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  • XAPP228 -Virtex器件内的四端口存储器

    This application note describes how the existing dual-port block memories in the Spartan™-IIand Virtex™ families can be used as Quad-Port memories. This essentially involves a dataaccess time (halved) versus functionality (doubled) trade-off. The overall bandwidth of the blockmemory in terms of bits per second will remain the same.

    标签: Virtex XAPP 228 器件

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • XAPP806 -决定DDR反馈时钟的最佳DCM相移

    This application note describes how to build a system that can be used for determining theoptimal phase shift for a Double Data Rate (DDR) memory feedback clock. In this system, theDDR memory is controlled by a controller that attaches to either the OPB or PLB and is used inan embedded microprocessor application. This reference system also uses a DCM that isconfigured so that the phase of its output clock can be changed while the system is running anda GPIO core that controls that phase shift. The GPIO output is controlled by a softwareapplication that can be run on a PowerPC® 405 or Microblaze™ microprocessor.

    标签: XAPP 806 DDR DCM

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • XAPP708 -133MHz PCI-X到128MB DDR小型DIMM存储器桥

      The Virtex-4 features, such as the programmable IDELAY and built-in FIFO support, simplifythe bridging of a high-speed, PCI-X core to large amounts of DDR-SDRAM memory. Onechallenge is meeting the PCI-X target initial latency specification. PCI-X Protocol Addendum tothe PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.0a ([Ref 6]) dictates that when a target signals adata transfer, "the target must do so within 16 clocks of the assertion of FRAME#." PCItermination transactions, such as Split Response/Complete, are commonly used to meet thelatency specifications. This method adds complexity to the design, as well as additional systemlatency. Another solution is to increase the ratio of the memory frequency to the PCI-X busfrequency. However, this solution increases the required power and clock resource usage.

    标签: PCI-X XAPP DIMM 708

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • 数字与模拟电路设计技巧

    数字与模拟电路设计技巧IC与LSI的功能大幅提升使得高压电路与电力电路除外,几乎所有的电路都是由半导体组件所构成,虽然半导体组件高速、高频化时会有EMI的困扰,不过为了充分发挥半导体组件应有的性能,电路板设计与封装技术仍具有决定性的影响。 模拟与数字技术的融合由于IC与LSI半导体本身的高速化,同时为了使机器达到正常动作的目的,因此技术上的跨越竞争越来越激烈。虽然构成系统的电路未必有clock设计,但是毫无疑问的是系统的可靠度是建立在电子组件的选用、封装技术、电路设计与成本,以及如何防止噪讯的产生与噪讯外漏等综合考虑。机器小型化、高速化、多功能化使得低频/高频、大功率信号/小功率信号、高输出阻抗/低输出阻抗、大电流/小电流、模拟/数字电路,经常出现在同一个高封装密度电路板,设计者身处如此的环境必需面对前所未有的设计思维挑战,例如高稳定性电路与吵杂(noisy)性电路为邻时,如果未将噪讯入侵高稳定性电路的对策视为设计重点,事后反复的设计变更往往成为无解的梦魇。模拟电路与高速数字电路混合设计也是如此,假设微小模拟信号增幅后再将full scale 5V的模拟信号,利用10bit A/D转换器转换成数字信号,由于分割幅宽祇有4.9mV,因此要正确读取该电压level并非易事,结果造成10bit以上的A/D转换器面临无法顺利运作的窘境。另一典型实例是使用示波器量测某数字电路基板两点相隔10cm的ground电位,理论上ground电位应该是零,然而实际上却可观测到4.9mV数倍甚至数十倍的脉冲噪讯(pulse noise),如果该电位差是由模拟与数字混合电路的grand所造成的话,要测得4.9 mV的信号根本是不可能的事情,也就是说为了使模拟与数字混合电路顺利动作,必需在封装与电路设计有相对的对策,尤其是数字电路switching时,ground vance noise不会入侵analogue ground的防护对策,同时还需充分检讨各电路产生的电流回路(route)与电流大小,依此结果排除各种可能的干扰因素。以上介绍的实例都是设计模拟与数字混合电路时经常遇到的瓶颈,如果是设计12bit以上A/D转换器时,它的困难度会更加复杂。

    标签: 数字 模拟电路 设计技巧

    上传时间: 2014-02-12


  • 基于Verilog HDL设计的多功能数字钟

    本文利用Verilog HDL 语言自顶向下的设计方法设计多功能数字钟,突出了其作为硬件描述语言的良好的可读性、可移植性和易理解等优点,并通过Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 和ModelSim SE 6.0 完成综合、仿真。此程序通过下载到FPGA 芯片后,可应用于实际的数字钟显示中。 关键词:Verilog HDL;硬件描述语言;FPGA Abstract: In this paper, the process of designing multifunctional digital clock by the Verilog HDL top-down design method is presented, which has shown the readability, portability and easily understanding of Verilog HDL as a hard description language. Circuit synthesis and simulation are performed by Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 and ModelSim SE 6.0. The program can be used in the truly digital clock display by downloading to the FPGA chip. Keywords: Verilog HDL;hardware description language;FPGA

