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  • PCI总线的应用

    The PCI Special Interest Group disclaims all warranties and liability for the use of this document and the information contained herein and assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document, nor does the PCI Special Interest Group make a commitment to update the information contained herein.

    标签: PCI 总线

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • 6小时学会labview

    6小时学会labview, labview Six Hour Course – Instructor Notes   This zip file contains material designed to give students a working knowledge of labview in a 6 hour timeframe. The contents are: Instructor Notes.doc – this document. labviewIntroduction-SixHour.ppt – a PowerPoint presentation containing screenshots and notes on the topics covered by the course. Convert C to F (Ex1).vi – Exercise 1 solution VI. Convert C to F (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution subVI. Thermometer-DAQ (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution VI. Temperature Monitor (Ex3).vi – Exercise 3 solution VI. Thermometer (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Convert C to F (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Temperature Logger (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution VI. Multiplot Graph (Ex5).vi – Exercise 5 solution VI. Square Root (Ex6).vi – Exercise 6 solution VI. State Machine 1 (Ex7).vi – Exercise 7 solution VI.   The slides can be presented in two three hour labs, or six one hour lectures. Depending on the time and resources available in class, you can choose whether to assign the exercises as homework or to be done in class. If you decide to assign the exercises in class, it is best to assign them in order with the presentation. This way the students can create VI’s while the relevant information is still fresh. The notes associated with the exercise slide should be sufficient to guide the students to a solution. The solution files included are one possible solution, but by no means the only solution.

    标签: labview

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 基于GPS和RFID技术的智能巡检系统

    该系统以计算机为依托构建中央信息处理系统CIPS(Central Information Processing System),以Pocket PC作为巡检终端PS(Portable Station),采用SQL Server 2000关系型数据库和SQL Server CE3.0嵌入式数据库技术,集RFID技术、GPS定位技术、信息管理、信息传输等多项技术于一体,完成信息在CIPS和PS之间的交互,实现巡检信息的综合处理。

    标签: RFID GPS 智能巡检系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 光纤_dB_衰减和测量介绍

    This document is a quick reference to some of the formulas and important information related to optical technologies. It focuses on decibels (dB), decibels per milliwatt (dBm), attenuation and measurements, and provides an introduction to optical fibers.

    标签: dB 光纤 衰减 测量

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 快速跳频通信系统同步技术研究

    同步技术是跳频通信系统的关键技术之一,尤其是在快速跳频通信系统中,常规跳频通信通过同步字头携带相关码的方法来实现同步,但对于快跳频来说,由于是一跳或者多跳传输一个调制符号,难以携带相关码。对此引入双跳频图案方法,提出了一种适用于快速跳频通信系统的同步方案。采用短码携带同步信息,克服了快速跳频难以携带相关码的困难。分析了同步性能,仿真结果表明该方案同步时间短、虚警概率低、捕获概率高,同步性能可靠。 Abstract:  Synchronization is one of the key techniques to frequency-hopping communication system, especially in the fast frequency hopping communication system. In conventional frequency hopping communication systems, synchronization can be achieved by synchronization-head which can be used to carry the synchronization information, but for the fast frequency hopping, Because modulation symbol is transmitted by per hop or multi-hop, it is difficult to carry the correlation code. For the limitation of fast frequency hopping in carrying correlation code, a fast frequency-hopping synchronization scheme with two hopping patterns is proposed. The synchronization information is carried by short code, which overcomes the difficulty of correlation code transmission in fast frequency-hopping. The performance of the scheme is analyzed, and simulation results show that the scheme has the advantages of shorter synchronization time, lower probability of false alarm, higher probability of capture and more reliable of synchronization.

    标签: 快速跳频 同步技术 通信系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • CF卡技术资料

    The information in this specification is subject to change without notice.Use of this specification for product design requires an executed license agreement from the CompactFlashAssociation.The CompactFlash Association shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; norfor incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.All parts of the CompactFlash Specification are protected by copyright law and all rights are reserved. Thisdocumentation may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to anyelectronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from the CompactFlash Association.The CFA logo is a trademark of the CompactFlash Association.Product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registeredtrademarks of their respective companies.© 1998-99, CompactFlash Association. All rights reserved.

