FTP服务器示例 实现客户发出请求下载服务端文件的功能 服务器能同时响应多个客户的请求 编译方式: cc TcpSer.c -o TcpSer -lsocket
上传时间: 2013-12-21
显示ARP缓存信息.A R P高效运行的关键是由于每个主机上都有一个A R P高速缓存。这个高速缓存存放了最 近I n t e r n e t地址到硬件地址之间的映射记录。高速缓存中每一项的生存时间一般为2 0分钟,起 始时间从被创建时开始算起。
上传时间: 2013-12-27
这是一个在DSP 上用C编程实现的g.723标准实现的语音通讯程序
上传时间: 2014-01-12
(c) o reilly - programming embedded systems in c and c
标签: programming embedded systems reilly
上传时间: 2014-01-06
bcb s I/O library in WinXP
上传时间: 2013-12-17
s rgefr ezsrsers efgvzserse eb zsegfr e erg
标签: efgvzserse ezsrsers zsegfr rgefr
上传时间: 2015-07-05
c源代码标准是 g.723.1的 完整的压缩包
上传时间: 2013-12-24
C++ Template Metaprogramming sheds light on the most powerful idioms of today s C++, at long last delivering practical metaprogramming tools and techniques into the hands of the everyday programmer. A metaprogram is a program that generates or manipulates program code. Ever since generic programming was introduced to C++, programmers have discovered myriad "template tricks" for manipulating programs as they are compiled, effectively eliminating the barrier between program and metaprogram. While excitement among C++ experts about these capabilities has reached the community at large, their practical application remains out of reach for most programmers. This book explains what metaprogramming is and how it is best used. It provides the foundation you ll need to use the template metaprogramming effectively in your own work.
标签: Metaprogramming Template powerful idioms
上传时间: 2013-11-30
*水季JSP环境探针 v1.1 * *Copyright (C) 2005 by 水季 * *E-mail:water-season@sohu.com * *QQ:176291935 * *http://bbs.iaiai.com * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* *警告:请不要随便修改以上版权信息! *
标签: water-season Copyright 176291935 E-mail
上传时间: 2013-12-17
keil C 防真程序g 一些简单的C程序...可以防真键盘情况,第一次写的.
上传时间: 2013-11-27