Abstract: Alexander Graham Bell patented twisted pair wires in 1881. We still use them today because they work so well. In addition we have the advantage ofincredible computer power within our world. Circuit simulators and filter design programs are available for little or no cost. We combine the twisted pair and lowpassfilters to produce spectacular rejection of radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI). We also illustrate use of a precision resistorarray to produce a customizable differential amplifier. The precision resistors set the gain and common mode rejection ratios, while we choose the frequencyresponse.
上传时间: 2014-11-26
Recently a new technology for high voltage Power MOSFETshas been introduced – the CoolMOS™ . Based on thenew device concept of charge compensation the RDS(on) areaproduct for e.g. 600V transistors has been reduced by afactor of 5. The devices show no bipolar current contributionlike the well known tail current observed during the turn-offphase of IGBTs. CoolMOS™ virtually combines the lowswitching losses of a MOSFET with the on-state losses of anIGBT.
上传时间: 2013-11-14
Abstract: This application note presents an overview of the operational characteristics of accurate I²C real-time clocks (RTCs),including the DS3231, DS3231M, and DS3232. It focuses on general application guidelines that facilitate use of device resources forpower management, I²C communication circuit configurations, and I²C characteristics relative to device power-up sequences andinitializations. Additional discussions on decoupling are provided to support developing strategies for mitigating power-supply pushingof device frequency.
上传时间: 2013-11-23
Abstract: It is incredible how many programmable logic controls (PLCs) around us make our modern life possible and pleasant.Machines in our homes heat and cool our air and water, as well as preserve and cook our food. This tutorial explains the importanceof PLCs, and describes how to choose component parts using the parametric tools on the Maxim's website.A similar version of this article was published February 29, 2012 in John Day's Automotive Electronic News.
上传时间: 2013-11-10
The 14-bit LTC2351-14 is a 1.5Msps, low power SARADC with six simultaneously sampled differential inputchannels. It operates from a single 3V supply and featuressix independent sample-and-hold amplifi ers and a singleADC. The single ADC with multiple S/HAs enables excellentrange match (1mV) between channels and channel-tochannelskew (200ps).
上传时间: 2014-12-23
This note describes some of the unique IC design techniques incorporated into a fast, monolithic power buffer, the LT1010. Also, some application ideas are described such as capacitive load driving, boosting fast op amp output current and power supply circuits.
上传时间: 2013-11-12
This application note describes a Linear Technology "Half-Flash" A/D converter, the LTC1099, being connected to a 256 element line scan photodiode array. This technology adapts itself to handheld (i.e., low power) bar code readers, as well as high resolution automated machine inspection applications..
上传时间: 2013-11-21
设计了水声信号发生系统中的功率放大电路,可将前级电路产生的方波信号转换为正弦信号,同时进行滤波、功率放大,使其满足换能器对输入信号的要求。该电路以单片机AT89C52,集成6阶巴特沃思低通滤波芯片MF6以及大功率运算放大器LM12为核心,通过标准RS232接口与PC进行通信,实现信号增益的程控调节,对干扰信号具有良好的抑制作用。经调试该电路工作稳定正常,输出波形无失真,在输出功率以及放大增益、波纹系数等方面均满足设计要求。 This paper presented a design and implementation of underwater acoustic power amplifer. This circuit converted the rectangle signal generated by frontend circuit into the sine signal, then filtered and power amplification, it meets the requirements of the transducer.Included AT89C52, 6th order Butterworth filter MF6, hipower amplififier LM12.Communication with PC through the RS232 port. The signal gain is adjustable and could be remote controlled. It has a good inhibitory effect on the interference signal. After debugged, this circuit works stable, the output waveform has no distortion, it meets the design requirement in outprt power, amplifier gain and ripple factor.
上传时间: 2013-11-20
The LM20, LM45, LM50, LM60, LM61, and LM62 are analog output temperature sensors. They have various output voltage slopes (6.25mV/°C to 17mV/°C) and power supply voltage ranges (2.4V to 10V).The LM20 is the smallest, lowest power consumption analog output temperature sensor National Semiconductor has released. The LM70 and LM74 are MICROWIRE/SPI compatible digital temperature sensors. The LM70 has a resolution of 0.125°C while the LM74 has a resolution of 0.625°C. The LM74 is the most accurate of the two with an accuracy better than ±1.25°C. The LM75 is National’s first digital output temperature sensor, released several years ago.
上传时间: 2014-12-23
ANALOG INPUT BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequencyat which the reconstructed output fundamental drops3 dB below its low frequency value for a full scale input. Thetest is performed with fIN equal to 100 kHz plus integer multiplesof fCLK. The input frequency at which the output is −3dB relative to the low frequency input signal is the full powerbandwidth.APERTURE JITTER is the variation in aperture delay fromsample to sample. Aperture jitter shows up as input noise.APERTURE DELAY See Sampling Delay.BOTTOM OFFSET is the difference between the input voltagethat just causes the output code to transition to the firstcode and the negative reference voltage. Bottom Offset isdefined as EOB = VZT–VRB, where VZT is the first code transitioninput voltage and VRB is the lower reference voltage.Note that this is different from the normal Zero Scale Error.CONVERSION LATENCY See PIPELINE DELAY.CONVERSION TIME is the time required for a completemeasurement by an analog-to-digital converter. Since theConversion Time does not include acquisition time, multiplexerset up time, or other elements of a complete conversioncycle, the conversion time may be less than theThroughput Time.DC COMMON-MODE ERROR is a specification which appliesto ADCs with differential inputs. It is the change in theoutput code that occurs when the analog voltages on the twoinputs are changed by an equal amount. It is usually expressed in LSBs.
上传时间: 2013-11-12