项目描述: Fink is an attempt to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. Packages are downloaded and built automatically and installed into a tree managed by dpkg. Fink试图将Unix开源软件世界带入到 Darwin 和Mac OS X。工具包可以被下载和自动生成,并安装到由dpkg管理的树状结构中。 来源: http://SourceForge.net/projects/fink/
标签: software attempt Darwin Source
上传时间: 2015-04-17
项目描述: Fluid is a server daemon for streaming media. The latest release is built as an API for building any kind of media streamer. Following with the server is a plugin for streaming MP3 files, even those with variable bitrate. Multicast now supported. Fluid 是一个为媒体流提供的服务器后台。最新版本建造为一个API,用于建造任何类型的媒体。服务器是流式MP3文件的一个插件,即使其位率可变。现在也支持组播。 来源: http://SourceForge.net/projects/fluid/
标签: for streaming release daemon
上传时间: 2015-04-17
上传时间: 2014-01-17
JabberX 是一个基于unix平台的jabber客户端 JabberX is a unix console Jabber client. Jabber is a cross-platform, open source, XML-based, distributed instant messaging system. Requirements: ------------- Iksemel library (from http://jabber-x.SourceForge.net) NCurses or S-Lang package. Autoconf and Automake packages are required for compiling from cvs. Perl is required for building perl scripting support.
标签: JabberX Jabber unix cross-platform
上传时间: 2013-12-18
compiere 汉化 Compiere的汉化 Compiere是一款不可多得的ERP&CRM软件,以前一直未找到Compiere的中文语言包,现在有啦,在 SourceForge上已经有该项目,下面我们将讲述如何汉化Compiere。 1.首先下载Compiere,然后进行安装,保证compiere的运行,这儿我们就不在介绍啦,你可以参考 Compiere的安装指南。 2.下载Compiere的中文语言包:zh_CN.zip文件,然后解压到%COMPIERE_HOME%\data\zh_CN目录 下。 3.修改%COMPIERE_HOME%\util\run_TrlImport.bat文件,将AD_Language的值设为zh_CN。 4.以system登录compiere,点击General Rules\System Rules\Language节点,在“Language”窗口中 选择zh_CN,然后将zh_CN设置为系统语言,最后保存
上传时间: 2015-05-12
上传时间: 2014-01-08
上传时间: 2014-01-08
Simple SunPlus SP54 codec converter and a more playable mode MJPG. untar the archive go to the relevant directory to compile: just do make to install: with root account cp sp54convert /usr/local/bin to use: sp54convert infile outfile Enjoy !! Michel Xhaard <mxhaard@users.SourceForge.net> Till Adam <till@hubbahubba.de> Windows port: Piotr Pawlow <pp@siedziba.pl>
标签: converter the playable SunPlus
上传时间: 2013-12-30
一个开源heml语意分析器 ekhtml: The El-Kabong HTML parser SUMMARY: El-Kabong: A speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-stylee HTML parser. PROJECT INFORMATION: Web Site: ekhtml.SourceForge.net The web site contains links to locations where one can: - file bugs - join mailing lists - download the latest release - browse documentation - get CVS information BUILDING: See the file INSTALL for information、目标代码生成、符号表的构造和运行时存储空间的组织等8部分组成。
标签: El-Kabong forgiving SUMMARY ekhtml
上传时间: 2014-12-08
Gcomm is a serial communications program similar to seyon, but more modern, and easier to use. Works over serial port, via TCP/IP, or a pipe through another program. Supports xmodem/ymodem/zmodem protocols. Visit the gcomm.SourceForge.net home page for 系统是 Linux ,但是协议部分是可用的
标签: communications program similar easier
上传时间: 2013-12-21