Nios II Custom InstructionUserGuideNios II custom instructions are custom logic blocks adjacent to the ALU in the processor’s data Path.
标签: custom InstructionUserGuideNios instructions adjacent
上传时间: 2016-11-16
Purpose: --- -- This component is used for capturing staff from AVI to BMP. Installation: ------------- Extract the compiled units into your Lib directory or into another directory that is listed in the Library Path in your Delphi options. Choose file AVIcap.dcu for register. description: ------------ AVIcap V2.0 used for capturing frame from AVI without drawing on the screen, that is essentially fast. It can be reached by using of avifil32.dll from MS Video For Windows. New property: number of bits per pixel of bitmap.Now you can save BMP using next formats: pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf8bitGray, pf15bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit, pfDevice. See example to detail.
标签: Installation component capturing Purpose
上传时间: 2016-12-13
Doc2Db.bat:用来将数据表描述文档转换成sql脚本。由于不方便解析WORD,需要先WORD中的表格拷贝至Excel,一个Table占用一个Sheet。如实例中的table.xls Db2Doc.bat:用来将数据库表转成描述文档。数据库的链接和指定表需要在conf.properties文件中配置一下。配置文件。配置Excel中代表表属性的相关单元格和反向工程需要的数据库链接配置,具体配置请打开看下里面的注释说明。 特别注意:此工具仅仅是为了节省一点手工工作量,不是有意破坏数据库设计“概念设计-逻辑设计-物理设计-文档”过程。 另外,运行时候,机器需要有java环境,在Path环境变量中添加java。
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Cport263很不错的串口控件 1。拷贝cport263目录to 指定控件目录 例如:我的为D:\Borland\dracolib 2。拷贝bpl目录下所有文件to delphi2005的..\bpl目录 3。安装packages dsgnCPort7.bpl 4。添加Library Path
标签: Borlanddracolib 263 delphi Cport
上传时间: 2016-12-21
这是初学者学习汇编语言的必备编译链接工具! 先要设置一下环境变量,下载此压缩包后,解压缩到一个路径,然后将此路径添加到系统变量的Path下,然后在命令行键入masm进行编译,键入link进行链接
上传时间: 2014-01-11
java课程设计 案例精编03 (1) 硬件配置 CPU:≥Pentium III 600 内存:≥128MB 硬盘剩余空间:≥512MB (2) 软件环境 安装Sun公司的Java运行环境(JRE 1.5或以上版本),推荐安装Java开发工具包(JDK 1.5)。 安装相应平台上的Java虚拟机(JVM)。 读者可以到www.sun.com下载JDK 1.5的相应版本,安装并配置Path之后即可达到运行要求,Windows下的配置方法请参照第1章。 书中的案例可以跨平台运行。
上传时间: 2013-12-21
The combinatorial core of the OVSF code assignment problem that arises in UMTS is to assign some nodes of a complete binary tree of height h (the code tree) to n simultaneous connections, such that no two assigned nodes (codes) are on the same root-to-leaf Path. Each connection requires a code on a specified level. The code can change over time as long as it is still on the same level. We consider the one-step code assignment problem: Given an assignment, move the minimum number of codes to serve a new request. Minn and Siu proposed the so-called DCAalgorithm to solve the problem optimally. We show that DCA does not always return an optimal solution, and that the problem is NP-hard. We give an exact nO(h)-time algorithm, and a polynomial time greedy algorithm that achieves approximation ratio Θ(h). Finally, we consider the online code assignment problem for which we derive several results
标签: combinatorial assignment problem arises
上传时间: 2014-01-19
标签: matlab
上传时间: 2017-01-28
Qt/Embedded的安装(本人亲自安装步骤) 准备源码包 ◆ tmake 1.11 或更高版本;(生成Qt/Embedded应用工程的Makefile文件) ◆ Qt/Embedded 2.3.7 (Qt/Embedded 安装包) ◆ Qt 2.3.2 for X11; (Qt的X11版的安装包, 它将产生x11开发环境所需要的两个工 具) 假设把源码包解压所在/root/build-arm下 1安装tmake 进入tmake-1.11目录 cd /root/build-arm/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEDIR=$PWD/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEPath=$TMAKEDIR/lib/qws/linux-arm-g++ export Path=$TMAKEDIR/bin:$Path 2.安装Qt/X11 2.3.2 cd qt-2.3.2 export QTDIR=$PWD export Path=$QTDIR/bin:$Path export LD_LIBRARY_Path=$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_Path ./configure -no-xft -thread -gif -system-jpeg -sm -shared [make] make -C tools/qvfb make -C tools/qembed
标签: Embedded Qt Makefile tmake
上传时间: 2013-12-22
上传时间: 2017-04-21