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  • .net下的软件架构设计。涵盖最经典的Gof24设计模式


    标签: net Gof 24 软件

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 数字运算

    数字运算,判断一个数是否接近素数 A Niven number is a number such that the sum of its digits divides itself. For example, 111 is a Niven number because the sum of its digits is 3, which divides 111. We can also specify a number in another base b, and a number in base b is a Niven number if the sum of its digits divides its value. Given b (2 <= b <= 10) and a number in base b, determine whether it is a Niven number or not. Input Each line of input contains the base b, followed by a string of digits representing a positive integer in that base. There are no leading zeroes. The input is terminated by a line consisting of 0 alone. Output For each case, print "yes" on a line if the given number is a Niven number, and "no" otherwise. SAmple Input 10 111 2 110 10 123 6 1000 8 2314 0 SAmple Output yes yes no yes no

    标签: 数字 运算

    上传时间: 2015-05-21


  • This toolbox contains Matlab code for several graph and mesh partitioning methods, including geometr

    This toolbox contains Matlab code for several graph and mesh partitioning methods, including geometric, spectral, geometric spectral, and coordinate bisection. It also has routines to generate recursive multiway partitions, vertex separators, and nested dissection orderings and it has some SAmple meshes and mesh generators. The toolbox contains a Matlab interface to Leland and Hendrickson s Chaco partitioning package, but it doesn t contain Chaco itself. The file "chaco/README" tells how to install the interface to Chaco. It also contains a Matlab interface to Karypis et al. s Metis partitioning package, using Robert Bridson s "metismex" code.

    标签: partitioning including contains toolbox

    上传时间: 2015-05-25


  • 2^x mod n = 1 acm竞赛题 Give a number n, find the minimum x that satisfies 2^x mod n = 1. Input

    2^x mod n = 1 acm竞赛题 Give a number n, find the minimum x that satisfies 2^x mod n = 1. Input One positive integer on each line, the value of n. Output If the minimum x exists, print a line with 2^x mod n = 1. Print 2^? mod n = 1 otherwise. You should replace x and n with specific numbers. SAmple Input 2 5 SAmple Output 2^? mod 2 = 1 2^4 mod 5 = 1

    标签: mod satisfies minimum number

    上传时间: 2015-06-02


  • 图论:最大支撑树算法实现 GraphM.h GraphOpr.h MaxST.cpp MaxST.dsp MaxST.dsw MaxST.h MaxST.ncb MaxST.opt

    图论:最大支撑树算法实现 GraphM.h GraphOpr.h MaxST.cpp MaxST.dsp MaxST.dsw MaxST.h MaxST.ncb MaxST.opt MaxST.plg MaxST.sln MaxST.vcproj SAmple.gph

    标签: MaxST GraphOpr GraphM cpp

    上传时间: 2015-06-03


  • Routine mar1psd: To compute the power spectum by AR-model parameters. Input parameters: ip : AR

    Routine mar1psd: To compute the power spectum by AR-model parameters. Input parameters: ip : AR model order (integer) ep : White noise variance of model input (real) ts : SAmple interval in seconds (real) a : Complex array of AR parameters a(0) to a(ip) Output parameters: psdr : Real array of power spectral density values psdi : Real work array in chapter 12

    标签: parameters AR-model Routine mar1psd

    上传时间: 2015-06-09


  • A C++ N-grams Package 2.0 This is a simple C++ n-grams package that includes a header, the correspo

    A C++ N-grams Package 2.0 This is a simple C++ n-grams package that includes a header, the corresponding cpp file, and a SAmple driver program. It is a natural language processing tool for creating n-gram profiles for text documents. The details on usage is documented in the header right above each public function defined. This package is based on Dr. Vlado Keselj s Perl package Text::Ngrams which is available in CPAN.

    标签: includes correspo N-grams Package

    上传时间: 2015-06-12


  • This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Networ

    This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network. The user supplies a set of training points which represent some "SAmple" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of equally spaced gaussian centers and the variance for the network. Using the training SAmples, the weights multiplying each of the gaussian basis functions arecalculated using the pseudo-inverse (yielding the minimum least-squares solution). The resulting network is then used to approximate the function between the given "SAmple" points.

    标签: approximation demonstrates capabilities Function

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • This package contains example software and associated documentation for the ColdFire MCF5249 micro

    This package contains example software and associated documentation for the ColdFire MCF5249 microprocessor. The software includes SAmple processor initialization routines for the MCF5249 running a M5249C3 evaluation board as well as the following SAmple applications: simple - empty application template fat - factory acceptance test for the M5249C3 The software has currently been built and tested under Metrowerks CodeWarrior

    标签: documentation associated ColdFire contains

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edi

    Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edition) Author: David R. Musser / Gillmer J. Derge / Atul Saini / Gilmer J. Derge Publisher: Addison-Wesley Page: 560 Edition: 2nd edition (March 27, 2001) Format: PDF Summary: The Standard Template Library was created as the first library of genetic algorithms and data structures, with four ideas in mind: generic programming, abstractness without loss of efficiency, the Von Neumann computation model, and value semantics. This guide provides a tutorial, a description of each element of the library, and SAmple applications. The expanded second edition includes new code examples and demonstrations of the use of STL in real-world C++ software development it reflects changes made to STL for the final ANSI/ISO C++ language standard.

    标签: Programming Reference Standard Template

    上传时间: 2014-01-19
