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  • lpc2292/lpc2294 pdf datasheet

    The LPC2292/2294 microcontrollers are based on a 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support, together with 256 kB of embedded high-speed flash memory. A 128-bit wide memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by more than 30 pct with minimal performance penalty. With their 144-pin package, low power consumption, various 32-bit timers, 8-channel 10-bit ADC, 2/4 (LPC2294) advanced CAN channels, PWM channels and up to nine external interrupt pins these microcontrollers are particularly suitable for automotive and industrial control applications as well as medical systems and fault-tolerant maintenance buses. The number of available fast GPIOs ranges from 76 (with external memory) through 112 (single-chip). With a wide range of additional serial communications interfaces, they are also suited for communication gateways and protocol converters as well as many other general-purpose applications. Remark: Throughout the data sheet, the term LPC2292/2294 will apply to devices with and without the /00 or /01 suffix. The suffixes /00 and /01 will be used to differentiate from other devices only when necessary.

    标签: lpc datasheet 2292 2294

    上传时间: 2014-12-30


  • This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since t

    This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, sociological, psychological, accountancy, mechanical engineering and business administration. In this book, we examine the management of business processes from the perspective of computing, or—to put it more broadly—of information technology. The reason is that information technology has made huge leaps forward in recent years, resulting in the creation of completely new ways of organizing business processes. The development of generic software packages for managing business processes—so-called workflow management systems (WFMS)—is particularly important in this respect.

    标签: This management certainly processes

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • From the Publisher Focus on 2D in Direct3D? teaches you all of the tools and tips you ll need to di

    From the Publisher Focus on 2D in Direct3D? teaches you all of the tools and tips you ll need to dive right in and begin creating your own games. If you have some knowledge of C or C++ and have been searching for a guide that will take your 2D programming into the third dimension, then search no more! In this book you ll learn the skills you ll need to move from the 2D API to Direct3D. Written from the point of view of a 2D programmer, Focus on 2D in Direct3D presents the fundamentals of the Direct3D API in an easy-to-use-and-understand format. Get ready to jump into the world of Direct3D!

    标签: the Publisher you teaches

    上传时间: 2015-09-01


  • The Linux Enterprise Cluster explains how to take a number of inexpensive computers with limited res

    The Linux Enterprise Cluster explains how to take a number of inexpensive computers with limited resources, place them on a normal computer network, and install free software so that the computers act together like one powerful server. This makes it possible to build a very inexpensive and reliable business system for a small business or a large corporation. The book includes information on how to build a high-availability server pair using the Heartbeat package, how to use the Linux Virtual Server load balancing software, how to configure a reliable printing system in a Linux cluster environment, and how to build a job scheduling system in Linux with no single point of failure. The book also includes information on high availability techniques that can be used with or without a cluster, making it helpful for System Administrators even if they are not building a cluster. Anyone interested in deploying Linux in an environment where low cost computer reliability is important will find this book useful.

    标签: inexpensive Enterprise computers explains

    上传时间: 2014-11-29


  • Many CAD users dismiss schematic capture as a necessary evil in the process of creating PCB layout

    Many CAD users dismiss schematic capture as a necessary evil in the process of creating PCB layout but we have always disputed this point of view. With PCB layout now offering automation of both component placement and track routing, getting the design into the computer can often be the most time consuming element of the exercise. And if you use circuit simulation to develop your ideas, you are going to spend even more time working on the schematic.

    标签: schematic necessary creating dismiss

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmography also called as

    This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmography also called as pulsoximeter using the MSP430FG437 Microcontroller (MCU). The pulsoximeter consists of a peripheral probe combined with the MCU displaying the oxygen saturation and pulse rate on a LCD glass. The same sensor is used for both heart-rate detection and pulsoximetering in this application. The probe is placed on a peripheral point of the body such as a finger tip, ear lobe or the nose. The probe includes two light emitting diodes (LEDs), one in the visible red spectrum (660nm) and the other in the infrared spectrum (940nm). The percentage of oxygen in the body is worked by measuring the intensity from each frequency of light after it transmits through the body and then calculating the ratio between these two intensities.

    标签: plethysmography non-invasive application discusses

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • fft analysis

          Use the fast Fourier transform function fft to analyse following signal. Plot the original signal, and the magnitude of its spectrum linearly and logarithmically. Apply Hamming window to reduce the leakage.   .   The hamming window can be coded in Matlab as   for n=1:N hamming(n)=0.54+0.46*cos((2*n-N+1)*pi/N); end;   where N is the data length in the FFT.

    标签: matlab fft

    上传时间: 2015-11-23


  • PCB 焊盘与孔设计工艺规范

    1. 目的 规范产品的PCB焊盘设计工艺, 规定PCB焊盘设计工艺的相关参数,使得PCB 的设计满足可生产性、可测试性、安规、EMC、EMI 等的技术规范要求,在产品设计过程中构建产品的工艺、技术、质量、成本优势。 2. 适用范围本规范适用于空调类电子产品的PCB 工艺设计,运用于但不限于PCB 的设计、PCB 批产工艺审查、单板工艺审查等活动。本规范之前的相关标准、规范的内容如与本规范的规定相抵触的,以本规范为准3.引用/参考标准或资料TS-S0902010001 <〈信息技术设备PCB 安规设计规范〉>TS—SOE0199001 <〈电子设备的强迫风冷热设计规范〉〉TS—SOE0199002 〈<电子设备的自然冷却热设计规范>>IEC60194 〈<印制板设计、制造与组装术语与定义>> (Printed Circuit Board designmanufacture and assembly-terms and definitions)IPC—A-600F 〈<印制板的验收条件>〉 (Acceptably of printed board)IEC609504。规范内容4。1焊盘的定义  通孔焊盘的外层形状通常为圆形、方形或椭圆形。具体尺寸定义详述如下,名词定义如图所示。1)   孔径尺寸:若实物管脚为圆形:孔径尺寸(直径)=实际管脚直径+0。20∽0。30mm(8。0∽12。0MIL)左右;若实物管脚为方形或矩形:孔径尺寸(直径)=实际管脚对角线的尺寸+0.10∽0。20mm(4.0∽8。0MIL)左右。2)   焊盘尺寸: 常规焊盘尺寸=孔径尺寸(直径)+0.50mm(20.0 MIL)左右.…………

    标签: PCB

    上传时间: 2022-05-24


  • 微电脑型数学演算式隔离传送器

    特点: 精确度0.1%满刻度 可作各式數學演算式功能如:A+B/A-B/AxB/A/B/A&B(Hi or Lo)/|A|/ 16 BIT类比输出功能 输入与输出绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟(input/output/power) 宽范围交直流兩用電源設計 尺寸小,穩定性高

    标签: 微电脑 数学演算 隔离传送器

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • Delta Sigma的ADC桥测量技术

      Sensors for pressure, load, temperature, acceleration andmany other physical quantities often take the form of aWheatstone bridge. These sensors can be extremely linearand stable over time and temperature. However, mostthings in nature are only linear if you don’t bend them toomuch. In the case of a load cell, Hooke’s law states that thestrain in a material is proportional to the applied stress—as long as the stress is nowhere near the material’s yieldpoint (the “point of no return” where the material ispermanently deformed).

    标签: Delta Sigma ADC 测量技术

    上传时间: 2013-11-13
