The ability to write efficient, high-speed arithmetic routines ultimately depends upon your knowledge of the elements of arithmetic as they exist on a computer. That conclusion and this book are the RESULT of a long and frustrating search for information on writing arithmetic routines for real-time embedded systems. With instruction cycle times coming down and clock rates going up, it would seem that speed is not a problem in writing fast routines. In addition, math coprocessors are becoming more popular and less expensive than ever before and are readily available. These factors make arithmetic easier and faster to use and implement. However, for many of you the systems that you are working on do not include the latest chips or the faster processors. Some of the most widely used microcontrollers used today are not Digital Signal Processors (DSP), but simple eight-bit controllers such as the Intel 8051 or 8048 microprocessors.
标签: arithmetic high-speed ultimately efficient
上传时间: 2014-11-30
In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadline violations. Priority inheritance protocol is one of the approaches to reduce priority inversion. Unfortunately, RTOS like uC/OS can’t support priority inheritance protocol since it does not allow kernel to have multiple tasks at the same priority. Although it has different ways to avoid priority inversion such as priority ceiling protocol, developers still have some difficulties in programming real time applications with it. In this paper, we redesign the uC/OS kernel to provide the ability to support round robin scheduling and implement priority inheritance semaphore on the modified kernel. As RESULT, we port new kernel with priority inheritance semaphore to evaluation board, and evaluate the execution time of each of the kernel service as well as verify the operations of our implementation.
标签: priority preemptive inversion problem
上传时间: 2015-12-14
UC Library Extensions UnderC comes with a pocket implementation of the standard C++ libraries, which is a reasonably faithful subset. This documentation describes those UnderC functions and classes which are not part of the C++ standard. UC Library Builtin functions: Most of these are standard C functions, but there are a few unique to the UnderC system which give you runtime access to the compiler. You may evaluate expressions, execute commands, compile code, etc. * Expands the text in expr using the UnderC preprocessor, putting the RESULT into buff. void uc_macro_subst(const char* expr, char* buff, int buffsize) * Executes a UC #-command, like #l or #help. uc_cmd() expects the name of the command, _without_ the hash, e.g. uc_cmd("l fred.cpp") or uc_cmd("help"). void uc_cmd(const char* cmd) * Evaluates any C++ expression or statement will return non-zero if unsuccessful.
标签: implementation Extensions libraries standard
上传时间: 2013-12-14
算符优先文法分析的c语言实现代码 需要输入词法分析的txt结果文件- The operator first grammar analysis c language realization code needs to input the lexical analysis the txt RESULT document
标签: realization analysis operator language
上传时间: 2015-12-28
This program compress and recostruct using wavelets. We can select level of decomposition(here maximum 4 levels are given) of images using selected wavelet. For eg:-wavelets can be haar, db1, db2,dmey............... Decomposition can be viewed in figure. (Please note that select 256X256 image for better RESULT.) Then compression can performed, PERFL2 give compression score. Then reconstruction can be performed. Each decompsition we can choose different threshold values. For each threshold value we can calculate mse,psnr,pq(picture quality), bit ratio etc. To get pq install pqs function .
标签: decomposition recostruct compress wavelets
上传时间: 2016-01-22
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenges that face enterprise application developers. The author, noted object-oriented designer Martin Fowler, noticed that despite changes in technology--from Smalltalk to CORBA to Java to .NET--the same basic design ideas can be adapted and applied to solve common problems. With the help of an expert group of contributors, Martin distills over forty recurring solutions into patterns. The RESULT is an indispensable handbook of solutions that are applicable to any enterprise application platform
标签: Architecture Application Enterprise challenge
上传时间: 2013-12-12
上传时间: 2013-12-25
这个程序是编译程序的一部分,用于阅读源代码,并识别其中的标记符、关键词(以字母开头)、数(以数字开头)。其中数按其是否以0开头分为10进制和8/16进制,而16进制的第二位是“x”。将上述所有识别的内容分类显示在屏幕和文件RESULT.txt中。 函数scan负责整个识别、输出过程,compare1负责识别单个字符,compare2识别词。
上传时间: 2013-12-23
上传时间: 2016-03-12
key.txt存放密钥,密钥只能为数字,text存放明文。 只对明文中的“数字”、“英文大小写”加密,空格或其它中文字符等不予理睬。 加密方法: 明文分组与密钥对应字符相加取模,十个数字为一个循环,26个英文大小写也各为一个循环。 例: 密钥为: 012 明文为: Microsoft VC++ 6.0 密文则为:Mjerpuogv VD++ 8.0 加密结果: 将密文生成到RESULT.txt中,手动删除最后的占位符""即可。
上传时间: 2013-12-22