Description Calculate a+b Input Two integer a,b (0<=a,b<=101000) Output Output a + b SAmple Input 5 7 SAmple Output 12
标签: Description Calculate integer 101000
上传时间: 2014-01-25
Description 为了宣传本次“网宿科技杯”厦门大学第五届程序设计竞赛,系里面做了两张精美的海报。经过了精确的计算,为了达到最佳美观效果,每张海报都有自己最佳的粘贴位置。但是现在问题是,如果两张海报都要求贴在最佳位置时,很有可能有部分地方会重叠在一起。现在您来判断一下这两张海报是否重叠。 Input 输入包含两行,每一行有四个整数来描述这个海报的最佳粘贴位置,X,Y,W,H(-10000<= X,Y <= 10000)(0 < W, H <= 10000),X,Y表示海报左下角的坐标,W,H分别表示宽度和高度。 Output 输出"Yes"表示两张海报互相重叠(表示存在一个面积大于0的公共区域),否则输出"No"。(不包含引号,注意大小写) SAmple Input -10 -10 20 30 0 0 30 20 SAmple Output Yes
标签: Description 大学 程序设计 竞赛
上传时间: 2016-06-26
This directory builds the miniport driver for Adaptec’s 1540 family of SCSI controllers. This driver exports several functions which are used by SCSIPORT.SYS to issue SCSI requests to the devices attached to the controller, process adapter interrupts, and various other SCSI activities. This driver is also responsible for detecting non-Plug and Play 1540 SCSI controllers—the Plug and Play controllers are detected by the operating system—and for shutting down the controller during device removal or power management operations. This SAmple also demonstrates the use of the SCSIWMI library to add WMI functionality to SCSI miniports. This library can be linked into a miniport and provides most of the framework needed to expose WMI data blocks to SCSIPORT and the system.
标签: driver This controllers directory
上传时间: 2016-06-28
Addfilter is a command-line application which adds and removes filter drivers for a given drive or volume. It is intended to demonstrate how to insert a filter driver into the driver stack of a device. The SAmple illustrates how to do this by using the SetupDi APIs. The SAmple works on the x86 platform. It has only been tested in a 32-bit environment. Since Addfilter is not a driver, it does not deal with Plug and Play or Power Management. No INF file is needed to install this application.
标签: command-line application Addfilter drivers
上传时间: 2016-06-28
The production of this book required the efforts of many people, but two in particular deserve to be singled out for their diligent, sustained, and unselfish efforts. Sally Stickney, the book s principal editor, navigated me through that minefield called the English language and contributed greatly to the book s readability. Marc Young, whose talents as a technical editor are nothing short of amazing, was relentless in tracking down bugs, testing SAmple code, and verifying facts. Sally, Marc: This book is immeasurably better because of you. Thanks.
标签: production particular required efforts
上传时间: 2016-07-15
This programme is to control DC motor in a certain speed using PWM. The target speed is "r", it is the speed in 1s. The SAmple rate is 0.1s, so the actual speed target is "rc"=r/10. The "r" and "rc" are integer, and the range of "r" is from 50 to 100. Keep rc=r/10!!! The array "speed1" and "speed2" are the control result, in 0.1s and 1s. The length of "speed1" is 2400, and "speed2" is 240. The "pw" and "nw" are the parameters of PWM. The test will last 4 min.
标签: speed programme is control
上传时间: 2014-11-22
Today s ActionScript-based applications require increasingly sophisticated architectures and code. This book aids intermediate and advanced ActionScript developers in learning how to plan and build applications more effectively. You ll learn how to apply design patterns as solutions to common programming scenarios. Beyond a reference, Advanced ActionScript with Design Patterns is a practical guide complete with SAmple mini-applications illustrating each design pattern. The accompanying CD includes a trial version of Flash 8 along
标签: ActionScript-based architectures sophisticated applications
上传时间: 2016-08-17
Java MP3 Player, Here s a list of features: - Reads, creates, updates, and removes id3v2.3 and id3v2.4 tags - Reads, creates, updates, and removes id3v1 tags - Extracts MPEG data such as bit rate, SAmple rate, channel mode, etc. - Calculates playing time of mp3 from mpeg information (no good w/VBR) - Can read and create Winamp styled playlists - Offers other utility classes such as MP3FileFilter and MP3Comparator - NullsoftID3GenreTable object keeps a list of genres for you and can automatically determine the id3v1 genre from an id3v2 string or the other way around
标签: and features creates updates
上传时间: 2014-11-21
Easy Grid is a JS/PHP tool kit for data linear lists management. It can help you to create quickly interfaces of table list navigation and modification with AJAX features. High performance of the Grid is ensured by JSON data format. The Easy Grid includes sorting, filtering, pagination and mouse right click context menu. Files: grid.html - HTML of the grid file_controller.php - SAmple of grid controller with file-flat interface db_controller.php - SAmple of grid controller with DB interface SAmple.csv - SAmple of grid data source (VDB) SAmple.sql - SAmple of grid data source (MySQL) easygrid.js - Easy Gird library easygrid_contextmenu.js - Easy Grid context menu library
标签: management quickly create linear
上传时间: 2013-12-04
Linux Bible: 介紹包括 Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu , 及其他 7 種 Linux * Ideal for users planning the transition to Linux who want to SAmple different distributions to see which one best meets their needs * Includes sections on practical uses for Linux, multimedia apps, instant messaging, BT, and improved security techniques
标签: Linux planning KNOPPIX Fedora
上传时间: 2016-09-24