verilog实现I2C通信的slave模块源码状态机设位计可做I2C接口的仿真模型//`timescale 1ns/1psmodule I2C_slv (input [6:0] slv_id,input RESET,input scl_i, //I2C clkinput sda_i, //I2C data ininput [7:0] I2C_RDDATA,////////////////////////output reg sda_o, //I2C data outoutput reg reg_w, //reg write enable PULSE (1T of scl_i)output reg [7:0] I2C_ADDR,output reg [7:0] I2C_DATA); parameter ST_ADDR = 4'd0; parameter ST_ACK = 4'd1; parameter ST_WDATA1 = 4'd2; parameter ST_WACK1 = 4'd3; parameter ST_WDATA2 = 4'd4; parameter ST_WACK2 = 4'd5; parameter ST_WDATA3 = 4'd6; parameter ST_WACK3 = 4'd7; parameter ST_RDATA1 = 4'd8; parameter ST_RACK1 = 4'd9; parameter ST_IDLE = 4'd15;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Signal Declaration//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- reg i2c_start_n, i2c_stop_n; //wire RESET_scl; wire i2c_stp_n, i2c_RESET; reg [3:0] i2c_cs, i2c_ns; reg [3:0] cnt_bit; reg [7:0] d_vec; reg i2c_rd, i2c_ack; reg [7:0] I2C_RDDATA_latch;
上传时间: 2022-02-03
The PW2228A is a high efficiency single inductor Buck-Boost converter which can supply theload current up to 1.5A. It provides auto-transition between Buck and Boost Mode. The PW2228Aoperates at 2.4MHz switching frequency in CCM. DC/DC converter operates at PULSE-Skipping Modeat light load. The output voltage is programmable using an external resistor divider, or is fixed to3.3V internally. The load is disconnected from the VIN during shutdown.The PW2228A is available in TDFN3X3-10 package.
标签: pw2228a
上传时间: 2022-02-11
本系统采用电动机电枢供电回路串接采样电阻的方式来实现对小型直流有刷电动机的转速测量。该系统主要由二阶低通滤波电路,小信号放大电路、单片机测量显示电路、开关稳压电源电路等组成。同时自制电机测速装置,用高频磁环作为载体,用线圈绕制磁环,利用电磁感应原理检测电机运行时的漏磁,将变化的磁场信号转化为磁环上的感应电流。用信号处理单元电路将微弱电信号转化为脉冲信号,送由单片机检测,从而达到准确测量电机的速度的要求。In this system, the sampling resistance of armature power supply circuit is connected in series to measure the speed of small DC brush motor. The system is mainly composed of second-order low-pass filter circuit, small signal amplifier circuit, single-chip measurement and display circuit, switching regulated power supply circuit and so on. At the same time, the self-made motor speed measuring device uses high frequency magnetic ring as the carrier, coil winding magnetic ring, and electromagnetic induction principle to detect the leakage of magnetic field during the operation of the motor, which converts the changed magnetic field signal into the induced current on the magnetic ring. The weak electric signal is transformed into PULSE signal by signal processing unit circuit, which is sent to single chip computer for detection, so as to meet the requirement of accurate measurement of motor speed.
标签: 直流电动机
上传时间: 2022-03-26
以AT89S52单片机为控制核心,采用电容降压技术,Buck电路拓扑,PWM驱动模块和功率器件散热设计,通过高速的数据采集、主功率输入输出模块和控制模块,设计一种新型智能车载充电器.在充电过程中,通过负脉冲瞬间放电实现对铅酸蓄电池的再生修复,提高电池的有效容量,延长使用寿命.该充电器体积小、速度快、效率高、可靠性好.With AT89S52 single chip computer as the control core,a new type of intelligent car-carried charger was designed by using capacitance step-down technology,Buck circuit topology,PWM driving module and power device heat dissipation design,through high-speed data acquisition,main power input and output module and control module.In the charging process,the regeneration and repair of lead-acid batteries are realized by instantaneous discharge of negative PULSE,which improves the effective capacity of batteries and prolongs their service life.The charger has the advantages of small size,fast speed,high efficiency and good reliability.
标签: 车载充电器
上传时间: 2022-03-27
本文设计了一种磁致伸缩位移传感器,介绍了该磁致伸缩位移传感器的测量原理,通过结构优化设计提高了仪器的性能,详述了硬件电路设计及实现方法,完成了软件设计,实现了高压充电、问询脉冲加载、时间测量及滤波等功能,并通过实验对其性能进行了验证。所研制的磁致伸缩位移传感器具有测量精度高、长期稳定性好等特点,满足了大量程、高精度、恶劣环境等测量的要求。A kind of sensor based on magnetostrictive principle is designed.The measuring principle of the magnetostrictive displacement sensor is introduced,the performance of the instrument is improved by the structural optimization design,and introduced the hardware circuit design and the realization method,completed the software design,realized the functions of the high voltage charging,inquiries PULSE loading,time measurement and filtering,and its performance is verified through the experiment.The magnetostrictive displacement sensor has the characteristics of high measuring precision.The sensor meets the requirements of large range,high precision,poor environment and so on.
标签: 位移传感器
上传时间: 2022-04-06
应用无迹卡尔曼滤波算法(UKF)进行锂电池的SOC估计,采用Thevenin二阶RC等效电路模型,对HPPC电池脉冲充放电实验数据进行Matlab处理,得到较为准确的模型.通过在Matlab中编写算法程序,对不同工况的估计值与实际值进行误差估算及对比分析,通过此算法进行SOC估计,得到该算法可有效降低系统误差并纠正SOC的初值偏差.The non trace Calman filter (UKF) is applied to the SOC estimation of lithium battery. The Thevenin two order RC equivalent circuit model is used to process the HPPC battery PULSE charge discharge experimental data by Matlab processing, and a more accurate model is obtained. By writing algorithm program in Matlab, the error estimation and comparison analysis of the estimated value and actual value of different states are carried out, and the SOC estimation is carried out by this algorithm. The algorithm can effectively reduce the system error and correct the initial value deviation of the SOC.
