An essential component of a noise-free audio device isa clean power supply, but few switching REGULATORS canoperate at high efficiency while keeping the switchingfrequency out of the audio band. The LTC®3620 fills thisvoid. It is a high efficiency 15mA buck regulator with aprogrammable minimum switching frequency, making itpossible to virtually eliminate audible switching noise. Theinternal synchronous switches and low quiescent currentof this buck regulator provide the ability to maintain highefficiency, while its small footprint makes it ideal for tiny,low power audio applications.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
Size, output flexibility and efficiency advantages havemade switching REGULATORS common in electronic apparatus.The continued emphasis on these attributes hasresulted in circuitry with 95% efficiency that requiresminimal board area. Although these advantages are welcome,they necessitate compromising other parameters
上传时间: 2013-11-04
As logic systems get larger and more complex, theirsupply current requirements continue to rise. Systemsrequiring 100A are fairly common. A high current powersupply to meet such requirements usually requires parallelingseveral power REGULATORS to alleviate the thermalstress on the individual power components. A powersupply designer is left with the choice of how to drive theseparalleled REGULATORS: brute-force single-phase or smartPolyPhaseTM.
上传时间: 2013-10-08
In an increasing trend, telecommunications, networking,audio and instrumentation require low noise power supplies.In particular, there is interest in low noise, lowdropout linear REGULATORS (LDO). These components powernoise-sensitive circuitry, circuitry that contains noisesensitiveelements or both. Additionally, to conserve power,particularly in battery driven apparatus such as cellulartelephones, the REGULATORS must operate with low input-tooutputvoltages.1 Devices presently becoming availablemeet these requirements (see separate section, “A Familyof 20mVRMS Noise, Low Dropout REGULATORS”).
上传时间: 2013-10-30
Switching REGULATORS are of universal interest. LinearTechnology has made a major effort to address this topic.A catalog of circuits has been compiled so that a designengineer can swiftly determine which converter type isbest. This catalog serves as a visual index to be browsedthrough for a specific or general interest.
标签: Collection Switching Regulator Circuit
上传时间: 2013-11-09
The LTM8020, LTM8021, LTM8022 and LTM8023 μModule®REGULATORS are complete easy-to-use encapsulated stepdownDC/DC REGULATORS intended to take the pain and aggravationout of implementing a switching power supplyonto a system board. With a μModule regulator, you onlyneed an input cap, output cap and one or two resistorsto complete the design. As one might imagine, this highlevel of integration greatly simplifi es the task of printedcircuit board design, reducing the effort to four categories:component footprint generation, component placement,routing the nets, and thermal vias.
上传时间: 2014-01-18
The latest generation of Texas Instruments (TI) boardmountedpower modules utilizes a pin interconnect technologythat improves surface-mount manufacturability.These modules are produced as a double-sided surfacemount(DSSMT) subassembly, yielding a case-less constructionwith subcomponents located on both sides of theprinted circuit board (PCB). Products produced in theDSSMT outline use the latest high-efficiency topologiesand magnetic-component packaging. This providescustomers with a high-efficiency, ready-to-use switchingpower module in a compact, space-saving package. Bothnonisolated point-of-load (POL) switching REGULATORS andthe isolated dc/dc converter modules are being producedin the DSSMT outline.TI’s plug-in power product line offers power modules inboth through-hole and surface-mount packages. The surfacemountmodules produced in the DSSMT outline use asolid copper interconnect with an integral solder ball fortheir
上传时间: 2013-10-10
The TL2575 and TL2575HV represent superior alternatives to popular three-terminal linear REGULATORS. Due totheir high efficiency, the devices significantly reduce the size of the heatsink and, in many cases, no heatsink isrequired. Optimized for use with standard series of inductors available from several different manufacturers, theTL2575 and TL2575HV greatly simplify the design of switch-mode power supplies by requiring a minimaladdition of only four to six external components for operation.
上传时间: 2013-11-20
We offer a broad line of high performance low dropout (LDO) linear REGULATORS with fasttransient response, excellent line and load regulation, and very wide input voltage rangefrom 0.9V to 100V. Output currents range from 20mA to 10A, with positive, negative andmultiple output versions available. Many devices offer output voltage operation <0.8V andsome feature operation as low as 0V, even with a single supply. Most are stable with ceramicoutput capacitors. LDO REGULATORS can be applied in virtually any application.
上传时间: 2013-11-15
Multioutput monolithic REGULATORS are easy to use and fi tinto spaces where multichip solutions cannot. Nevertheless,the popularity of multioutput REGULATORS is temperedby a lack of options for input voltages above 30V andsupport of high output currents. The LT3692A fi lls thisgap with a dual monolithic regulator that operates frominputs up to 36V. It also includes a number of channeloptimization features that allow the LT3692A’s per-channelperformance to rival that of multichip solutions.
上传时间: 2014-01-03