This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmography also called as pulsoximeter using the MSP430FG437 Microcontroller (MCU). The pulsoximeter consists of a peripheral probe combined with the MCU displaying the oxygen saturation and PULSE rate on a LCD glass. The same sensor is used for both heart-rate detection and pulsoximetering in this application. The probe is placed on a peripheral point of the body such as a finger tip, ear lobe or the nose. The probe includes two light emitting diodes (LEDs), one in the visible red spectrum (660nm) and the other in the infrared spectrum (940nm). The percentage of oxygen in the body is worked by measuring the intensity from each frequency of light after it transmits through the body and then calculating the ratio between these two intensities.
标签: plethysmography non-invasive application discusses
上传时间: 2014-01-17
gmsk modulation of numerical data generated by a random source, the output of the modulator give two signals, the first is gmsk signal and the other is gaussien frequency PULSE shape
标签: modulation generated numerical modulator
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Matlab code for simulation of radar received power versus range. There are other files for additional features like aperture area, swirling objects and PULSE integration Happy learning!
标签: simulation additiona for received
上传时间: 2017-08-12
The function applies the Madsen method for Doppler Centroid estimation. The input are: 1) the raw data, the parameter of the distance between samples in azimuth to be correlated and the PRF (PULSE repetition frequency)
标签: estimation The the Centroid
上传时间: 2017-08-12
上传时间: 2017-08-24
AM26C31CLow Power, I CC = 100 ƒ ⊂ A Typ Operate From a Single 5-V Supply High Speed, t PLH = t PHL = 7 ns Typ Low PULSE Distortion, t sk(p) = 0.5 ns Typ High Output Impedance in Power-Off Conditions Improved Replacement for AM26LS31
标签: Operate Single Supply Power
上传时间: 2014-01-20
Most satellite dish actuators send a series of PULSEs to indicate their position. By counting PULSEs the positioner knows where the dish is pointing. It is possible to use a serial port and Linux with RTAI patches in order to count these PULSEs, thus minimising the external hardware required for a positioner. The zip contains instructions, circuit diagrams and example code.
标签: satellite actuators counting indicate
上传时间: 2014-12-03
空间矢量脉宽调制(Space Vector PULSE Width Modulation) SVPWM的主要思想是:以三相对称正弦波电压供电时三相对称电动机定子理想磁链圆为参考标准,以三相逆变器不同开关模式作适当的切换,从而形成PWM波,以所形成的实际磁链矢量来追踪其准确磁链圆。传统的SPWM方法从电源的角度出发,以生成一个可调频调压的正弦波电源,而SVPWM方法将逆变系统和异步电机看作一个整体来考虑,模型比较简单,也便于微处理器的实时控制。 普通的三相全桥是由六个开关器件构成的三个半桥。这六个开关器件组合起来(同一个桥臂的上下半桥的信号相反)共有8种安全的开关状态. 其中000、111(这里是表示三个上桥臂的开关状态)这两种开关状态在电机驱动中都不会产生有效的电流。因此称其为零矢量。另外6种开关状态分别是六个有效矢量。它们将360度的电压空间分为60度一个扇区,共六个扇区,利用这六个基本有效矢量和两个零量,可以合成360度内的任何矢量。 当要合成某一矢量时先将这一矢量分解到离它最近的两个基本矢量,而后用这两个基本矢量矢量去表示,而每个基本矢量的作用大小就利用作用时间长短去代表。 在变频电机驱动时,矢量方向是连续变化的,因此我们需要不断的计算矢量作用时间。为了计算机处理的方便,在合成时一般是定时去计算(如每0.1ms计算一次)。这样我们只要算出在0.1ms内两个基本矢量作用的时间就可以了。由于计算出的两个时间的总合可能并不是0.1ms(比这小),而那剩下的时间就按情况插入合适零矢量。 由于在这样的处量时,合成的驱动波形和PWM很类似。因此我们还叫它PWM,又因这种PWM是基于电压空间矢量去合成的,所以就叫它SVPWM了。
上传时间: 2016-04-25
BUCKBOOST电路原理分析uck变换器:也称降压式变换器,是一种输出电压小于输入电压的单管不隔离直流变换器。 图中,Q为开关管,其驱动电压一般为PWM(PULSE、width、modulation脉宽调制)信号,信号周期为Ts,则信号频率为f=1/Ts,导通时间为Ton,关断时间为Toff,则周期Ts=Ton+Toff,占空比Dy=、Ton/Ts。 Boost变换器:也称升压式变换器,是一种输出电压高于输入电压的单管不隔离直流变换器。 开关管Q也为PWM控制方式,但最大占空比Dy必须限制,不允许在Dy=1的状态下工作。电感Lf在输入侧,称为升压电感。Boost变换器也有CCM和DCM两种工作方式 Buck/Boost变换器:也称升降压式变换器,是一种输出电压既可低于也可高于输入电压的单管不隔离直流变换器,但其输出电压的极性与输入电压相反。Buck/Boost变换器可看做是Buck变换器和Bo
上传时间: 2021-10-18
MAX30102芯片心率血氧传感器模块传感器模块软硬件设计资料包括STM32测试源码AD设计原理图及心率及血氧参考设计资料:参考代码及实验数据工程文件及库心率及血氧参考设计资料芯片数据手册1771.pdf2ES Teck PEMS White Paper.pdf31930_accessories.pdf5273c08fe2b6b_1_4264142A_EN_p.pdfAvant 2120 Brochure.pdfcelyon-1057-daeg.pdfDr. Bob case study for dental.pdfenvitec.pdfgclarke-2015-MASc-thesis.pdfiadt02i4p261.pdfIHE_PCD_Suppl_POI.pdfijcsit2014050679.pdfIMECS2009_pp1537-1540.pdfLuksSwensonPULSEOximetryatHighAltitude.pdfMI_CCHD_Screener_Tips_Flier_3-21-13_422078_7.pdfMoon.pdfnotes6.pdfpansw_spo2_sensor.pdfPK_EN_MAsimo2008Product Catalog.pdfpm-60a-spo2-report-4.pdfPULSE-oximetry-at-home.pdfPULSE-oximetry.pdfPULSE.pdfPULSEOxFinal_low.pdfPULSE_ox.pdfpxc3976461.pdfReusable SpO2 Sensors.pdfSP02-cross-reference-sensor.pdfsprt533.pdfsszb140.pdfview.pdf
上传时间: 2021-11-24