标签: 卡尔曼滤波
上传时间: 2022-05-03
基于TMS320F28035芯片为控制核心的空间矢量异步电机变频器 我们设计的异步电机变频调速器以TMS320F28035芯片为控制核心,通过输出三相PWM波控制智能功率模块IPM驱动三相异步电机。我们使用空间矢量SVPWM算法,并对其进行了优化。采用检测反电势的方法省去了昂贵的光电编码器,大大节省了成本。同时开创性的研发了自动根据运行环境调节的自适应变频算法,使我们的变频调速器可以在电网条件恶劣的乡村山区工作,由此该变频器已被一家民用水泵生产企业预订。关键字 变频器 TMS320f28035 IPM SVPWM In our design, the asynchronous machine inverter based on the chip of TMS320F28035 drives the three-Phase asynchronous machine by sending three-phase PWM waves to the IPM, which is short for the Intelligent-Power-Module. The SVPWM (space vector PULSE width modulation) strategy is applied to our control algorithm and we optimize it mainly in two aspects. Firstly the inverter detects the speed by measuring the Back EMF instead of installing an expensive photoelectric encoder for costs reduction.
标签: tms320f28035 芯片
上传时间: 2022-05-08
为了实时检测血氧量,能使缺氧特别敏感的脑组织或心脏类疾病患者得到及时治疗,采用近红外双波长透射式光电脉搏血氧测定法,以H桥电路对发射光源进行控制及通用运算放大器搭建滤波电路。运用参数理论计算和计算机仿真结果相对比的方法,通过Mu ltisim软件对所设计电路进行仿真,仿真结果与理论参数计算相吻合,证明了电路参数设计的可行性,为血氧仪的实物制作提供参考。For real-time detection of oxygen saturation for timely treatment of the brain or heart,which are very sensitive to oxygen inadequacy,the near-infrared wavelengths double photoelectric PULSE oximeter transmission method is adopted.The illuminant is controlled with the H bridge circuit and the filter circuit is built with general op-amps.Parameters by theoretical calculation is compared with the computer simulation results in Multisim and satisfactory results are obtained.It is shown that the design of the circuit parameters is feasible and can be a help in making the physical blood-oxygen monitor.
上传时间: 2022-05-12
#include "NUC1xx.h"#include "Hal.h"#include "pwm.h"//wait current PWM cycle done, otherwise there maybe short PULSE on FETvoid PWM_Stop(U8 ch){ switch(ch) { case PWM_CHANNEL_A: PWMA->u32CNR1 = 0; PWMA->u32CMR1 = 0; while(PWMA->u32PDR1 != 0); break; case PWM_CHANNEL_B: PWMA->u32CNR2 = 0; PWMA->u32CMR2 = 0; while(PWMA->u32PDR2 != 0); break; case PWM_CHANNEL_C: PWMA->u32CNR3 = 0; PWMA->u32CMR3 = 0; while(PWMA->u32PDR3 != 0); break; default: while(1); } PWMA->u32POE &= ~(1<<ch); PWMA->u32PCR &= ~(1<<(ch*8));}
上传时间: 2022-06-01
本设计针对目前市场上传统充电控制器对蓄电池的充放电控制不合理,同时保护也不够充分,使得蓄电池的寿命缩短这种情况,研究确定了一种基于单片机的太阳能充电控制器的方案。在太阳能对蓄电池的充放电方式、控制器的功能要求和实际应用方面做了一定分析,完成了硬件电路设计和软件编制,实现了对蓄电池的高效率管理。设计一种太阳能LED照明系统充电控制器,既能实现太阳能电池的最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)又能满足蓄电池电压限制条件和浮充特性。构建实验系统,测试表明,控制器可以根据蓄电池状态准确地在MPPT、恒压、浮充算法之间切换,MPPT充电效率较恒压充电提高约16%,该充电控制器既实现了太阳能的有效利用,又延长了蓄电池的使用寿命。在总体方案的指导下,本设计使用STMSS系列8位微控制器是STM8系列的主流微控制器产品,采用意法半导体的130纳米工艺技术和先进的内核架构,主频达到16MHz(105系列),处理能力高达20MTPS。内置EEPROM、阻容(RC)振荡器以及完整的标准外设,性价比高,STMSS指令格式和意法半导体早期的ST7系列基本类似,甚至兼容,内嵌单线仿真接口模块,支持STWM仿真,降低了开发成本;拥有多种外设,而且外设的内部结构、配置方式与意法半导体的同样是Cortex-M3内核的32位嵌入式微处理器STM32系列的MCU基本相同或者相似。另外系列芯片功耗低、功能完善、性价比高,可广泛应用在家用电器、电源控制和管理、电机控制等领域,是8位机为控制器控制系统较为理想的升级替代控制芯片"261,软件部分依据PWM(PULSE Wiath Modulation)脉宽调制控制策略,编制程序使单片机输出PMM控制信号,通过控制光电耦合器通断进而控制MOSFET管开启和关闭,达到控制蓄电池充放电的目的,同时按照功能要求实现了对蓄电池过充、过放保护和短路保护。实验表明,该控制器性能优良,可靠性高,可以时刻监视太阳能电池板和蓄电池状态,实现控制蓄电池最优充放电,达到延长蓄电池的使用寿命。
上传时间: 2022-06-19