摘 : 通过使用 peer-to-peer(P2P)计算模式在 Internet 物理拓扑基础上建立一个称为 P2P 覆盖网络(P overlay network)的虚拟拓扑结构,有效地建立起一个基于 Internet 的完全分布式自组织网络路由模型 集中式自组织网络路由模型(hierarchical aggregation self-organizing network,简称 HASN).分别描述了 HASN 由模型的构建目标和体系结构,并详细分析了 HASN 采用的基于 P2P 计算模式的分布式命名 路由发现和更 算法 HASN_Scale,并在仿真实验的基础上,对 HASN 路由模型的性能进行了验证.
标签: peer-to-peer P2P Internet overlay
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Apress.Peer.to.Peer.with.VB.Dot.NET.eBook-LiB.chm 一本关于用VB.NET如何开发P2P程序的书,英文原版,非常不错
上传时间: 2013-12-17
b tree how to operate on b tr
上传时间: 2014-01-20
This project attempts to implement a Database using B+Tree. The project has developed a DATABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. Its API includes simple SQL Statements and the output is displayed on the screen. Certain applications for which several features of existing databases like concurrency control, transaction management, security features are not enabled. B+Trees can be used as an index for factor access to the data. Help facility is provided to know the syntax of SQL Statements.
标签: project implement developed Database
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool (hence the b ), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundtrip times for different packet sizes for each end of the link
标签: Bing point-to-point measurement determines
上传时间: 2015-09-15
If we have two individually sorted vectors "a" and "b" but they are not sorted with respect to each other and we want to merge them into vector "c" such that "c" is also a sorted vector. Then c=mergesorted(a,b) can be used.
标签: sorted individually respect vectors
上传时间: 2015-09-23
P2P (peer to peer) file sharing program in C#. Supports Gnutella, Gnutella2, eDonkey, and OpenNap. www.filescope.com. This is excellent for people wanting to learn socket programming, GUI effects via drawing, custom drawn controls (tabcontrol, menus, etc.), network transfers, and much more.
标签: Gnutella peer Supports OpenNap
上传时间: 2015-10-01
基于jxta的peer to peer 聊天程序源代码。
上传时间: 2015-10-16
这是一个peer to peer的视频流系统. 该系统采用RTP协议,因此与某些采用http/ftp协议进行传输的系统不同,本系统在视频流下载的过程中就可以同时观看。
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication across middleboxes
标签: communication Peer-to-Peer middleboxes across
上传时间: 2014-11-26