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  • 水声信号功率放大器的设计与实现

    设计了水声信号发生系统中的功率放大电路,可将前级电路产生的方波信号转换为正弦信号,同时进行滤波、功率放大,使其满足换能器对输入信号的要求。该电路以单片机AT89C52,集成6阶巴特沃思低通滤波芯片MF6以及大功率运算放大器LM12为核心,通过标准RS232接口与PC进行通信,实现信号增益的程控调节,对干扰信号具有良好的抑制作用。经调试该电路工作稳定正常,输出波形无失真,在输出功率以及放大增益、波纹系数等方面均满足设计要求。    This paper presented a design and implementation of underwater acoustic power amplifer. This circuit converted the rectangle signal generated by frontend circuit into the sine signal, then filtered and power amplification, it meets the requirements of the transducer.Included AT89C52, 6th order Butterworth filter MF6, hipower amplififier LM12.Communication with PC through the RS232 port. The signal gain is adjustable and could be remote controlled. It has a good inhibitory effect on the interference signal. After debugged, this circuit works stable, the output waveform has no distortion, it meets the design requirement in outprt power, amplifier gain and ripple factor.

    标签: 水声信号 功率放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 华硕内部的PCB基本规范

    PCB LAYOUT 基本規範項次 項目 備註1 一般PCB 過板方向定義:􀀹 PCB 在SMT 生產方向為短邊過迴焊爐(Reflow), PCB 長邊為SMT 輸送帶夾持邊.􀀹 PCB 在DIP 生產方向為I/O Port 朝前過波焊爐(Wave Solder), PCB 與I/O 垂直的兩邊為DIP 輸送帶夾持邊.1.1 金手指過板方向定義:􀀹 SMT: 金手指邊與SMT 輸送帶夾持邊垂直.􀀹 DIP: 金手指邊與DIP 輸送帶夾持邊一致.2 􀀹 SMD 零件文字框外緣距SMT 輸送帶夾持邊L1 需≧150 mil.􀀹 SMD 及DIP 零件文字框外緣距板邊L2 需≧100 mil.3 PCB I/O port 板邊的螺絲孔(精靈孔)PAD 至PCB 板邊, 不得有SMD 或DIP 零件(如右圖黃色區).PAD

    标签: PCB 华硕

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • LTC4099 USB电源管理和电池充电

      The LTC®4099 high effi ciency USB power manager andLi-Ion/Polymer battery charger seamlessly managespower distribution from multiple sources in portableapplications. It is differentiated from other USB powermanagers by its bidirectional I2C port that allows the hostmicroprocessor to control and monitor all aspects of theUSB power management and battery charging processes.In addition, a programmable interrupt generation functionalerts the host microprocessor to changes in device statusand provides unprecedented control of power managementfunctions. This high degree of confi gurability allowspost-layout changes in operation, even changes in thefi eld, and it allows a single qualifi ed device to be usedin a variety of products, thus reducing design time andeasing inventory management.

    标签: 4099 LTC USB 电源管理

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 串口猎人 ( Serial Hunter ) V31 setup


    标签: Serial Hunter setup V31

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • TLC2543 中文资料

    TLC2543是TI公司的12位串行模数转换器,使用开关电容逐次逼近技术完成A/D转换过程。由于是串行输入结构,能够节省51系列单片机I/O资源;且价格适中,分辨率较高,因此在仪器仪表中有较为广泛的应用。 TLC2543的特点 (1)12位分辩率A/D转换器; (2)在工作温度范围内10μs转换时间; (3)11个模拟输入通道; (4)3路内置自测试方式; (5)采样率为66kbps; (6)线性误差±1LSBmax; (7)有转换结束输出EOC; (8)具有单、双极性输出; (9)可编程的MSB或LSB前导; (10)可编程输出数据长度。 TLC2543的引脚排列及说明    TLC2543有两种封装形式:DB、DW或N封装以及FN封装,这两种封装的引脚排列如图1,引脚说明见表1 TLC2543电路图和程序欣赏 #include<reg52.h> #include<intrins.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit clock=P1^0; sbit d_in=P1^1; sbit d_out=P1^2; sbit _cs=P1^3; uchar a1,b1,c1,d1; float sum,sum1; double  sum_final1; double  sum_final; uchar duan[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f}; uchar wei[]={0xf7,0xfb,0xfd,0xfe};  void delay(unsigned char b)   //50us {           unsigned char a;           for(;b>0;b--)                     for(a=22;a>0;a--); }  void display(uchar a,uchar b,uchar c,uchar d) {    P0=duan[a]|0x80;    P2=wei[0];    delay(5);    P2=0xff;    P0=duan[b];    P2=wei[1];    delay(5);   P2=0xff;   P0=duan[c];   P2=wei[2];   delay(5);   P2=0xff;   P0=duan[d];   P2=wei[3];   delay(5);   P2=0xff;   } uint read(uchar port) {   uchar  i,al=0,ah=0;   unsigned long ad;   clock=0;   _cs=0;   port<<=4;   for(i=0;i<4;i++)  {    d_in=port&0x80;    clock=1;    clock=0;    port<<=1;  }   d_in=0;   for(i=0;i<8;i++)  {    clock=1;    clock=0;  }   _cs=1;   delay(5);   _cs=0;   for(i=0;i<4;i++)  {    clock=1;    ah<<=1;    if(d_out)ah|=0x01;    clock=0; }   for(i=0;i<8;i++)  {    clock=1;    al<<=1;    if(d_out) al|=0x01;    clock=0;  }   _cs=1;   ad=(uint)ah;   ad<<=8;   ad|=al;   return(ad); }  void main()  {   uchar j;   sum=0;sum1=0;   sum_final=0;   sum_final1=0;    while(1)  {              for(j=0;j<128;j++)          {             sum1+=read(1);             display(a1,b1,c1,d1);           }            sum=sum1/128;            sum1=0;            sum_final1=(sum/4095)*5;            sum_final=sum_final1*1000;            a1=(int)sum_final/1000;            b1=(int)sum_final%1000/100;            c1=(int)sum_final%1000%100/10;            d1=(int)sum_final%10;            display(a1,b1,c1,d1);           }         } 

