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  • C51单总线读AM系列示例程序

    单片机 :AT89S52 或 STC89C52RC 典型传感器:AM2301 功能  :串口发送温湿度数据  波特率 9600  晶振  :12M (用户系统时钟如不是12M 请更改相关宏定义及注释的延时时间) 编译环境:  Keil 4

    标签: C51 单总线 程序

    上传时间: 2018-07-27


  • Matlab数字图像处理例程-彩色处理及压缩实验

    彩色实验 文件:demo_color.m 1. 提取RGB图像的三个分量,并分别显示。 2. 合成伪彩色图像。 3. 将RGB图像转换到HSI空间,并显示三个分量。 4. 对原图像的RGB三个分量分别进行平滑操作,将原图像转换到HSI空间对亮度分量进行平滑操作,计算两种平滑操作方法的图像差值。 5. 在RGB和HSI空间中用ice函数进行色彩调节。   压缩实验 文件:demo_huff.m 1. 计算矩阵f=[119 123 168 119;107 119 168 168;119 119 107 119;168 107 119 119]一阶熵估计,并进行霍夫曼编码。 2. 对Lena图像进行霍夫曼编码,并对编码后图像解码。

    标签: Matlab 数字图像处理 彩色 实验

    上传时间: 2019-01-19


  • 语言图形界面设计

    一个程序如果不好看,使用的人一定不爽,会有视觉疲劳。因此一个功能强大且界面漂亮、易于操作的软件才是人们真正需要的软件。 本书每一课以一个实际制作图形的任务完成教学工作,不仅提高了编程的辅助技术技能,学习Photoshop的使用方法,还可以进入图形设计的大门。 一般学习编程的书很少有对如何设计程序的图形界面进行专门介绍,因此学习后,很多用户对于程序界面设计还不能很好的掌握。而学习程序界面设计有的编程爱好者是通过学习图像制作软件而得来的,如Photoshop,但还不够具体进行程序界面设计。 一个有着漂亮界面的程序一定比界面普通的程序更会让人感觉上更专业一些,让人眼睛一亮。在当今竞争激烈的市场环境下,客户越来越挑剔,对创意有着较高的要求。现在的经济也有人称为吸引人眼球的经济,不得不承认有些程序在界面设计上所花的功夫并不比程序设计的少,有的设计精美的程序实在是让人难以忘怀的。 本书即是一种教大家如何学习设计漂亮的易语言应用程序界面的专业书籍。书中介绍了易语言界面设计方法,采用Photoshop7.0作为教学工具。有的读者会说是不是杀鸡用牛刀了,但你能用“画板”画出水晶按钮吗?由于程序界面设计涉及的内容非常多,如果用其他的软件进行教学也许会达不到预期的目标,因此使用Photoshop无疑是首选工具。再加上Photoshop的确是设计行业中的老大,不仅从它的易操作性方面来说,还是从它那强大的功能,以及众多的滤镜等,都一定不会让读者失望。 本书以Photoshop 7.0为讲解对象,同样也适合于Photoshop的其他所有的版本。 同时本书是一本速成的书,因此没有先去了解Photoshop的基本知识,而是直接进行操作,从操作中再去了解Photoshop,一共8课学会,效果更好。 本书适合中学课本中对图形图像的学习,可以安排16课时。 本书同时适合学习易语言编程的爱好者美化自己的程序。 为易语言资格认证考试易语言程序设计师指导用书。 本教材参加易语言在中小学试点项目的老师们可任意参考使用。

    标签: 语言 图形 界面设计

    上传时间: 2019-01-29


  • Capture 自带元件库List


    标签: Capture List 元件库

    上传时间: 2020-03-03


  • PSPDocMakerGUI

    PSP金手指CMF的dat攻略制作器,支持 .txt文  件和.png、.gi、.cur、.pcx、.ani、.jpg、.jpeg、.bmp、.ico、.emf、.wmf等格式的图片文件,可以用来非常方便的制作PS游戏的攻略文档,可以在PS游戏中直接观看。

    标签: PSPDocMakerGUI

    上传时间: 2020-03-30


  • AD826

    High-Speed, Low-Power Dual Operational Amplifier The AD826 features high output current drive capability of 50 mA min per amp, and is able to drive unlimited capacitive loads. With a low power supply current of 15 mA max for both amplifiers, the AD826 is a true general purpose operational amplifier. The AD826 is ideal for power sensitive applications such as video cameras and portable instrumentation. The AD826 can operate from a single +5 V supply, while still achieving 25 MHz of band width. Furthermore the AD826 is fully specified from a single +5 V to ±15 V power supplies. The AD826 excels as an ADC/DAC buffer or active filter in data acquisition systems and achieves a settling time of 70 ns to 0.01%, with a low input offset voltage of 2 mV max. The AD826 is available in small 8-lead plastic mini-DIP and SO packages.

    标签: 826 AD

    上传时间: 2020-04-19


  • 4G & Beyond Convergence of Networks

    From the transition of analog to digital communication along with seamless mobility and high computing power of small handheld devices, the wireless communications industry has seen tremendous changes leading to the integration of several telecommunication networks, devices and services over last 30 years. The rate of this progress and growth has increased particularly in the past decade because people no longer use their devices and networks for voice only, but demand bundle contents such as data download/streaming, HDTV, HD video , 3D video conferencing with higher efficiency, seamless connectivity, intelligence, reliability and better user experience. Although the challenges facing service providers and telecommunication companies differ by product, region, market size, and their areas of concentration but time to market, efficient utilization of their assets and revenue expansion, have impacted significantly how to manage and conduct their business while maintaining sufficient margin. 

    标签: Convergence Networks Beyond 4G of

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • 5G+Edge+Cloud+Networks

    The surge of mobile data traffic forces network operators to cope with capacity shortage. The deployment of small cells in 5G networks is meant to reduce latency, backhaul traffic and increase radio access capacity. In this context, mobile edge computing technology will be used to manage dedicated cache space in the radio access network. Thus, mobile network operators will be able to provision OTT content providers with new caching services to enhance the quality of experience of their customers on the move.

    标签: Networks Cloud Edge 5G

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Cognitive+Networked+Sensing+and+Big+Data

    The idea of writing this book entitled “Cognitive Networked Sensing and Big Data” started with the plan to write a briefing book on wireless distributed computing and cognitive sensing. During our research on large-scale cognitive radio network (and its experimental testbed), we realized that big data played a central role. As a result, the book project reflects this paradigm shift. In the context, sensing roughly is equivalent to “measurement.”

    标签: Cognitive Networked Sensing Data Big and

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • GSM+and+UMTS+The+Creation+of+

    This book describes how global mobile communication was made. It is written for those who want or need to know how this was achieved e.g.: † Young professionals who want to build their career on GSM and UMTS and need to understand the basics † Strategic and technical planners who want to drive the future GSM and UMTS develop- ment † Strategists who plan to repeat GSM’s success in the fourth generation † Academics, who want to understand and analyse the development of GSM and UMTS; † Activists in other large scale international communication projects who want to use experiences gained

    标签: Creation UMTS GSM and The of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
