一个非常好的时间序列工具箱,详细使用说明见P. M. T. Broersen, Automatic Spectral Analysis with Time SERIES Models, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 51, No. 2, April 2002, pp. 211-216.
上传时间: 2014-01-14
American Gladiator,You are consulting for a game show in which n contestants are pitted against n gladiators in order to see which contestants are the best. The game show aims to rank the contestants in order of strength this is done via a SERIES of 1-on-1 matches between contestants and gladiators. If the contestant is stronger than the gladiator, then the contestant wins the match otherwise, the gladiator wins the match. If the contestant and gladiator have equal strength, then they are “perfect equals” and a tie is declared. We assume that each contestant is the perfect equal of exactly one gladiator, and each gladiator is the perfect equal of exactly one contestant. However, as the gladiators sometimes change from one show to another, we do not know the ordering of strength among the gladiators.
标签: contestants consulting Gladiator are
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Abstract:Noise frequency modulation(FM)jamming。which belongs to blanket jamming。is already become the main form ofnoise jamming at present。because the wideband was gained by it.Tne spectnlnl ofnoise FM jamming is analyzed by time domain autocorrelation method in this paper.It’S jamm g peculiarity and几out— putting signal’S jamming peculiarity ale explained.At last,these time SERIES models ofnoise FM jalllIIling sig— nal and几outputting signal ale built.
标签: jamming modulation frequency Abstract
上传时间: 2015-10-17
Verilog HDL: Magnitude For a vector (a,b), the magnitude representation is the following: A common approach to implementing these arithmetic functions is to use the Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm. The CORDIC algorithm calculates the trigonometric functions of sine, cosine, magnitude, and phase using an iterative process. It is made up of a SERIES of micro-rotations of the vector by a set of predetermined constants, which are powers of two. Using binary arithmetic, this algorithm essentially replaces multipliers with shift and add operations. In a Stratix™ device, it is possible to calculate some of these arithmetic functions directly, without having to implement the CORDIC algorithm.
标签: representation Magnitude the magnitude
上传时间: 2013-12-24
This program displays all SMBIOS/DMI information within the BIOS. The information is organized as a SERIES of Structures each of which is a certain Type. For more details, see a copy of the SMBIOS specification "System Management BIOS Reference Specification".
标签: information organized displays program
上传时间: 2014-08-11
这是个基于SYMBIAN OS的菜单管理程序,很适用于刚刚学SYMBIAN的朋友。大家多多研究下,学SYMBIAN一定要多看多写啊。这也是《SERIES 60》书中源码
上传时间: 2015-11-08
Spikes can be taken as absolute quantities of measuring values which are large than approximately four (expressed as variable [Times_SD] in the program)times of the standard deviation of the time SERIES, and can be removed by repeating 3 times with each time SERIES. When a measuring value with the deviation from the mean larger than four times of the standard deviation, the variable can be taken as NO_VALUE, and the number of spikes is saved into the variable [SpikeNum]. If the variable [Times_SD] is taken as four, many records will be removed, so the variable [Times_SD] can be taken as larger, for example eight.
标签: approximately quantities measuring absolute
上传时间: 2015-11-09
从s60平台移植到UIQ平台的例子代码:In this code we shall consider taking a simple HelloWorld GUI application written for the Nokia’s SERIES 60 reference design and transforming it into a HelloWorld example for the UIQ reference design.
标签: application HelloWorld consider taking
上传时间: 2016-01-08
State_space_reconstruction_parameters_in_the_analysis_of_chaotic_time_SERIES_-_the_role_of_the_time_window_length. It is used for reconstruction of state space in chaotic time SERIES, and also how to determine time window.
标签: State_space_reconstruction_parame ters_in_the_analysis_of_chaotic_t the_role_of_
上传时间: 2013-12-21
Nonlinear_dynamics_delay_times_and_embedding_windows. How to determine embedded window for chaotic state space of time SERIES
标签: Nonlinear_dynamics_delay_times_an d_embedding_windows determine embedded
上传时间: 2016-02-21