    标签: 2543 TLC

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • HT45R37 使用SPI 進行資料傳輸的方法

    HT45R37 內建有Serial Interface Function,其中包括了SPI 和I2C 這兩種串列傳輸模式,本文 以HT45R37 為母體,介紹使用SPI 進行資料傳輸的方法和注意事項

    标签: 45R R37 SPI HT

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • Microchip PIC系列单片机RS232通讯应用

    Digitemp Junior – An RS-232 Port-Powered Digital Thermometer Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be monitored with any terminal program. If the terminal program supports capture to disk, the temperature readings can be saved to disk for further analysis with a spreadsheet program or other data analysis tool. The simple ASCII output format of Digitemp Jr. makes it rel- atively easy to write custom software for receiving, recording, and analyzing ambient temperature data. Best of all, Digitemp Jr. requires no external power sup- plies or batteries. It is powered directly by the RS-232 port.

    标签: Microchip 232 PIC RS

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 基于单片机的数字化B超键盘设计

    针对目前使用的RS232接口数字化B超键盘存在PC主机启动时不能设置BIOS,提出一种PS2键盘的设计方法。基于W78E052D单片机,采用8通道串行A/D转换器设计了8个TGC电位器信息采集电路,电位器位置信息以键盘扫描码序列形式发送,正交编码器信号通过XC9536XL转换为单片机可接收的中断信号,软件接收到中断信息后等效处理成按键。结果表明,在满足开机可设置BIOS同时,又可实现超声特有功能,不需要专门设计驱动程序,接口简单,成本低。 Abstract:  Aiming at the problem of the digital ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system keyboard with RS232 interface currently used couldn?蒺t set the BIOS when the PC boot, this paper proposed a design method of PS2 keyboards. Based on W78E052D microcontroller,designed eight TGC potentiometers information acquisition circuit with 8-channel serial A/D converter, potentiometer position information sent out with keyboard scan code sequentially.The control circuit based on XC9536 CPLD is used for converting the mechanical actions of the encoders into the signals that can be identified by the MCU, software received interrupt information and equivalently treatmented as key. The results show that the BIOS can be set to meet the boot, ultrasound specific functionality can be achieved at the same time, it does not require specially designed driver,the interface is simple and low cost.    

    标签: 单片机 B超 数字化 键盘设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于CH341A的USB串口通讯设计

    为解决当前计算机串行通讯接口只有USB,难以满足旧型号设备或某些单片机要求RS232通讯的问题,设计出两款RS232/USB电路。采用CH341A与MAX223集成电路芯片构建标准9线RS232/USB通用接口转换器,无需编程。采用CH341A与PIC16F877A构建单片机与计算机之间的USB通讯电路,软件遵循RS232通讯协议,硬件进行电平转换。实际使用表明,这两款产品与计算机端Windows 操作系统下的串口应用程序完全兼容,且通讯过程中无握手失败现象。 Abstract:  To solve the problem that current computer serial communication only with USB interface can not satisfy with the old type equipments or MCU to communicate with RS232, two kinds of RS232/USB circuit were designed.CH341A and MAX223 integrated circuit chips were used to create a standard 9-line RS232/USB universal interface convertor without programme. CH341A and PIC16F877A chips were adopted to build the USB communication circuit between computers and MCU. The software follows RS232 communication protocol, and the hardware converts electrical levels. Actual practices indicate that the two manufactures are compatible with serial application program of Windows operation system completely,and get avoid of handshake lost.    

    标签: 341A 341 USB CH

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • PIC单片机的RS232通讯程序

    Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be monitored with any terminal program. If the terminal program supports capture to disk, the temperature readings can be saved to disk for further analysis with a spreadsheet program or other data analysis tool. The simple ASCII output format of Digitemp Jr. makes it relatively easy to write custom software for receiving, recording, and analyzing ambient temperature data. Best of all, Digitemp Jr. requires no external power supplies or batteries. It is powered directly by the RS-232 port.  

    标签: PIC 232 RS 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-20
