我搜索了这个网站,见提供的CD player都是 c++,delphi源程序的;我就提供一个用win32汇编写的CD player。功能跟界面绝对不输于用上面软件编写的,具体功能如下: 1. CD loop. 2. Track loop. 3. Random track play. 4. Track sample. 5. Play list. 6. Track select. 7. Master volume control. 8. CD Speaker volume controls. 9. Multiple CD drive support.
上传时间: 2015-07-14
Visual.C++编程技巧精选500例随书附盘 第1章 消息框 1.消息框设置演示 第2章 常用控件 13.如何使用picturebox 控件浏览多种格式的图像? 12.如何使listcontrol控件支持整栏选择? 11.如何在列表框中自动装载磁盘文件列表? 10.如何显示载有richedit 控件的对话框? 9.如何限制编辑控件输入的字符类型? 8.如何在程序窗口中创建按钮控件? 7.按钮设置演示 6.如何使用滚动条控件? 5.如何使用进度条控件? 4.如何使用列表控件? 3.如何使用树形控件? 2.如何使用标签控件? 1.如何使用滑块控件? 第3章 通用对话框 8.如何在程序启动时弹出文件打开对话框? 7.如何在文件对话框中预览位图文件? 6.文件对话框文件夹操作演示 5.文件对话框使用演示 4.如何使用查找与替换对话框? 3.如何使用页面设置对话框? 2.如何使用颜色对话框? 1.如何使用字体对话框? 第4章 标题栏与菜单栏 26.如何在子菜单中记录历史文件? 25.如何确定顶层菜单所占的行数? 24.如何取消对菜单状态的限制? 23.如何取消应用程序菜单栏? 22.如何获取菜单栏高度? 21.如何在对话框类型的应用程序中加载菜单? 20.如何设计自定义快捷菜单? 19.如何创建一个弹出式菜单? 18.如何触发一个菜
标签: picturebox Visual list 500
上传时间: 2015-07-14
Turbo C - (C) Copyright 1987, 1988 by Borland International */ #define S_IREAD 0x0100 /* from SYS\STAT.H */ #define S_IWRITE 0x0080 /* from SYS\STAT.H */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define MSGHEADER "MICROCALC - A Turbo C Demonstration Program" #define MSGKEYPRESS "Press any key to continue." #define MSGCOMMAND "Press / for the list of commands" #define MSGMEMORY "Memory Available:" #define MSGERROR "ERROR" 部分说明 #define MSGLOMEM "Not enough memory to allocate cell." #define MSGEMPTY "Empty" #define MSGTEXT "Text"
标签: International Copyright Borland S_IREAD
上传时间: 2013-12-26
#define MSGHEADER "MICROCALC - A Turbo C Demonstration Program" #define MSGKEYPRESS "Press any key to continue." #define MSGCOMMAND "Press / for the list of commands" #define MSGMEMORY "Memory Available:" #define MSGERROR "ERROR" #define MSGLOMEM "Not enough memory to allocate cell."
标签: define Demonstration MSGKEYPRESS MSGHEADER
上传时间: 2015-07-22
PIECEWISE_EVAL: evaluates a piecewise function of x usage: y = PIECEWISE_EVAL(x,breakpoints,funs) arguments (input) x - vector or array of points to evaluate though the function breakpoints - list of n breakpoints, -inf and +inf are implicitly
标签: PIECEWISE_EVAL breakpoints evaluates piecewise
上传时间: 2014-01-25
开发工具:iar for c51 主要IC:tusb2136(ti)(8052内核) 主要应用:PC外接usb键盘,智能手机/PDA外接usb键盘 备注:使用keil开发工具编译时需要将地址分配固定,对照firmware/release/list下map文件修改源码
上传时间: 2015-08-13
This MagicARM 2410 GPRS sample codes and BENQ M22 GPRS datasheet, the sample code inlcude GPRS dialup, GPRS SMS and GPRS Remote Control
标签: GPRS sample datasheet MagicARM
上传时间: 2014-01-19
LemonSMS is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution for application developers to incorporate into their Java applications the functionality of sending and processing of incoming SMS messages. LemonSMS acts as a middleware between a Java application and a GSM Modem or Data enabled phone. Because LemonSMS only provides an interface to the added SMS functionality, your application still handles access to data and business logic tier. With the easy-to-use LemonSMS API, developers can easily utilize SMS functionalities provided by LemonSMS.
标签: application component developed developer
上传时间: 2013-12-29
* DEFINITION * This is the header file for a library module used to calculate the median * of a list of values. It finds the value that would be in the center if * the list were sorted. If the list contains an even number of values, the * lower of the two center values is reported. The values themselves are not * sorted or modified in any way. This algorithm can be used as a filtering * tool for rejecting noisy data.
标签: DEFINITION calculate the library
上传时间: 2015-09-07
some csh scripts, for example, you can find the best machine with light loading, you can find a special process on a list of server.
上传时间: 2015-09-08