7 Series FPGAs Memory Interface SOLUTIONs v1.9 Data Sheet (AXI)
标签: 7 Series FPGAs Memory Interface SOLUTIONs v1.9 Data Sheet (AXI)
上传时间: 2015-06-03
algorithm design and applications SOLUTIONs goodrich 习题部分答案
标签: applications SOLUTIONs Algorithm design for and
上传时间: 2017-02-03
【摘要】介绍一种滤波器辅助设计软件Filter SOLUTIONs,利用其设计一款常用的带通滤波器,并将仿真曲线与实测结果进行比较。【关键词】Filter SOLUTIONs;滤波器;辅助设计Use Filter SOLUTIONs aid filter design Abstract:Introduce a software-Filter SOLUTIONs,which aid to design filter.Use it to digign a common band pass filter,then compare the result ofreslstemeasweothe simuetur,I1.Com Key words:Filter SOLUTIONs;filter;aid design1引言广义上的滤波器深入到我们生活中的每一个角落,人眼对图像的反应符合低通滤波器的特征,人耳对声音的反应则符合带通滤波器的特征。随着近年来电子工业的飞速发展,滤波器已成为电子技术应用中不可缺少的基础器件之一,尤其广泛地应用于通信领域。能快捷而准确地设计出预期特性的滤波器已成为所有电子工程师越来越强烈的需要。
上传时间: 2022-06-25
In a world experiencing challenging transitions in multiple arenas—energy, healthcare, industry,finance, and security, to name a few—Maxim Integrated’s Industrial and Medical SOLUTIONsGroup offers superior signal chain SOLUTIONs that are innovative, accurate, and cost-effective.
上传时间: 2013-11-12
•Founded in Jan. 08, 2001 in Shanghai, China.•Fabless IDH focused on Analog & Mixed Signal Chip design & marketing •Over 100 IC introduced.•Over 200 OEM Customer worldwide•ISO-9000 Certified•Distribution Channel in Taiwan, China & Japan To achieve 100% customer satisfactionby producing the technically advanced product with the best quality, on-time delivery and service. Leverages on proprietary process and world-class engineering team to develop innovative & high quality analog SOLUTIONs that add value to electronics equipment.
标签: Circuit Analog Design Porta
上传时间: 2013-10-24
We provide complete power SOLUTIONs with a full lineup of power managementproducts. This brochure provides an overview of our high performance DC/DC switching regulatorcontrollers for applications including datacom, telecom, industrial, automotive, medical, avionicsand control systems. We make power design easier with our industry-leading field applicationengineering support; a broad selection of demonstration boards with schematics, layout filesand parts lists; SwitcherCAD® software for simulation, application notes and comprehensivetechnical documentation.
上传时间: 2013-10-15
Abstract: Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are used in a wide variety of applications and end markets, including digital signalprocessing, medical imaging, and high-performance computing. This application note outlines the issues related to powering FPGAs.It also discusses Maxim's SOLUTIONs for powering Altera® FPGAs.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
A number of conventional SOLUTIONs have been available forthe design of a DC/DC converter where the output voltageis within the input voltage range—a common scenarioin Li-Ion battery-powered applications—but none werevery attractive until now. Conventional topologies, suchas SEPIC or boost followed by buck, have numerousdisadvantages, including low effi ciency, complex magnetics,polarity inversion and/or circuit complexity/cost. TheLTC®3785 buck-boost controller yields a simple, effi cient,low parts-count, single-converter solution that is easyto implement, thus avoiding the drawbacks associatedwith traditional SOLUTIONs.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
Each year Vishay releases thousands of new components that enable our customers to create new and superior end products. We recognize that offering unique component SOLUTIONs helps improve the performance of next-generation devices, overcome technical barriers, and create new markets.
上传时间: 2013-12-14
As environmental concerns over traditional lighting increaseand the price of LEDs decreases, high power LEDsare fast becoming a popular lighting solution for offl ineapplications. In order to meet the requirements of offl inelighting—such as high power factor, high effi ciency, isolationand TRIAC dimmer compatibility—prior LED driversused many external discrete components, resulting incumbersome SOLUTIONs. The LT®3799 solves complexity,space and performance problems by integrating all therequired functions for offl ine LED lighting.
上传时间: 2013-10-13