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  • XAPP806 -决定DDR反馈时钟的最佳DCM相移

    This application note describes how to build a system that can be used for determining theoptimal phase shift for a Double Data Rate (DDR) memory feedback clock. In this system, theDDR memory is controlled by a controller that attaches to either the OPB or PLB and is used inan embedded microprocessor application. This reference system also uses a DCM that isconfigured so that the phase of its output clock can be changed while the system is running anda GPIO core that controls that phase shift. The GPIO output is controlled by a softwareapplication that can be run on a PowerPC® 405 or Microblaze™ microprocessor.

    标签: XAPP 806 DDR DCM

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • 基于FPGA+DSP模式的智能相机设计

    针对嵌入式机器视觉系统向独立化、智能化发展的要求,介绍了一种嵌入式视觉系统--智能相机。基于对智能相机体系结构、组成模块和图像采集、传输和处理技术的分析,对国内外的几款智能相机进行比较。综合技术发展现状,提出基于FPGA+DSP模式的硬件平台,并提出智能相机的发展方向。分析结果表明,该系统设计可以实现脱离PC运行,完成图像获取与分析,并作出相应输出。 Abstract:  This paper introduced an embedded vision system-intelligent camera ,which was for embedded machine vision systems to an independent and intelligent development requirements. Intelligent camera architecture, component modules and image acquisition, transmission and processing technology were analyzed. After comparing integrated technology development of several intelligent cameras at home and abroad, the paper proposed the hardware platform based on FPGA+DSP models and made clear direction of development of intelligent cameras. On the analysis of the design, the results indicate that the system can run from the PC independently to complete the image acquisition and analysis and give a corresponding output.

    标签: FPGA DSP 模式 智能相机

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 三菱FX-PLC的通讯协议参考(含有源码)

    三菱FX-PLC 的通讯协议参考(含有源码):三菱FX 系列PLC 专用协议通信指令一览FX 系列PLC 专用协议通信指令一览以下将详细列出PLC 专用协议通信的指令指令 注释BR 以1 点为单位,读出位元件的状态WR 以16 点为单位,读出位元件的状态,或以1 字为单位读出字元件的值BW 以1 点为单位,写入位元件的状态WW 以16 点为单位,写入位元件的状态或以1 字为单位写入值到字元件BT 以1 点为单位,SET/RESET 位元件WT 以16 点为单位,SET/RESET 位元件,或写入值到字元件RR 控制PLC 运行RUNRS 控制PLC 停止STOPPC 读出PLC 设备类型TT 连接测试注:位元件包括X,Y,M,S 以及T,C 的线圈等字元件包括D,T,C,KnX,KnY,KnM 等。

    标签: FX-PLC 三菱 通讯协议 有源

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • 摘要  ? ? ? ?     设计时的自动化加快了编码

    摘要  ? ? ? ?     设计时的自动化加快了编码,并保证所有过程都用相同的命名规范和结构来生成。为了在大型 SQL 项目中尽量提高编码的效率,作者编写了一系列的设计时(design-time)存储过程,用它们来生成运行时(run-time)存储过程,并一直在工程中使用。最近,作者更新了其存储过程以便使用 SQL Server 2000 的特性,其中包括用户定义函数。本文所及内容涵盖创建并执行这些动态 T-SQL 脚本以使普通的数据库存储过程编码自动化。

    标签: 计时 自动化 编码

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • S3C44BOX的BIOS。可使用的命令:help --- show help ? --- = help date --- show or set current date time --

    S3C44BOX的BIOS。可使用的命令:help --- show help ? --- = help date --- show or set current date time --- show or set current time setweek --- set weekday clock --- show system running clock setmclk --- set system running clock setbaud ------ set baud rate ipcfg ------ show or set IP address load ------ load file to ram comload ------ load file from serial port run ------ run from sdram prog ------ program flash copy ------ copy flash from src to dst address boot ------ boot from flash backup ------ move bios to the top of flash md ------ show memory data move ------ move program from flash to sdram

    标签: help date show current

    上传时间: 2015-01-22


  • The Gray Watson debugging malloc library is C source code for a drop in replacement for the system m

    The Gray Watson debugging malloc library is C source code for a drop in replacement for the system malloc & other memory manage ment routines. What is unique about this library is that it contains a number of powerful debugging facilities including very comprehensive heap testing and ex- cellent run-time debugging information.

    标签: replacement debugging for library

    上传时间: 2015-02-05


  • URL编程例子

    URL编程例子,通过IP获取计算机名字。运行方法:1. Compile: javac GetHost 2. Run: java GetHost IP or others)

    标签: URL 编程

    上传时间: 2015-02-13


  • a very simple program that prints "Hello World" to the serial port of the 8051. When you can success

    a very simple program that prints "Hello World" to the serial port of the 8051. When you can successfully build and run this program, you have used the entire toolset including:

    标签: the program success simple

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • 用java开发终端平台上的Application程序

    用java开发终端平台上的Application程序, 比使用C++,Delphi等语言更加容易。 java语言似乎天生就适合团队开发。但是,摆在广大java开发者面前的一个难题是,客户端必须安装JRE。真的必须安装JRE吗?其实你可以不装,只要使用Java Runner,无论在哪里,你的程序都可以Run起来。

    标签: Application java 程序

    上传时间: 2014-11-01


  • 这是一个测试Timer类用法的程序.程序会随机产生10个时间

    这是一个测试Timer类用法的程序.程序会随机产生10个时间, 并在时间到的时候出发Task类对象中的run方法

    标签: Timer 程序 测试 随机

    上传时间: 2015-03-21
