Typical industrial and automotive applications requiremultiple high current, low voltage power supply solutionsto drive everything from disc drives to microprocessors.For many of these applications, particularly thosethat have size constraints, the LT3501® dual step-downconverter is an attractive solution because it’s compactand inexpensive compared to a 2-chip solution. The dualconverter accommodates a 3V to 25V input voltage rangeand is capable of supplying up to 3A PER channel. Thecircuit in Figure 1 produces 3.3V and 1.8V.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
常用PIC系列产品特性一览表 器件 存储器 类型 字数 EEPROM 数据 存储器 RAM I/O 引脚数 ADC (-Bit) 比较 器 运 放 定时器/WDT 串行接口 最高 速度 MHz 封装 PDIP /SOIC ICSP CCP / ECCP 输出电流 (PER I/O) 振荡器 频率 (MHz) 参考 电压 VREF LCD PWM 堆栈 深度 High Voltage Wakeup On Change PIC16C432 OTP 2048x14 128 12 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 20 √ 25 mA 4 0 0 PIC16C433 OTP 2048x14 128 6 4/8 1-8bit/1-WDT 10 18 √ 25 mA 0 0 PIC16C505 OTP 1024x12 72 12 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 14 √ 25 mA 4 0 0 PIC16C54 OTP 512x12 25 12 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C54A OTP 512x12 25 12 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C54C OTP 512x12 25 12 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 18/20 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C55 OTP 512x12 24 20 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 28 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C554 OTP 512x14 80 13 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 √ 25 mA 0 0 PIC16C558 OTP 2048x14 128 13 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 √ 25 mA 0 0 PIC16C55A OTP 512x12 24 20 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 28 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C56 OTP 1024x12 25 12 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C56A OTP 1024x12 25 12 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 18/20 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C57 OTP 2048x12 72 20 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 28 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C57C OTP 2048x12 72 20 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 28 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C58B OTP 2048x12 73 12 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 18/20 20 mA 0 0 PIC16C620 OTP 512x14 80 13 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C620A OTP 512x14 96 13 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 18/20 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C621 OTP 1024x14 80 13 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C621A OTP 1024x14 96 13 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 18/20 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C622 OTP 2048x14 128 13 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C622A OTP 2048x14 128 13 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 40 18/20/40 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C62A OTP 2048x14 128 22 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT I²C/ SPI 20 28/ √ 1 25 mA 1 0 0 PIC16C62B OTP 2048x14 128 22 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT I²C /SPI 20 28 √ 1 25 mA 1 0 0 PIC16C63 OTP 4096x14 192 22 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C /SPI 20 28 √ 2 25 mA 2 0 0 PIC16C63A OTP 4096x14 192 22 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 28 √ 2 25 mA 2 0 0 PIC16C642 OTP 4096x14 176 22 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 28 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C64A OTP 2048x14 128 33 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT I²C /SPI 20 40/44 √ 1 25 mA 1 0 0 PIC16C65A OTP 4096x14 192 33 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 40/44 √ 2 25 mA 2 0 0 PIC16C65B OTP 4096x14 192 33 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 40/44 √ 2 25 mA 2 0 0 PIC16C66 OTP 8192x14 368 22 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C/SPI 20 28 √ 2 25 mA 2 0 0 PIC16C662 OTP 4096x14 176 33 2 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 40/44 √ 25 mA √ 0 0 PIC16C67 OTP 8192x14 368 33 2-8bit/1-16bit/1-WDT USART/I²C /SPI 20 40/44 √ 2 25 mA 2 0 0 PIC16C71 OTP 1024x14 36 13 4/8 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18 √ 25 mA 0 0 PIC16C710 OTP 512x14 36 13 4/8 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 √ 25 mA 0 0 PIC16C711 OTP 1024x14 68 13 4/8 1-8bit/1-WDT 20 18/20 √ 25 mA
上传时间: 2013-10-12
1 FEATURES· Single chip LCD controller/driver· 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters PER line, or2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters PER line· 5 ′ 7 character format plus cursor; 5 ′ 8 for kana(Japanese syllabary) and user defined symbols· On-chip:– generation of LCD supply voltage (external supplyalso possible)– generation of intermediate LCD bias voltages– oscillator requires no external components (externalclock also possible)· Display data RAM: 80 characters· Character generator ROM: 240 characters· Character generator RAM: 16 characters· 4 or 8-bit parallel bus or 2-wire I2C-bus interface· CMOS/TTL compatible· 32 row, 60 column outputs· MUX rates 1 : 32 and 1 : 16· Uses common 11 code instruction set· Logic supply voltage range, VDD - VSS: 2.5 to 6 V· Display supply voltage range, VDD - VLCD: 3.5 to 9 V· Low power consumption· I2C-bus address: 011101 SA0.
