/* * The internal form of a hash table. * * The table is an array indexed by the hash of the key collisions * are resolved by hanging a linked list of hash entries off each * element of the array. Although this is a really simple design it * isn t too bad given that pools have a low allocation overhead. */ Split from apache for general usage
上传时间: 2014-01-07
The package includes 3 Matlab-interfaces to the c-code: 1. inference.m An interface to the full inference package, includes several methods for approximate inference: Loopy Belief Propagation, Generalized Belief Propagation, Mean-Field approximation, and 4 monte-carlo sampling methods (Metropolis, Gibbs, Wolff, Swendsen-Wang). Use "help inference" from Matlab to see all options for usage. 2. gbp_preprocess.m and gbp.m These 2 interfaces Split Generalized Belief Propagation into the pre-process stage (gbp_preprocess.m) and the inference stage (gbp.m), so the user may use only one of them, or changing some parameters in between. Use "help gbp_preprocess" and "help gbp" from Matlab. 3. simulatedAnnealing.m An interface to the simulated-annealing c-code. This code uses Metropolis sampling method, the same one used for inference. Use "help simulatedAnnealing" from Matlab.
标签: Matlab-interfaces inference interface the
上传时间: 2016-08-27
上传时间: 2013-12-17
These routines model tropospheric radiowave propagation over variable terrain and calculates propagation loss vs. height and range. Propagation loss is displayed in dB contours on a height vs. range plot. TPEM is based on the Split-step Fourier PE method and was originally developed from an early PE model called PEPC, written by Fred Tappert. Propagation loss over variable terrain is modeled by shifting the field an appropriate number of bin widths correspondc ing to the height of the ground. The field is determined using the smooth earth PE method.
标签: tropospheric propagation calculates radiowave
上传时间: 2017-01-01
The basic principle using the branchand- bound strategy to solve the traveling salesperson optimization problem (TSP) consists of two parts. There is a way to Split the solution space. There is a way to predict a lower bound for a class of solutions. There is also a way to find an upper bound of an optimal solution. If the lower bound of a solution exceeds this upper bound, this solution cannot be optimal. Thus, we should terminate the branching associated with this solution.
标签: salesperson principle branchand the
上传时间: 2017-02-19
PowerPCB教程简介 欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了PADS-PowerPCB 的绝大部分功能 和特点,以及使用的各个过程,这些功能包括: · 基本操作 · 建立元件(Component) · 建立板子边框线(Board outline) · 输入网表(Netlist) · 设置设计规则(Design Rule) ·元件(Part)的布局(Placement) · 手工和交互的布线 · SPECCTRA全自动布线器(Route Engine) ·覆铜(Copper Pour) · 建立分隔/混合平面层(Split/mixed Plane) · Microsoft 的目标连接与嵌入(OLE)(Object Linking Embedding) · 可选择的装配选件(Assembly options) · 设计规则检查(Design Rule Check) · 反向标注(Back Annotation) · 绘图输出(Plot Output) 使用本教程后,你可以学到印制电路板设计和制造的许多基本知识。 你不必一次完成整个教程,如果在任何时候退出后,下次直接找到你要进入 的部分,继续学习本教程。 当你完成了本教程的学习后,可以参考在线帮助(On-line Help)以便得到更多 的信息。如果你需要附加的信息内容,你可以与PADS 在各地办事处或代理商取 得联系,以便得到更多的帮助。 欢迎使用PowerPCB进行PCB设计!
标签: PowerPCB PADS-PowerPCB 教程 分
上传时间: 2013-12-12
cordic methods describe essentially the same algorithm that with suitably chosen inputs can be used to calculate a whole range of scientific functions including sin, cos, tan, arctan, arcsin, arccos, sinh, cosh, tanh, arctanh, log, exp, square root and even multiply and divide. the method dates back to volder [1959], and due to its versatility and compactness, it made possible the microcoding of the hp35 pocket scientific calculator in 1972. here is some code to illustrate the techniques. ive Split the methods into three parts linear, circular and hyperbolic. in the hp35 microcode these would be unified into one function (for space reasons). because the linear mode can perform multiply and divide, you only need add/subtract and shift to complete the implementation. you can select in the code whether to do the multiples and divides also by cordic means. other multiplies and divides are all powers of 2 (these dont count). to eliminate these too, would involve ieee hackery.
标签: essentially algorithm describe suitably
上传时间: 2017-03-02
I implemented a perfect file transfer OCX client/server. I created a perfect function to parse and Split the data. The source file size is equal to destination. NO LOSS OF DATA in the packets!
标签: perfect implemented function transfer
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Historique de Linux Connexion au système Présentation de kde Fichiers et répertoires Notions d identifiant et de groupe Les processus Les droits d accès Le shell Gestion des entrées/sorties Les commandes tee/grep/cut/Split/paste/comm/sort/diff/wc/find La commande sed La commande awk Les scripts shell Les sauvegardes Automatisation de tâ ches
标签: Historique Connexion sentation pertoires
上传时间: 2017-07-12
移植uip-1.0到Atmega32 1)把 uip-1.0 的所有文件加入到工程,包括 uip 目录的文件(除uip-Split.c)、unix 目录的文件、lib 目录的文件; 2)修改 uip/uip-neighbor.c 文件的 void uip_neighbor_add(uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr, struct uip_neighbor_addr *addr) 函数,一般注释掉 printf 语句即可,或者改为你自己的串口格式化打印实现。 3)uip 目录里的源文件除 uipopt.h 外一般都无需修改;uipopt.h 包含了 uip-conf.h ,所以大部分修改可以在 uip-conf.h 里进行。 uip-conf.h 里加入如下定义,可以减少编译的警告: #define notdef 0 #define UIP_CONF_IPV6 0 #define UIP_ARCH_ADD32 0 #define UIP_ARCH_CHKSUM 0 #define UIP_NEIGHBOR_CONF_ADDRTYPE 0 4)移植工作主要是 定时器中断程序 与 网络驱动 的编写
上传时间: 2013-12-20