PIECEWISE_EVAL: evaluates a piecewise function of x usage: y = PIECEWISE_EVAL(x,breakpoints,funs) arguments (input) x - vector or array of points to evaluate though the function breakpoints - list of n breakpoints, -inf and +inf are implicitly
标签: PIECEWISE_EVAL breakpoints evaluates piecewise
上传时间: 2014-01-25
ollydbg完全教程。OllyDbg 是一种具有可视化界面的 32 位汇编-分析调试器。它的特别之处在于可以在没有源代码时解决问题,并且可以处理其它编译器无法解决的难题。 一,什么是 OllyDbg? 二,一般原理[General principles] 三,反汇编器[Disassembler] 四,分析器[Analysis] 五,Object扫描器[Object scanner] 六,Implib扫描器 [Implib scanner] 七,如何开始调试[How to start debugging session] 八,CPU 窗口[CPU window] 九,断点[breakpoints] 十,内存映射窗口[Memory map window] 十一、十二,监视与监察器[Watches and inspectors] 十三,线程[Threads] 十四,复制到剪切板[Copy to clipboard] 十五,调用栈[Call stack] 十六,调用树[Call tree] 十七,选项[Options] 十八,搜索[Search] 十九,自解压文件[Self-extracting (SFX) files] 二十,单步执行与自动执行[Step-by-step execution and animation] 二一,Hit跟踪[Hit trace]
上传时间: 2016-01-02
This document is an operation guide for the MPC8XXFADS board. It contains operational, functional and general information about the FADS. The MPC8XXFADS is meant to serve as a platform for s/ w and h/w development around the MPC8XX family processors. Using its on-board resources and its associated debugger, a developer is able to download his code, run it, set breakpoints, display memory and registers and connect his own proprietary h/w via the expansion connectors, to be incorporated to a desired system with the MPC8XX processor.
标签: operational MPC8XXFADS functional operation
上传时间: 2014-03-10
The ISD51_Demo project for the MSC1200 shows how to use the ISD51 In-System-Debugger with flash breakpoints or hardware breakpoints. By default, it is configured for flash breakpoints which allow you to set real-time breakpoints in your software. Using Flash breakpoints has also the benefit that no special handing for the shared interrupt vector is required, since the hardware break registers of the MSC1200 are not used at all.
标签: In-System-Debugger ISD the project
上传时间: 2014-11-18
USB driver, J-Mem jlink.exe and jlinkarm.dll J-Flash* J-Link RDI* (includes flashdownloader* and support for unlimited number of flash breakpoints*) GDB server*
标签: flashdownloader includes jlinkarm J-Flash
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Fiddler is a free web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Inspect traffic, set breakpoints
上传时间: 2016-06-03