%DEFINEV Scaling vector and derivative % % [v,dv]= DEFINEV(g,x,l,u) returns v, distances to the % bounds corresponding to the sign of the gradient g, where % l is the vector of lower bounds, u is the vector of upper % bounds. Vector dv is 0-1 sign vector (See ?? for more detail.) % % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 1998/03/21 16:29:10 $
标签: DEFINEV derivative distances Scaling
上传时间: 2013-12-24
以c实现的基本数据结构, 如: hashtable, hashlist, vector, mempool, 以及http的实现, 对于用c编程的人员应该很有用处
标签: hashtable hashlist mempool vector
上传时间: 2014-01-04
adaptive mmse space-time multiuser detection algorithm.m是自适应MMSE空时多用户检测算法 dec multiuser.m是空时解相关多用户检测算法 cd multiuser.m是空时匹配滤波器 ber.m是误码率计算 conver.m是空时PN码产生文件
标签: multiuser space-time detection algorithm
上传时间: 2015-10-29
hodge decomposition for 2D vector fields.
标签: decomposition fields vector hodge
上传时间: 2015-10-29
package news import java.sql.ResultSet import java.util.Vector public class News {
标签: import java ResultSet package
上传时间: 2014-01-01
主要特点 * Flexible finite element space construction based template element library 基于模板单元库灵活的构造有限元空间 * Convenient facilities to implement mesh adaption 很方便的进行网格加密和稀疏化 * Multi-mesh operation supported 支持多套网格操作 需要有一定的有限元基础和C++语言基础,最好在linux平台下用。
标签: element construction Flexible template
上传时间: 2014-11-21
blue space 蓝色空间下载系统精简版---大家分享
上传时间: 2014-01-24
软件无线电经典英文书籍《Autonomous Software-defined Radio Receivers for Deep Space Applications》
标签: Software-defined Applications Autonomous Receivers
上传时间: 2013-12-09
file system in user space ! It s very good!
上传时间: 2013-12-08
CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-derived window (CDiagramEditor), a data container (CDiagramEntityContainer) holding the draw-objects, undo stack and managing copy and paste, and objects derived from CDiagramEntity representing objects drawn on screen. CDiagramEditor lacks one feature (that is difficult to implement in both simple and general fashion) - links. Manually maintaining links in a - for example - flowchart or network topography map is unwieldy. Therefore, I ve created a reference implementation for one way of adding this functionality.
标签: CDiagramEditor CFlowchartEditor extension CWnd-d
上传时间: 2015-11-21