pico SERIES p400 operating manual
标签: operating manual SERIES pico p400
上传时间: 2019-06-03
S32K1xx SERIES Reference Manual 用户手册--2029页 Supports S32K116, S32K118, S32K142, S32K144, S32K146, and S32K148S32K是一款符合AEC-Q100规范、基于32位ARM Cortex-M4F和Cortex-M0+内核的MCU,适用于通用汽车和高可靠性工业应用。The S32K1xx product SERIES further extends the highly scalable portfolio of Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4F MCUs in the automotive industry. It builds on the legacy of the KEA SERIES, while introducing higher memory options alongside a richer peripheral set extending capability into a variety of automotive applications. With a 2.70–5.5 V supply and focus on automotive environment robustness, the S32K product SERIES devices are well suited to a wide range of applications in electrically harsh environments, and are optimized for cost-sensitive applications offering low pin-count options. The S32K product SERIES offers a broad range of memory, peripherals, and package options. It shares common peripherals and pin counts, allowing developers to migrate easily within an MCU family or among the MCU families to take advantage of more memory or feature integration. This scalability allows developers to use the S32K product SERIES as the standard for their end product platforms, maximizing hardware and software reuse and reducing time to market
标签: S32K116 S32K118 S32K142 S32K144
上传时间: 2022-04-16
Mentor Graphics HDL Designer 工具套件,为客户带来生产力更高的设计输入、分析与管理功能,包括更强大的联机资料表格,无论设计复杂性如何,都能迅速建立高品质且结构良好的硬件描述语言。HDL Designer SERIES可协助工程师迅速输入和分析复杂的ASIC、FPGA和系统单芯片设计,让客户新产品于更短时间内上
上传时间: 2013-04-15
近些年来,随着电力电子技术的发展,电力电子系统集成受到越来越多的关注,其中标准化模块的串并联技术成为研究热点之一。输入并联输出串联型(Input-Parallel and Output-SERIES,IPOS)组合变换器适用于大功率高输出电压的场合。 要保证IPOS组合变换器正常工作,必须保证其各模块的输出电压均衡。本文首先揭示了IPOS组合变换器中每个模块输入电流均分和输出电压均分之间的关系,在此基础上提出一种输出均压控制方案,该方案对系统输出电压调节没有影响。选择移相控制全桥(Full-Bridge,FB)变换器作为基本模块,对n个全桥模块组成的IPOS组合变换器建立小信号数学模型,推导出采用输出均压控制方案的IPOS-FB系统的数学模型,该模型证明各模块输出均压闭环不影响系统输出电压闭环的调节,给出了模块输出均压闭环和系统输出电压闭环的补偿网络参数设计。对于IPOS组合变换器,采用交错控制,由于电流纹波抵消效应,输入滤波电容容量可大大减小;由于电压纹波抵消作用,在相同的系统输出电压纹波下,各模块的输出滤波电容可大大减小,由此可以提高变换器的功率密度。 根据所提出的输出均压控制策略,在实验室研制了一台由两个1kW全桥模块组成的IPOS-FB原理样机,每个模块输入电压为270V,输出电压为180V。并进行了仿真和实验验证,结果均表明本控制方案是正确有效的。
上传时间: 2013-06-17
A dimming driver designed to drive an external n-channel MOSFET in SERIES with the LED string pro
上传时间: 2013-07-06
The A706 SERIES is a high voltage Boost driver with 6 channels adjustable constant current regula
上传时间: 2013-06-09
ZigBee通信模型,架构详细介绍。以DIGI公司的xbee(SERIES 2)模块为例,中英文对照,
标签: ZigBee_xbee
上传时间: 2013-07-21
W78XX规格书:The W7800 SERIES of three-terminal positive regulator is available in TO –220, ISOWATT220 a
标签: datahsheet W7800 规格书
上传时间: 2013-08-05
·详细说明:Actions 炬力 MP3 播放器2071、2073系列主控芯片 参考电路图,完整电路图。-Actions the torch strength MP3 player 2,071, 2,073 SERIES hosts control the chip reference circuit diagram, complete circuit diagram.
上传时间: 2013-04-24
·/Chris Nagy著/Texas Instruments Incorporated/292页/2003年出版
标签: nbsp Embedded Design System
上传时间: 2013-05-19