The C++ version of the IQmath librray requires the C header file and is built on top of the C functions and definitions. See "Building A Project" section of this Read Me file on how to include the above files in a user C++ program/project.
标签: the requires version librray
上传时间: 2017-07-26
题库系统与试卷生成毕业设计含论文 一般情况教师想出一份试卷,要么到庞大的题库里一道一道的把题找出来,或是从几本相关的书里把题一道一道挑出来。这样即费时又费力,而且很难保证试题的覆盖面和把握好试卷的难度。正是为了能够帮助教师轻松的出一份高质量的试卷而开发了本软件。为了达到预期的目标我们最终选择了Microsoft Office Word做为本软件的终端输出。本软件是在对现有控件的改进和VBA编程的研究的基础上开发的。本软件实现了以下主要功能:1.手动生成试卷;2.自动生成试卷;3.抽取现有试卷;4.用户管理;5.数据库管理。大量的测试表明本软件在Windows 98/me/2000/XP平台配合Office XP/2003 的环境下程序运行稳定且各项功能运行得都很正确,基本达到了预期的要求!!
上传时间: 2017-07-26
上传时间: 2017-07-29
Those who are working on power system optimisatio, for them here is all the load flow programs from book hadi sadat. It i the 1st part. Second part is also uploaded in this site by me
标签: optimisatio programs working system
上传时间: 2017-07-30
Introduction to the RTX51, a multitasking real-time operating system for the 8051 family. RTX51 simplifies system and software design of complex and time-critical projects.
标签: Introduction multitasking the RTX
上传时间: 2017-08-01
This book was made possible by a cast of characters too numerous to mention, but I’ll point out the ones I remember, and hope that the people I forget (or don’t even know about) will forgive me and not T.P. my house.
标签: characters possible numerous mention
上传时间: 2014-06-17
PGP SDK 包括大范围的标准加密、数字签名和编解码技术,以及各种网络安全协议执行程序。PGP SDK为开发人员提供同其他PGP产品核心相同的核加密功能。 PGP SDK技术说明:PGP SDK是我们的加密和密钥管理库的C接口,支持以下平台: · Windows 98, Millennium (ME), NT, 2000, and XP · Mac OS X · Linux x86 with 2.0.x kernel or later · Sun Solaris SPARC 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7, or 2.8
上传时间: 2014-12-08
:将K—means算法引入到朴素贝叶斯分类研究中,提出一种基于K—means的朴素贝叶斯分类算法。首先用K— me.arks算法对原始数据集中的完整数据子集进行聚类,计算缺失数据子集中的每条记录与 个簇重心之间的相似度,把记 录赋给距离最近的一个簇,并用该簇相应的属性均值来填充记录的缺失值,然后用朴素贝叶斯分类算法对处理后的数据 集进行分类。实验结果表明,与朴素贝叶斯相比,基于K—means思想的朴素贝叶斯算法具有较高的分类准确率。
上传时间: 2017-08-18
This file for experiment of C8051 Microcontroller(SILABS company) with USB interface that use keil programming if you have some problem for this file, please contact me with
标签: Microcontroller experiment interface company
上传时间: 2017-08-24
I was pleasantly surprised when in November 2005 a message arrived from Wayne Wheeler, the new computer science editor of Springer Verlag, notifying me that he in tends to qualify this book as a Springer major reference work (MRW), thereby releasing past restrictions on page counts, freeing me from the constraint of having to compress my style, and making it possible to include important and interesting data compression methods that were either ignored or mentioned in passing in previous editions.
标签: pleasantly surprised November arrived
上传时间: 2014-12-22