R-Project是一个开源的统计软件,专门有一个R语言,类似S语言,这个包里面就是一个R实现的文本挖掘(text mining简称tm)的包.里面有代码和样本数据.
上传时间: 2013-12-22
sql equipment management system for the Institute of Laboratory office automation management system an important part of it can lend to the return of the equipment scrapped and a new standardized management, thereby increasing efficiency and avoiding waste of resources. background database using Access, prospects of development tools using Visual Basic. The system uses ADO data access technology, and each database table and operation of the field to the type of package, which succeeded in object-oriented programming thinking applied to the database application design.
标签: management system Laboratory automation
上传时间: 2016-08-15
代码大全作者Steve McConnell写的Software Project Survival Guide ,经典的项目管理书籍
标签: McConnell Software Survival Project
上传时间: 2016-08-15
For build this project you can use ant (www.apache.org). Before build project rename file build.properties.pattern in build.properties and set specific for your machine parameters, then start build.bat (for Windows platform) or build.sh (for Linux) in root project folder. After compile process all binary files will be copy into build forlder. For additional information please visit web site http://www.m-g.ru/corba To subscribe on news about MT_DORB send e-mail with subject subscribe to corba@m-g.ru We recommend that you place the MTDORB_UCUtils.dll ( or MTDORB_UCUtils.so for Linux) in the Windows\System directory (or Windows\System32 for WinNT and Win2K and /lib for Linux). Main MTDORB author: Oleg V. Safonov <safonov@m-g.ru>
标签: build project Before apache
上传时间: 2016-08-20
All the PDF file is about the data management in wireless sensor network, especially the side of energy efficiency
标签: the especially management wireless
上传时间: 2013-12-29
本文件将介绍Flash Management System的FLASH存储空间划分,ECC数据纠错,坏块处 理,均匀(寿命)存储算法,逻辑地址/物理地址映射算法实现的方案,
标签: Management System Flash FLASH
上传时间: 2014-01-19
directory clean utility delete OBJ and ... file mailty for VC++ project
标签: directory utility project delete
上传时间: 2016-08-30
avr encoder counter source code project. read out encoder and send to UART. implemented on ATMega16
标签: encoder implemented ATMega1 counter
上传时间: 2014-01-13
simple Ebook management software!
标签: management software simple Ebook
上传时间: 2013-12-19
This research project evaluates startup times of the linux boot process from power-on until user login. Time consuming parts of the boot process are investigated and methods how to speed up the whole process are discussed.
标签: evaluates research power-on project
上传时间: 2013-12-18