上传时间: 2014-01-25
delphi 自定义网络函数:unit net interface uses sysutils ,windows ,dialogs ,winsock ,classes ,comobj ,wininet //得到本机的局域网ip地址 function getlocalip(var localip:StRing): boolean //通过ip返回机器名 function getnamebyipaddr(ipaddr: StRing var macname: StRing): boolean //获取网络中sqlserver列表 function getsqlserverlist(var list: tStRinglist): boolean //获取网络中的所有网络类型 function getnetlist(var list: tStRinglist): boolean //获取网络中的工作组
标签: interface sysutils classes dialogs
上传时间: 2015-05-09
java 100例子 import javax.swing.JOptionPane //调用method class c { //定义名字 public static void main(StRing[] args) { //开始method JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "错误" ) //显示一条信息 System.exit(0) // 结束程序 } //结束method } //结束class
标签: JOptionPane import method public
上传时间: 2015-05-18
unit Other interface Uses Windows,tlhelp32,PsAPI type PStrData = ^TStrData TStrData = record Ident: Integer Str: StRing end TUseInfo=record QQ, Mail, Page:StRing DL:boolean end TSendMailInfo=record IPAddress, FAddress, FName, FPW, FCName, FCPW:StRing //发信邮箱检证用户密码 end { FloatToText, FloatToTextFmt, TextToFloat, and FloatToDecimal type codes }
标签: TStrData interface PStrData Windows
上传时间: 2014-12-22
数字运算,判断一个数是否接近素数 A Niven number is a number such that the sum of its digits divides itself. For example, 111 is a Niven number because the sum of its digits is 3, which divides 111. We can also specify a number in another base b, and a number in base b is a Niven number if the sum of its digits divides its value. Given b (2 <= b <= 10) and a number in base b, determine whether it is a Niven number or not. Input Each line of input contains the base b, followed by a StRing of digits representing a positive integer in that base. There are no leading zeroes. The input is terminated by a line consisting of 0 alone. Output For each case, print "yes" on a line if the given number is a Niven number, and "no" otherwise. Sample Input 10 111 2 110 10 123 6 1000 8 2314 0 Sample Output yes yes no yes no
上传时间: 2015-05-21
相册是J2me MIDLet 的一个demo程序,可以使用户查阅图片在J2me支持的手持设备上。 文件夹与文件 +ImageAlbum -ImageAlbum.mcp -ImageAlbum_ReadMe.txt - debug_out - release_out - resources - 1.png - 2.png - 3.png - 4.png - 5.png + sources - - - - - - - - - - StRing data
上传时间: 2014-11-30
The government of a small but important country has decided that the alphabet needs to be streamlined and reordered. Uppercase letters will be eliminated. They will issue a royal decree in the form of a StRing of B and A characters. The first character in the decree specifies whether a must come ( B )Before b in the new alphabet or ( A )After b . The second character determines the relative placement of b and c , etc. So, for example, "BAA" means that a must come Before b , b must come After c , and c must come After d . Any letters beyond these requirements are to be excluded, so if the decree specifies k comparisons then the new alphabet will contain the first k+1 lowercase letters of the current alphabet. Create a class Alphabet that contains the method choices that takes the decree as input and returns the number of possible new alphabets that conform to the decree. If more than 1,000,000,000 are possible, return -1. Definition
标签: government streamline important alphabet
上传时间: 2015-06-09
? Java函数速查 你能很快的查到你要的函数 DataBinding类 代表数据源字段和组件属性之间一个单独的绑定。 package public class DataBinding implements IConstructable 说明 DataBinder控件使用该类来表示数据源中的每一个绑定。 请参阅:《Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0 程序员指南》第18章“WFC中的数据绑定”。 构造器 DataBinding.DataBinding 创建一个DataBinding对象。 语法 public DataBinding () public DataBinding ( IComponent target, StRing propertyName,StRing fieldName ) public DataBinding ( IComponent target, StRing propertyName,StRing fieldName, IDataFormat format )
标签: DataBinding package Java data
上传时间: 2013-12-20
人民币大写金额转换程序(修正版v0.0.3) =================================== 1.使用方法: ------------- 将Cash_RMB.dcu放入Delphi安装目录下的Lib中,在uses中加入Cash_RMB, 即可引用CashRMB方法. function CashRMB(CashAmount: Double): StRing 如: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) begin QRLabel1.Caption := CashRMB(Table1.FieldByName( 金额 ).AsFloat) end 结果将传回人民币金额大写字符串. 如果 CashAmount = 0 或数值溢出(超出万亿位),结果返回空串. 2.说明: -------- A.本转换程序最大程度只支持到万亿元(位)的金额数值转换操作.如果你的 转换数值超出此极限,你可以在调用前先行判断数据的合法性,如果没有作预 先判断,转换过程中将引发本单元中自带的错误处理例程. b.该转换结果符合标准金额大写书写格式,零角零分等字样不存在于最终的 转换结果中. c.本转换程序自带数据溢出等数据非法及转换错误等处理例程. d.本程序适用于32位的Delphi版本.
上传时间: 2013-12-31