with this rar file i am sending five source codes in vhdl for xor gate,xor gate using tristae gate,electronic voting machine,mod 16 counter,jk flip flop.please accept these codes and make me member of this site.so that i can download code from this site also.i really needed codes please accept that as soon as possible.
上传时间: 2013-12-18
This algorithm is to count the dark colored pixels in the input image. This can be used in goods sorting like rice, paddy etc... in paddy or rice or other goods or products to sort out the bad or defect one we can use this algorithm. I had done this for my Masters Degree as a small part and now i am releasing for you. rajesh.f, Kanayakumari district, India. contact me: rajesh1983jan10@yahoo.com
标签: This algorithm the colored
上传时间: 2017-05-02
this a 3d fdtd code using matlab and it can be used as a reference for other structures. Dear sir, i need the VIP access please let me have it.
标签: structures reference matlab other
上传时间: 2013-12-31
The xapp851.zip archive includes the following subdirectories. The specific contents of each subdirectory below: \rtl - HDL design files \sim - simulation files \synth - Synthesis related files \par - Place/Route related files
标签: subdirectories The following includes
上传时间: 2014-01-25
“ICD2 PIC仿真烧写器”是完全兼容Microchip的在线调试器MPLAB-ICD2的一个功能强大、低成本、高运行速度的开发工具。它利用Flash工艺芯片的程序区自读写功能,使用芯片来实现仿真调试功能。 “ICD2 PIC仿真烧写器”使用的软件平台是Microchip的MPLAB-IDE (集成开发环境软件包)或更高版本,兼容Windows 95/98/ME、Windows NT和 Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2003等操作系统。 其通信接口方式为USB2.0高速接口(最高可达12Mbit/s);工作电压范围为2.0~5.5V。 可烧写大约270种芯片、仿真大约250种芯片、无限升级,微芯将不断更新MPLAB IDE 软件。 与MPLAB ICD2USB完全兼容,是PIC单片机初学者与专业设计人员的最佳选择。
标签: Microchip MPLAB-ICD Flash ICD2
上传时间: 2014-01-05
TCHY- CDMA 无线上网Modem专为广大自由职业人员提供高效、便捷的无线通信。无论何时何地通过手提电脑都可自由移动上网。就象有线上网功能一样,不受WAP限制。适用于所有主要的操作系统,包括WINDOWS(XP ,2000 ,NT,98,ME)。
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Hello all, this is an Carsoft diagnostic interface for BMW. You can build your own and can retrive the hex file from me (nsittiop@yahoo.com)
标签: diagnostic can interface Carsoft
上传时间: 2013-11-25
Esto es una libreria de crc16 que encontre por internet. La pongo aqui para que si quereis la utiliceis. Hasta ahora a mi me ha funcionado bastante bien
标签: que encontre libreria internet
上传时间: 2017-06-03
企业短信群发系统,业务范围广泛的公司中,当公司有了新的通知要告诉在外地的员工,通常使用拨打电话的方式,这样虽然能把事情说清楚,但是当在外的员工比较多时,工作量很大,为了解决这个问题,可以开发一个企业短信群发管理系统。企业短信群发管理系统主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,并且可以查看SIM卡中收到的短信。本系统应具有以下功能: 电话簿管理。 常用语管理。 短信息发送。 短信息接收。 短信猫设置。
上传时间: 2013-12-23
DirectDisk for Win2000/NT allow you to directly access physical sectors from floppy, hard disks, logical volumes and CDRoms. It is released under the GPL license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt). Please mail me for whatever about this project. The HexEditor component is from Markus Stephany. More info in the included zip in the sources.
标签: DirectDisk directly physical sectors
上传时间: 2013-12-26