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  • 1) 兼容FAT16文件系统

    1) 兼容FAT16文件系统,长文件名,最大路径长度260个字节,符合Microsoft Longfilename SPECIFICATION。 2) 可移植于各种平台,只需编写sector驱动驱动,共计两个函数:1)read_flash_sector() 2)write_flash_sector()。 3) 文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4) 可同时打开多个文件;最大打开文件数可使用编译宏MaximumFCB设定,MaximumFCB最大值限定为254。 5) 文件保护功能:文件可同时打开多个FCB,而只有其中一个FCB可以得到文件RD/WR权限。该功能完全由文件系统代码来完成,上层应用无需编写额外代码。 6) 所有编译宏存放于文件fat_cfg.h。 (本代码只供测试,研究,设计使用,如需用于商业应用,请与作者联系购买许可,qq:292942278,E-MAIL:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)

    标签: FAT 16 兼容 文件系统

    上传时间: 2017-01-09


  • Modbus协议

    Modbus协议,中文版 前 言 第一部分:Modbus协议 1 引言 2 缩略语 3 背景概要 4 总体描述 5 功能码分类 6 功能码描述 7 MODBUS异常响应 的实现指南 1 引言 2 Modbus数据链路层 3 物理层 4 安装和文件 5 实现等级 6 附录 Modbus .org Modbus Application Protocol SPECIFICATION 第三部分:Modbus协议在TCP/IP上 1 引言 2 缩略语 3 背景概要 4 功能描述 5 实现指南

    标签: Modbus 协议

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • MPI stands for the Message Passing Interface. Written by the MPI Forum (a large committee comprising

    MPI stands for the Message Passing Interface. Written by the MPI Forum (a large committee comprising of a cross-section between industry and research representatives), MPI is a standardized API typically used for parallel and/or distributed computing. The MPI standard is comprised of 2 documents: MPI-1 (published in 1994) and MPI-2 (published in 1996). MPI-2 is, for the most part, additions and extensions to the original MPI-1 SPECIFICATION. The MPI-1 and MPI-2 documents can be downloaded from the official MPI Forum web site: http://www.mpi-forum.org/. Open MPI is an open source, freely available implementation of both the MPI-1 and MPI-2 documents. The Open MPI software achieves high performance the Open MPI project is quite receptive to community input.

    标签: comprising MPI Interface committee

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 1)兼容FAT16文件系统

    1)兼容FAT16文件系统,长文件名,最大路径长度260个字节,符合Microsoft Longfilename SPECIFICATION。 2)可移植于各种平台,只需编写sector驱动驱动,共计两个函数:1)read_flash_sector() 2)write_flash_sector()。 3)文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4)可同时打开多个文件;最大打开文件数可使用编译宏MaximumFCB设定,MaximumFCB最大值限定为254。 5)文件保护功能:文件可同时打开多个FCB,而只有其中一个FCB可以得到文件RD/WR权限。该功能完全由文件系统代码来完成,上层应用无需编写额外代码。 6)所有编译宏存放于文件fat_cfg.h。

    标签: FAT 16 兼容 文件系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 嵌入式FAT16文件系统源码下载1) 兼容FAT16文件系统

    嵌入式FAT16文件系统源码下载1) 兼容FAT16文件系统,长文件名,最大路径长度260个字节,符合Microsoft Longfilename SPECIFICATION。 2) 可移植于各种平台,只需编写sector驱动驱动,共计两个函数:1)read_flash_sector() 2)write_flash_sector()。 3) 文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4) 可同时打开多个文件;最大打开文件数可使用编译宏MaximumFCB设定,MaximumFCB最大值限定为254。 5) 文件保护功能:文件可同时打开多个FCB,而只有其中一个FCB可以得到文件RD/WR权限。该功能完全由文件系统代码来完成,上层应用无需编写额外代码。 6) 所有编译宏存放于文件fat_cfg.h。

    标签: FAT 16 文件系统 嵌入式

    上传时间: 2017-02-21


  • Alicebot and AIML Software Implementations The AI Foundation and our community has three open sour

    Alicebot and AIML Software Implementations The AI Foundation and our community has three open source free software "products" 1. The SPECIFICATION of the AIML language itself. 2. Various free software interpreters that implement (1). 3. The contents of the ALICE brain written in AIML (and other free AIML sets that exist).

    标签: Implementations Foundation and community

    上传时间: 2017-04-23


  • This example program is the source code for the FT232BM Test Application from our Utilities page.

    This example program is the source code for the FT232BM Test Application from our Utilities page. It can be used to test the handshaking lines on FT232BM based RS232/RS485/RS422 designs. This program can also be used for programming the external EEPROM over USB in a manufacturing environment. The test features require the test cable shown on ST_232_245.pdf to be connected. Our D2XX direct drivers should be installed for this application. The code can be modified to fit your requirements. To download the application source code , click here. To download the test cable SPECIFICATION, click here.

    标签: Application Utilities the example

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • The objective is to set up SPI communication between VTI Technologies digital pressure sensor comp

    The objective is to set up SPI communication between VTI Technologies digital pressure sensor component and an MCU of an application device ATMEGA16L. In this code example: ?The MCU is configured ?SCP1000-D01 is initialized and configured ?The high resolution measurement mode is activated ?Temperature and pressure information is read always when the DRDY pin is in high state Please refer to the document "SCP1000 Product Family SPECIFICATION 8260800" for further information on SCP1000 register addressing and SPI communication. This document applies to the SCP1000-D01.

    标签: communication Technologies objective pressure

    上传时间: 2017-06-17


  • This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the freque

    This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the frequency content and phase of input signals according to some SPECIFICATION. Two classes of frequency-selective digital filters are considered: infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The design process consists of determining the coefficients of the IIR or FIR filters, which results in the desired magnitude and phase response being closely approximated.

    标签: application considers frequency the

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the freque

    This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the frequency content and phase of input signals according to some SPECIFICATION. Two classes of frequency-selective digital filters are considered: infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The design process consists of determining the coefficients of the IIR or FIR filters, which results in the desired magnitude and phase response being closely approximated.

    标签: application considers frequency the

    上传时间: 2014-01-04