    标签: 技术资料

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • LPC315x系列ARM微控制器用户手册

    The NXP LPC315x combine an 180 MHz ARM926EJ-S CPU core, High-speed USB 2.0OTG, 192 KB SRAM, NAND flash controller, flexible external bus interface, an integratedaudio codec, Li-ion charger, Real-Time Clock (RTC), and a myriad of serial and parallelinterfaces in a single chip targeted at consumer, industrial, medical, and communicationmarkets. To optimize system power consumption, the LPC315x have multiple powerdomains and a very flexible Clock Generation Unit (CGU) that provides dynamic clockgating and scaling.The LPC315x is implemented as multi-chip module with two side-by-side dies, one fordigital fuctions and one for analog functions, which include a Power Supply Unit (PSU),audio codec, RTC, and Li-ion battery charger.

    标签: 315x LPC 315 ARM

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 数字集成电路分析与设计_英文版

    This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use.

    标签: 数字集成 电路分析 英文

    上传时间: 2014-12-31


  • 飞思卡尔智能车的舵机测试程序

    飞思卡尔智能车的舵机测试程序 #include <hidef.h>      /* common defines and macros */#include <MC9S12XS128.h>     /* derivative information */#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xs128" void SetBusCLK_16M(void)             {       CLKSEL=0X00;        PLLCTL_PLLON=1;          //锁相环电路允许位    SYNR=0x00 | 0x01;        //SYNR=1    REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;          POSTDIV=0x00;            _asm(nop);              _asm(nop);    while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1));       CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1;          } void PWM_01(void) {     //舵机初始化   PWMCTL_CON01=1;    //0和1联合成16位PWM;    PWMCAE_CAE1=0;    //选择输出模式为左对齐输出模式    PWMCNT01 = 0;     //计数器清零;    PWMPOL_PPOL1=1;    //先输出高电平,计数到DTY时,反转电平    PWMPRCLK = 0X40;    //clockA 不分频,clockA=busclock=16MHz;CLK B 16分频:1Mhz     PWMSCLA = 0x08;    //对clock SA 16分频,pwm clock=clockA/16=1MHz;         PWMCLK_PCLK1 = 1;   //选择clock SA做时钟源    PWMPER01 = 20000;   //周期20ms; 50Hz;    PWMDTY01 = 1500;   //高电平时间为1.5ms;     PWME_PWME1 = 1;   

    标签: 飞思卡尔智能车 舵机 测试程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • ibis模型理解说明

    IBIS 模型在做类似板级SI 仿真得到广泛应用。在做仿真的初级阶段,经常对于ibis 模型的描述有些疑问,只知道把模型拿来转换为软件所支持的格式或者直接使用,而对于IBIS 模型里面的数据描述什么都不算很明白,因此下面的一些描述是整理出来的一点对于ibis 的基本理解。在此引用很多presention来描述ibis 内容(有的照抄过来,阿弥陀佛,不要说抄袭,只不过习惯信手拈来说明一些问题),仅此向如muranyi 等ibis 先驱者致敬。本文难免有些错误或者考虑不周,随时欢迎进行讨论并对其进行修改!IBIS 模型的一些基本概念IBIS 这个词是Input/Output buffer information specification 的缩写。本文是基于IBIS ver3.2 所撰写出来(www.eigroup.org/IBIS/可下载到各种版本spec),ver4.2增加很多新特性,由于在目前设计中没用到不予以讨论。。。在业界经常会把spice 模型描述为transistor model 是因为它描述很多电路细节问题。而把ibis 模型描述为behavioral model 是因为它并不象spice 模型那样描述电路的构成,IBIS 模型描述的只不过是电路的一种外在表现,象个黑匣子一样,输入什么然后就得到输出结果,而不需要了解里面驱动或者接收的电路构成。因此有所谓的garbage in, garbage out,ibis 模型的仿真精度依赖于模型的准确度以及考虑的worse case,因此无论你的模型如何精确而考虑的worse case 不周全或者你考虑的worse case 如何周全而模型不精确,都是得不到较好的仿真精度。

    标签: ibis 模型

    上传时间: 2013-10-16
