1.服务器装有jdk和resin服务器等 2.安装完JSDK后,配置下面的内容: 在系统变量中找到ClassPath并加入下面内容(如果你找不到ClassPath,则新建它): c:\jsdk\LIB\dt.JAR c:\jsdk\LIB\TOOLS.JAR c:\jsdk\BIN . 再在系统变量中找到Path并加入下面内容: c:\jsdk\ c:\jsdk\bin 3.直接解压resin就可以运行把程序放在doc目录下面把classes目录的文件放在 WEB-INF目录下 4.在odbc放里加入数据库路径为guestbook也可改为别的要修改classes\myjsp\dbconn.java文件 5.上面成功后就可以http://localhost:8080/目录名/可以访问了
上传时间: 2015-07-23
maven 2.0 The following instructions show how to install Maven 2: 1) Unpack the archive where you would like to store the binaries, eg: tar zxvf maven-2.0.tar.gz or unzip maven-2.0.zip 2) A directory called "maven-2.0" will be created. 3) Add the bin directory to your Path, eg: export Path=/usr/local/maven-2.0/bin:$Path or set Path="c:\program files\maven-2.0\bin" %Path% 4) Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your JDK 5) Run "mvn --version" to verify that it is correctly installed.
标签: instructions following archive install
上传时间: 2014-01-19
EJB快速入门 1. 准备开发环境: 从www.javasoft.com上下载下列软件: JDK1.3, J2EE1.2.1 以及他们的文档。在WINDOWS NT下安装。(本文中假设为D盘根目录) 在控制面板中选择"系统",再选择Environment。 将下列环境变量参数设置到用户环境中去: 1.JAVA_HOME=D:\JDK1.3 2.J2EE_HOME=D:\J2SDKEE1.2.1 3.Path=D:\JDK1.3\BIN D:\J2SDKEE1.2.1\BIN %Path% 4.CLASSPath=
上传时间: 2015-08-12
UWB 功率控制 容量 Main Matlab script is in runsim.m. It generates random topologies, optimizes, and display results. IMPORTANT: you may need to add manually the lib Path in Matlab in order to get all the necessary functions. Reference: Radunovic, Le Boudec, "Joint Power Control, Scheduling and Routing in UWB networks"
标签: topologies generates optimizes Matlab
上传时间: 2015-08-14
华东理工大学自动化系《控制系统分析、设计和应用》教材配套程序实例,有关说明: 1. 安装MATLAB软件。安装时,将MATLAB安装在C:\MatlabR12目录下 Matlab的详细安装方法见有关安装手册 2. 拷贝文件:即将光盘中的/ctl/program和/ctl/functions下的 文件复制到用户目录下(例如,D:\User) 3. 设置路径:先运行MATLAB,在桌面操作环境下,点击File下拉式菜单 的Set Path选项,添加用户目录(例如,D:\User)(含子目录ctl等) 到MATLAB的工作路径 4. 运行程序:先运行MATLAB,如第3步已运行,可直接键入示例命令。 例如,键入ex1_1等 5. 阅读教材,并对示例进行操作。
上传时间: 2013-12-17
this m file can Find a (near) optimal solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) by setting up a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to search for the shortest Path (least distance needed to travel to each city exactly once) Notes: 1. Input error checking included 2. Inputs can be specified in any order, so long as the parameter pairs are specified as a parameter , value
标签: Traveling Salesman solution Problem
上传时间: 2013-12-22
AutoSummary contains the JWords Java Interface for WordNet, and you will need to edit the JWords configuration file to provide a Path to the WordNet command line interface.
标签: JWords AutoSummary Interface the
上传时间: 2015-10-09
哈夫曼树和哈夫曼编码: 从终端输入若干个字符及其对应的整数,将整数作为结点的权值,建立哈夫曼树,然后对各字符进行哈夫曼编码。最后打印哈夫曼树和对应的哈夫曼编码。 设计要求: ⑴ 哈夫曼殊和哈夫曼编码的存储表示参考教材事例 ⑵ 在程序中构造四个子程序为 ① int createhtree(HTree *t) /*根据输入的字符及其权值建立哈夫曼树*/ ② void coding(HTree *t, char *code) /*对哈夫曼树进行编码*/ ③ void printhtree(HTree *t, int* Path) /*中序打印树*/ ④ void printcode(HTree *t) /*输出个字符的哈夫曼编码*/
上传时间: 2013-12-17
[输入] 图的顶点个数N,图中顶点之间的关系及起点A和终点B [输出] 若A到B无路径,则输出“There is no Path” 否则输出A到B路径上个顶点 [存储结构] 图采用邻接矩阵的方式存储。 [算法的基本思想] 采用广度优先搜索的方法,从顶点A开始,依次访问与A邻接的顶点VA1,VA2,...,VAK, 访问遍之后,若没有访问B,则继续访问与VA1邻接的顶点VA11,VA12,...,VA1M,再访问与VA2邻接顶点...,如此下去,直至找到B,最先到达B点的路径,一定是边数最少的路径。实现时采用队列记录被访问过的顶点。每次访问与队头顶点相邻接的顶点,然后将队头顶点从队列中删去。若队空,则说明到不存在通路。在访问顶点过程中,每次把当前顶点的序号作为与其邻接的未访问的顶点的前驱顶点记录下来,以便输出时回溯。 #include<stdio.h> int number //队列类型 typedef struct{ int q[20]
标签: 输入
上传时间: 2015-11-16
Each arc of a binary-state network has good/bad states. The system reliability, the probability that source s communicates with sink t, can be computed in terms of minimal Paths (MPs). An MP is an ordered sequence of arcs from s to t that has no cycle. Note that a minimal Path is different from the so-called minimum Path. The latter is a Path with minimum cost.
标签: binary-state reliability probability network
上传时间: 2015-12-04