The Open Radar Data Acquisition (ORDA) subsystem replaces the current WSR-88D Radar Data Acquisition subsystem with improved receiver and signal processing hardware and with improved user interface, signal processing and diagnostics software. This paper will discuss the input data from the digital receiver, the ORDA signal processing, and the data output from the ORDA hardware. Specifications of the ORDA digital receiver will be presented. The paper outlines the critical radar signal processing flow and provides analysis of new spectrum width computations and clutter filtering schemes used in the ORDA system. Where appropriate, ORDA performance enhancements, data quality improvements and reliability and maintenance improvements will be highlighted.
标签: Radar Data Acquisition Acquisiti
上传时间: 2017-08-25
Calculates if the brackets in a sentence are correctly close. Input consists, one per line, sentences with brackets, and output say YES if its correctly close, or NO int if its not saying where is the error. Input: ()[]<>(**) (*) (ASA Output: YES NO 2 NO 4
标签: Calculates correctly brackets consists
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Implementation of Edmonds Karp algorithm that calculates maxFlow of graph. Input: For each test case, the first line contains the number of vertices (n) and the number of arcs (m). Then, there exist m lines, one for each arc (source vertex, ending vertex and arc weight, separated by a space). The nodes are numbered from 1 to n. The node 1 and node n should be in different sets. There are no more than 30 arcs and 15 nodes. The arc weights vary between 1 and 1 000 000. Output: The output is a single line for each case, with the corresponding minimum size cut. Example: Input: 7 11 1 2 3 1 4 3 2 3 4 3 1 3 3 4 1 3 5 2 4 6 6 4 5 2 5 2 1 5 7 1 6 7 9 Output: 5
标签: Implementation calculates algorithm Edmonds
上传时间: 2014-01-04
KNN算法实现,初始化模糊成员等级 initialize fuzzy membership grades of sample output for fuzzy KNN
上传时间: 2013-12-25
AM26C31CLow Power, I CC = 100 ƒ ⊂ A Typ Operate From a Single 5-V Supply High Speed, t PLH = t PHL = 7 ns Typ Low Pulse Distortion, t sk(p) = 0.5 ns Typ High Output Impedance in Power-Off Conditions Improved Replacement for AM26LS31
标签: Operate Single Supply Power
上传时间: 2014-01-20
These codes require an ASCII input file called input.dat of the following form: Lower Limit on x Upper Limit on x Final Time Pressure for x<0 when t=0 Density for x<0 when t=0 Speed for x<0 when t=0 Pressure for x>0 when t=0 Density for x>0 when t=0 Speed for x>0 when t=0 These codes produce 8 ASCII output files: density.out. Density vs. x entropy.out. Entropy vs. x mach.out. Mach number vs. x massflux.out. Mass flux vs. x pressure.out. Pressure vs. x sound.out. Speed-of-sound vs. x velocity.out. Velocity vs. x waves.out. A description of the solution in terms of the three waves defined in the book (+,-,0).
标签: input following require called
上传时间: 2017-09-21
svd 算法代码 This directory contains instrumented SVDPACKC Version 1.0 (ANSI-C) programs for compiling within the "svdrun" script. The "svdsum" script can be run after all output files of the form <dataset>.outN, where N=1,2,... have been produced by svdrun. more details please read the file readme!
标签: instrumented directory compiling SVDPACKC
上传时间: 2017-09-24
A design about 8051 (running at 12MHz) based system with 3 7-Seg displays and two buttons to implement the following functions. 1. When press the + button, the display C = A+B. 2. When press the button, the display C = A - B. “A” and “B” are 8-bit inputs when “C” is 9-bit output.
上传时间: 2015-05-05
Boost C++ Libraries Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries Boost C++ Libraries 基本上是一個免費的 C++ 的跨平台函式庫集合,基本上應該可以把它視為 C++ STL 的功能再延伸;他最大的特色在於他是一個經過「同行評審」(peer review,可參考維基百科)、開放原始碼的函式庫,而且有許多 Boost 的函式庫是由 C++ 標準委員會的人開發的,同時部分函式庫的功能也已經成為 C++ TR1 (Technical Report 1,參考維基百科)、TR2、或是 C++ 0x 的標準了。 它的官方網站是:,包含了 104 個不同的 library;由於他提供的函式庫非常地多,的內容也非常地多元,根據官方的分類,大致上可以分為下面這二十類: 字串和文字處理(String and text processing) 容器(Containers) Iterators 演算法(Algorithms) Function objects and higher-order programming 泛型(Generic Programming) Template Metaprogramming Preprocessor Metaprogramming Concurrent Programming 數學與數字(Math and numerics) 正確性與測試(Correctness and testing) 資料結構(Data structures) 影像處理(Image processing) 輸入、輸出(Input/Output) Inter-language support 記憶體(Memory) 語法分析(Parsing) 程式介面(Programming Interfaces) 其他雜項 Broken compiler workarounds 其中每一個分類,又都包含了一個或多個函式庫,可以說是功能相當豐富。
上传时间: 2015-05-15
题目描述 蛇行矩阵 Problem 蛇形矩阵是由1开始的自然数依次排列成的一个矩阵上三角形。 输入 Input 本题有多组数据,每组数据由一个正整数N组成。(N不大于100) 输出 Output 对于每一组数据,输出一个N行的蛇形矩阵。两组输出之间不要额外的空行。 矩阵三角中同一行的数字用一个空格分开。行尾不要多余的空格。 样例输入 5 样例输出 1 3 6 10 15 2 5 9 14 4 8 13 7 12 11
上传时间: 2016-02-29