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  • 移位乘法器的输入为两个4位操作数a和b

    移位乘法器的输入为两个4位操作数a和b,启动乘法器由stb控制,clk信号提供系统定时。乘法器的结果为8位信号RESULT,乘法结束后置信号done为1. 乘法算法采用原码移位乘法,即对两个操作数进行逐位的移位相加,迭代4次后输出结果。具体算法: 1. 被乘数和乘数的高位补0,扩展成8位。 2. 乘法依次向右移位,并检查其最低位,如果为1,则将被乘数和部分和相加,然后将被乘数向左移位;如果为0,则仅仅将被乘数向左移位。移位时,被乘数的低端和乘数的高端均移入0. 3. 当乘数变成全0后,乘法结束。

    标签: 移位 乘法器 位操作 输入

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sen

    ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sends a message to the target machine, and then system wait for the response. Once system receives a message, it starts to analyze the message, according to the message s parameter system judges whether the message satisfies the conditions. Once the message satisfies all the conditions, the system thinks the machine is sniffing, and adds this machine into the list of sniffing machines. On this basis the detection has done well, and at the same time we insert the RESULT into the log database for inquire and analyze later.

    标签: the arithmetic According design

    上传时间: 2016-10-06


  • This is an extension of sign example. You can design your own traffic sign by using Verilog. And the

    This is an extension of sign example. You can design your own traffic sign by using Verilog. And the RESULT from Verilog can be seen by the attached C file.

    标签: sign extension Verilog example

    上传时间: 2016-10-12


  • a Java program that reads in the following values from the standard input device (i.e. Keyboard) an

    a Java program that reads in the following values from the standard input device (i.e. Keyboard) and writes its RESULT on the standard output device (i.e. Console/Monitor): Inputs: A: the loan amount in dollars and cents (e.g. 150000.00). r: the net annual interest rate, expressed as an integer (e.g. 10 which means 10%) Y: the number of whole remaining years (for repayment) M: the number of remaining months Output: The program should calculate and output the amount of monthly repayments in dollars and cents as single value (e.g. $840.55)

    标签: i.e. following the Keyboard

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • Its functions are: n order within (excluding n) At the same time, 3 and 7 can be integral to all nat

    Its functions are: n order within (excluding n) At the same time, 3 and 7 can be integral to all natural and a few of the square root of s, and function as a value to return, the final RESULT s output to file out.dat China.

    标签: functions excluding integral within

    上传时间: 2016-11-12


  • EhLib 4.2.16 中文汉化版 (Faceker.com 修改版) 1. DataServiceEhLibADO.pas 第40行

    EhLib 4.2.16 中文汉化版 (Faceker.com 修改版) 1. DataService\EhLibADO.pas 第40行,ADODataSetDriverName函数: 原:RESULT := MSACCESS 现:RESULT := MSSQL 功能:字符串、日期界定符匹配(STFilter.Local=False情况下) 2.Common\EhLibConsts.pas 功能:常数汉化 3.Common\DBGridEhFindDlgs.pas\dfm A、FillColumnsList函数: 原:cbFindIn.Items.AddObject( <All> , nil) 现:cbFindIn.Items.AddObject(‘<全部>’, nil) B、界面中ComboBox中Items及KeyItems及Text汉化; C、主界面汉化; 4.Common\PrnDgDlg.pas\dfm 功能:界面汉化 5.Common\PrvFrmEh.pas\dfm 功能:界面汉化 6.Common\PrViewEh.pas 327行 TPreviewBox.Create 方法. 由 FViewMode = vmFullPage 改为 FViewMode = vm100 7.Common\DBUtilsEh.pas GetOneExpressionAsLocalFilterString 和 GetOneExpressionAsSQLWhereString 函数 功能:查询行字符串查询默认为LIKE查询. 相关详细更新信息请查看:http://www.Faceker.com 。

    标签: DataServiceEhLibADO Faceker EhLib com

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • This an example showing how idl helping to build the abstract class for the java objects. As a resul

    This an example showing how idl helping to build the abstract class for the java objects. As a RESULT, the client class is able to use the function of the servant program.

    标签: the abstract example showing

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • 一个基于GTK+的单词数值计算器

    一个基于GTK+的单词数值计算器,1、 按照规则计算单词的值,如果 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 26个字母(全部用大写)的值分别为 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26,如: WINJACK这个单词的值就为:W+I+N+J+A+C+K=23+9+14+1+3+11=71% HARDWORK=H+A+R+D+W+O+R+D=8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98% LOVE=L+O+V+E=12+15+22+5=54% LUCK=L+U+C+K=12+21+3+11=47% ATTITUDE= A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+9+20+24+4+5=100% 2、对程序的界面布局参考如下图所示,在第一个单行文本框输入一个单词,点击“计算”按钮,按照以上算法计算出该单词的值。 3、如果在最下面的单行文本框输入一个文件路径,此文件每行记录一个单词,那么经过程序计算出各个单词的值,并把结果输出到当前目录下RESULT.txt文件中。如果文件不存在,应该提示错误。

    标签: GTK 数值 计算器

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • 汇编程序的循环程序的设计方法 编程计算数组m中20个字数据的和

    汇编程序的循环程序的设计方法 编程计算数组m中20个字数据的和,并将和存放在RESULT单元中

    标签: 汇编程序 循环程序 字数 数组

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • Java technology is both a programming language and a platform. The Java programming language origina

    Java technology is both a programming language and a platform. The Java programming language originated as part of a research project to develop advanced software for a wide variety of network devices and embedded systems. The goal was to develop a small, reliable, portable, distributed, real-time operating platform. When the project started, C++ was the language of choice. But over time the difficulties encountered with C++ grew to the point where the problems could best be addressed by creating an entirely new language platform. Design and architecture decisions drew from a variety of languages such as Eiffel, SmallTalk, Objective C, and Cedar/Mesa. The RESULT is a language platform that has proven ideal for developing secure, distributed, network-based end-user applications in environments ranging from network-embedded devices to the World-Wide Web and the desktop

    标签: programming language Java technology

    上传时间: 2014-01-03