    标签: Verilog HDL 多功能 数字

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 开关电源EMI设计(英文版)

    Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei ZhangThesis submitted to the Faculty of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei Zhang(ABSTRACT)This work presents the modeling and analysis of EMI and thermal performancefor switch power supply by using the CAD tools. The methodology and design guidelinesare developed.By using a boost PFC circuit as an example, an equivalent circuit model is builtfor EMI noise prediction and analysis. The parasitic elements of circuit layout andcomponents are extracted analytically or by using CAD tools. Based on the model, circuitlayout and magnetic component design are modified to minimize circuit EMI. EMI filtercan be designed at an early stage without prototype implementation.In the second part, thermal analyses are conducted for the circuit by using thesoftware Flotherm, which includes the mechanism of conduction, convection andradiation. Thermal models are built for the components. Thermal performance of thecircuit and the temperature profile of components are predicted. Improved thermalmanagement and winding arrangement are investigated to reduce temperature.In the third part, several circuit layouts and inductor design examples are checkedfrom both the EMI and thermal point of view. Insightful information is obtained.

    标签: EMI 开关电源 英文

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • pcb layout规则

    LAYOUT REPORT .............. 1   目錄.................. 1     1. PCB LAYOUT 術語解釋(TERMS)......... 2     2. Test Point : ATE 測試點供工廠ICT 測試治具使用............ 2     3. 基準點 (光學點) -for SMD:........... 4     4. 標記 (LABEL ING)......... 5     5. VIA HOLE PAD................. 5     6. PCB Layer 排列方式...... 5     7.零件佈置注意事項 (PLACEMENT NOTES)............... 5     8. PCB LAYOUT 設計............ 6     9. Transmission Line ( 傳輸線 )..... 8     10.General Guidelines – 跨Plane.. 8     11. General Guidelines – 繞線....... 9     12. General Guidelines – Damping Resistor. 10     13. General Guidelines - RJ45 to Transformer................. 10     14. Clock Routing Guideline........... 12     15. OSC & CRYSTAL Guideline........... 12     16. CPU

    标签: layout pcb

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on both baseboard and add-in card PCB designs. This includes interconnects between PCI Express devices located on the same baseboard (chip-to-chip routing) and interconnects between a PCI Express device located “down” on the baseboard and a device located “up” on an add-in card attached through a connector. This document is intended to cover all major components of the physical interconnect including design guidelines for the PCB traces, vias and AC coupling capacitors, as well as add-in card edge-finger and connector considerations. The intent of the guidelines and examples is to help ensure that good high-speed signal design practices are used and that the timing/jitter and loss/attenuation budgets can also be met from end-to-end across the PCI Express interconnect. However, while general physical guidelines and suggestions are given, they may not necessarily guarantee adequate performance of the interconnect for all layouts and implementations. Therefore, designers should consider modeling and simulation of the interconnect in order to ensure compliance to all applicable specifications. The document is composed of two main sections. The first section provides an overview of general topology and interconnect guidelines. The second section concentrates on physical layout constraints where bulleted items at the beginning of a topic highlight important constraints, while the narrative that follows offers additional insight.  

    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 8259 VHDL代码

    a8259 可编程中断控制 altera提供 The a8259 is designed to simplify the implementation of the interrupt interface  in 8088 and 8086  based microcomputer systems. The device is known as a programmable interrupt controller.  The a8259 receives and prioritizes up to 8 interrupts,  and in the cascade mode, this can be expanded up to  64 interrupts. An asynchronous reset and a clock input have been added to improve operation and reliability.

    标签: 8259 VHDL 代码

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • 集合式直流电能表(小功率的)

    集合式直流电能表(小功率的) 特点: 精确度0.05%满刻度±1位数 可同时量测与显示/直流电压/电流/瓦特(千瓦)/瓦特小时(千瓦小时) 电压输入(DC0-99.99V/0-600.0V)自动变档功能 显示范围0-9999(电流/瓦特/千瓦),0至99999999(八位數瓦特小时)可任意规划 数位RS-485 界面 (Optional) 主要规格: 辅助电源消耗功率:<0.35VA(DC12V/DC24V) <0.5VA(DC48V) <1.5VA(AC90-240V(50/60Hz)) 精确度: 0.05% F.S. ±1 digit (23 ±5℃) 输入范围:Auto range(DC0-99.99V/0-600.0V(DC voltage)) 输入抗阻:>5MΩ(DC voltage) 取样时间:10 cycles/second(total) 过载显示: " doFL " 显示值范围: 0-9999 digit(DCA/W(KW)) 0-9999999.999 digit(WH/(KWH)) RS-485传输速度: 19200/9600/4800/2400 selective RS-485通讯位址: "01"-"FF"(0-255) RS-485通信协议: Modbus RTU mode 温度系数: 50ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 显示幕:Bight Red LEDs high 10.16 mm(0.4") 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆方式: Non-volatile E²PROM memory 绝缘耐压能力:2KVac/1min.(input/output)(RS-485(Isolating)) 1600 Vdc (input/output) (RS-485(Isolating)) 使用环境条件: 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 直流 电能表 小功率

    上传时间: 2013-11-20
