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  • ADC简化测量高阻抗传感器

      Delta-sigma ADCs, with their high accuracy and high noiseimmunity, are ideal for directly measuring many typesof sensors. Nevertheless, input sampling currents canoverwhelm high source impedances or low-bandwidth,micropower signal conditioning circuits. The LTC®2484family of delta sigma converters solves this problem bybalancing the input currents, thussimplifying or eliminatingthe need for signal conditioning circuits.

    标签: ADC 测量 传感器 高阻抗

    上传时间: 2015-01-03


  • 基于Multisim 10的矩形波信号发生器仿真与实现

    在Multisim 10软件环境下,设计一种由运算放大器构成的精确可控矩形波信号发生器,结合系统电路原理图重点阐述了各参数指标的实现与测试方法。通过改变RC电路的电容充、放电路径和时间常数实现了占空比和频率的调节,通过多路开关投入不同数值的电容实现了频段的调节,通过电压取样和同相放大电路实现了输出电压幅值的调节并提高了电路的带负载能力,可作为频率和幅值可调的方波信号发生器。Multisim 10仿真分析及应用电路测试结果表明,电路性能指标达到了设计要求。 Abstract:  Based on Multisim 10, this paper designed a kind of rectangular-wave signal generator which could be controlled exactly composed of operational amplifier, the key point was how to implement and test the parameter indicators based on the circuit diagram. The duty and the frequency were adjusted by changing the time constant and the way of charging and discharging of the capacitor, the width of frequency was adjusted by using different capacitors provided with multiple switch, the amplitude of output voltage was adjusted by sampling voltage and using in-phase amplifier circuit,the ability of driving loads was raised, the circuit can be used as squarewave signal generator whose frequency and amplitude can be adjusted. The final simulation results of Multisim 10 and the tests of applicable circuit show that the performance indicators of the circuit meets the design requirements.

    标签: Multisim 矩形波 信号发生器 仿真

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • 内容如下: 1.The history of the computerized database 2.SQL Data Statements--those used to create, mani

    内容如下: 1.The history of the computerized database 2.SQL Data Statements--those used to create, manipulate, and retrieve data stored in your database example statements include select, update, insert, and delete 3.SQL Schema Statements--those used to create database objects, such as tables, indexes, and constraints 4.How data sets can interact with queries 5.The importance of subqueries 6.Data conversion and manipulation via SQL s built-in functions 7.How conditional logic can be used in Data Statements

    标签: computerized Statements database history

    上传时间: 2015-04-25


  • to show the waveform of audio file and play it on computer Purpose: Familiar with WAV file format a

    to show the waveform of audio file and play it on computer Purpose: Familiar with WAV file format and UI design It should have the following functions: Provide a Graphic User Interface for user to browse the file system and select one WAV file Show the waveform of input audio signal Play the selected WAV file Print the parameters of WAV file such as sampling rate, bit-depth, etc

    标签: file Familiar computer waveform

    上传时间: 2015-05-07


  • Routine mampres: To obtain amplitude response from h(exp(jw)). input parameters: h :n dimensione

    Routine mampres: To obtain amplitude response from h(exp(jw)). input parameters: h :n dimensioned complex array. the frequency response is stored in h(0) to h(n-1). n :the dimension of h and amp. fs :sampling frequency (Hz). iamp:If iamp=0: The Amplitude Res. amp(k)=abs(h(k)) If iamp=1: The Amplitude Res. amp(k)=20.*alog10(abs(h(k))). output parameters: amp :n dimensioned real array. the amplitude-frequency response is stored in amp(0) to amp(n-1). Note: this program will generate a data file "filename.dat" . in chapter 2

    标签: dimensione parameters amplitude response

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • The EM algorithm is short for Expectation-Maximization algorithm. It is based on an iterative optimi

    The EM algorithm is short for Expectation-Maximization algorithm. It is based on an iterative optimization of the centers and widths of the kernels. The aim is to optimize the likelihood that the given data points are generated by a mixture of Gaussians. The numbers next to the Gaussians give the relative importance (amplitude) of each component.

    标签: algorithm Expectation-Maximization iterative optimi

    上传时间: 2015-06-17


  • Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this mo

    Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this motion into a forward and backward whil orbits. The current function makes use of two sensors to generate a bi-directional spectrogram. The method can be extended to any time-frequency distribution % % compute the forward/backward Campbell/specgtrogram % % INPUT: % y (n x 2) each column is measured from a different sensor % /////// % __ % |s1| y(:,1) % |__| % __ % / \ ________|/ % | | | s2 |/ y(:,2) % \____/ --------|/ % % Fs Sampling frequnecy % % OUTPUT: % B spectrogram/Campbel diagram % x x-axis coordinate vector (time or Speed) % y y-axis coordinate vector (frequency [Hz])

    标签: experience elliptical decompose important

    上传时间: 2015-06-23


  • Surface profile measurement by noncontact optical methods has been extensively studied because of it

    Surface profile measurement by noncontact optical methods has been extensively studied because of its importance in automated manufacturing, component quality control, medicine, and robotics. In most of these methods a known periodic pattern,

    标签: measurement extensively noncontact Surface

    上传时间: 2016-01-02


  • To estimate the input-output mapping with inputs x % and outputs y generated by the following nonli

    To estimate the input-output mapping with inputs x % and outputs y generated by the following nonlinear, % nonstationary state space model: % x(t+1) = 0.5x(t) + [25x(t)]/[(1+x(t))^(2)] % + 8cos(1.2t) + process noise % y(t) = x(t)^(2) / 20 + 6 squareWave(0.05(t-1)) + 3 % + time varying measurement noise % using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and both the EKF and % the hybrid importance-samping resampling (SIR) algorithm.

    标签: input-output the generated following

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • Easy-to-Use, Ultra-Tiny, Differential, 16-Bit Delta Sigma ADC With I2C Interface The LTC2453 is an

    Easy-to-Use, Ultra-Tiny, Differential, 16-Bit Delta Sigma ADC With I2C Interface The LTC2453 is an ultra-tiny, fully differential, 16-bit, analog-to-digital converter. The LTC2453 uses a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and communicates through an I2C interface. The ADC is available in an 8-pin, 3mm x 2mm DFN package. It includes an integrated oscillator that does not require any external components. It uses a delta-sigma modulator as a converter core and has no latency for multiplexed applications. The LTC2453 includes a proprietary input sampling scheme that reduces the average input sampling current several orders of magnitude lower than conventional delta-sigma converters. Additionally, due to its architecture, there is negligible current leakage between the input pins.

    标签: Differential Easy-to-Use Ultra-Tiny Interface

    上传时间: 2014-01-08
