Addison Wesley - Imperfect C++. Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming
标签: Programming Imperfect Practical Solutions
上传时间: 2015-03-30
The traffic light is timed and lets cars pass during a specific time period. There is a pedestrial crossing button that lets pedestrians cross. The lights are connected to Port 1. You can see this in action using dScope.
标签: pedestrial specific traffic during
上传时间: 2014-01-22
51下RTC的例子 本目录总共有以下部分: 1.项目文件PCF8563.uv2,TIME.uv2。 2.调试源程序PCF8563_s.asm和PCF8563_S.c。 3.模拟I2C文件包VI2C_ASM.inc和VI2C_C51.h用户可以直接调用。
上传时间: 2014-01-20
Shell源码:find查找日期为某一天的文件 A=`find ~ -print` | ls -l --full-time $A 2>/dev/null | grep "Jun 27" | grep 1998 下面这个script,存成一个符合规则名字的文件,置上x属性就行了。
标签: find full-time Shell print
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Clock 桌面时钟 日历 阴历 看到的delphi程序 转发
上传时间: 2014-01-08
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This package contains assembly programs for testing how many clock cycles a piece of code takes to execute.
标签: contains assembly programs package
上传时间: 2013-11-25
DAC outputs a sine wave 550Hz to DAC0. Rate calculations assume defualt clock of 2.097152MHz 针对于ADUC848
标签: calculations DAC 2.097152 outputs
上传时间: 2015-05-02
This m-file displays the time waveform for the Gaussian pulse function and the first and second derivatives of the Gaussian pulse function for a 0.5 nanosecond pulse width. Other values of pulse widths may be used by changing fs,t,t1. The program uses the actual first and second derivative equations for the Gaussian pulse waveforms. The first derivative is considered to be the monocycle or monopulse as discussed in most papers. The second derivative is the waveform generated from a dipole antenna used in a UWB system. Other information is contained in the file.
上传时间: 2015-05-08
LPC2200 PC端EasyARM软件,用于 UART ,Time等实验
上传时间: 2013-11-25