利用WM5 实现电话功能 在程序中进行电话拨号 “项目”—“添加引用”—“Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony”—“确定” Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim TestPhone As New Phone TestPhone.Talk("1001") End Sub
标签: Microsoft WindowsMobile Telephony Imports
上传时间: 2013-12-20
OpenSS7 This the fourth public release of the OpenSS7 Master Package. See README in the release for a sub-package listing. Most of the sub-packages in the release are production grade for Linux Fast-STREAMS. All existing validation test suites run clean on supported distributions and architectures. It is unlikely that the OpenSS7 Master Package will be released as frequently as before. Sub-packages will be released more often. To rebuild the master package with a new sub-package release, simply replace the directory to which the sub-package belongs with the unpacked sub-package release and then rebuild the master package. This release provides support for recent distributions and tool chains.
标签: OpenSS7 release the Package
上传时间: 2015-10-28
OpenJMS是一个开源的Java Message Service API 1.0.2 规范的实现,它包含有以下特性: *. 它既支持点到点(point-to-point)(PTP)模型和发布/订阅(Pub/Sub)模型。 *. 支持同步与异步消息发送 *. JDBC持久性管理使用数据库表来存储消息 *. 可视化管理界面。 *. Applet支持。 *. 能够与Jakarta Tomcat这样的Servlet容器结合。 *. 支持RMI, TCP, HTTP 与SSL协议。 *. 客户端验证 *. 提供可靠消息传输、事务和消息过滤
标签: point-to-point OpenJMS Message Service
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Samples are organized by chapter, and then by "application" or example name. You should open a project in Visual Studio .NET through the .sln (solution) file. Note that Visual Studio .NET automatically creates various temporary and debugging files in the obj and bin sub-directory for each project. The actual uncompiled code is only the .vb files that are contained in the root project directory.
标签: application organized Samples chapter
上传时间: 2015-12-14
The present document specifies the CAMEL Application Part (CAP) supporting the fourth phase of the network feature Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic. CAP is based on a sub-set of the ETSI Core INAP CS-2 as specified by ETSI EN 301 140 1 [26]. Descriptions and definitions provided by ETSI EN 301 140 1 [26] are directly referenced by this standard in the case no additions or clarifications are needed for the use in the CAP.
标签: the Application supporting specifies
上传时间: 2015-12-24
其中:ClientInfor.inf 文件: 第一行的数据表示: 客户端游戏版本号 第一行的数据表示: 更新文件存放的网络路径 UpdateInfor.inf文件: 第一行的数据表示: 最新游戏版本号 第二行的数据表示: 有多少文件需要更新 后面每行的数据表示: 需要更新的文件的名称 frmUpdate.frm窗体: 负责下载 modZip.BAS模块: 只负责用来压缩文件和解压缩文件的 其中的 UnZipTo 函数用来解压缩的 zlib.dll: 为WinZip的dll文件 更新完毕后,ClientInfor.inf文件的第一行的数据会变为最新版本号 frmUpdate.frm窗体代码如下: Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() Dim strClientInfor() As String Dim strUpdateInfor() As String Dim nNum As Integer 存
标签: ClientInfor UpdateInfor inf 数据表示
上传时间: 2013-12-24
SDRAM 参考设计:主要包括The following figure shows a high-level block diagram for this reference design followed by a brief description of each sub-section. The design consists of: · PowerPC processor · PLB-OPB bridge · BlockRAM Memory Controller · SDRAM Controller · Two GPIO ports · A UART Port · External SDRAM
标签: high-level following reference diagram
上传时间: 2013-12-15
OFDM Modem Applications • Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) • Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) • Broadband Wireless Access (802.16x) • Wireless LAN (802.11x & HiperLAN) Orthogonal OFDM Sub-carriers Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
标签: Broadcast Digital 8226 Applications
上传时间: 2016-03-23
ears-0.32, linux下有用的语音信号处理工具包,包括音频文件的读取,fft的计算和critical bands的计算
上传时间: 2013-12-12
The last step in training phase is refinement of the clusters found above. Although DynamicClustering counters all the basic k-means disadvantages, setting the intra-cluster similarity r may require experimentation. Also, a cluster may have a lot in common with another, i.e., sequences assigned to it are as close to it as they are to another cluster. There may also be denser sub-clusters within the larger ones.
标签: DynamicClusteri refinement Although clusters
上传时间: 2014-01-04