上传时间: 2013-11-08
微处理器及微型计算机的发展概况 第一代微处理器是以Intel公司1971年推出的4004,4040为代表的四位微处理机。 第二代微处理机(1973年~1977年),典型代表有:Intel 公司的8080、8085;Motorola公司的M6800以及Zlog公司的Z80。 第三代微处理机 第三代微机是以16位机为代表,基本上是在第二代微机的基础上发展起来的。其中Intel公司的8088。8086是在8085的基础发展起来的;M68000是Motorola公司在M6800 的基础发展起来的; 第四代微处理机 以Intel公司1984年10月推出的80386CPU和1989年4月推出的80486CPU为代表, 第五代微处理机的发展更加迅猛,1993年3月被命名为PENTIUM的微处理机面世,98年PENTIUM 2又被推向市场。 INTEL CPU 发展历史Intel第一块CPU 4004,4位主理器,主频108kHz,运算速度0.06MIPs(Million Instructions PER Second, 每秒百万条指令),集成晶体管2,300个,10微米制造工艺,最大寻址内存640 bytes,生产曰期1971年11月. 8085,8位主理器,主频5M,运算速度0.37MIPs,集成晶体管6,500个,3微米制造工艺,最大寻址内存64KB,生产曰期1976年 8086,16位主理器,主频4.77/8/10MHZ,运算速度0.75MIPs,集成晶体管29,000个,3微米制造工艺,最大寻址内存1MB,生产曰期1978年6月. 80486DX,DX2,DX4,32位主理器,主频25/33/50/66/75/100MHZ,总线频率33/50/66MHZ,运算速度20~60MIPs,集成晶体管1.2M个,1微米制造工艺,168针PGA,最大寻址内存4GB,缓存8/16/32/64KB,生产曰期1989年4月 Celeron一代, 主频266/300MHZ(266/300MHz w/o L2 cache, Covington芯心 (Klamath based),300A/333/366/400/433/466/500/533MHz w/128kB L2 cache, Mendocino核心 (Deschutes-based), 总线频率66MHz,0.25微米制造工艺,生产曰期1998年4月) Pentium 4 (478针),至今分为三种核心:Willamette核心(主频1.5G起,FSB400MHZ,0.18微米制造工艺),Northwood核心(主频1.6G~3.0G,FSB533MHZ,0.13微米制造工艺, 二级缓存512K),Prescott核心(主频2.8G起,FSB800MHZ,0.09微米制造工艺,1M二级缓存,13条全新指令集SSE3),生产曰期2001年7月. 更大的缓存、更高的频率、 超级流水线、分支预测、乱序执行超线程技术 微型计算机组成结构单片机简介单片机即单片机微型计算机,是将计算机主机(CPU、 内存和I/O接口)集成在一小块硅片上的微型机。 三、计算机编程语言的发展概况 机器语言 机器语言就是0,1码语言,是计算机唯一能理解并直接执行的语言。汇编语言 用一些助记符号代替用0,1码描述的某种机器的指令系统,汇编语言就是在此基础上完善起来的。高级语言 BASIC,PASCAL,C语言等等。用高级语言编写的程序称源程序,它们必须通过编译或解释,连接等步骤才能被计算机处理。 面向对象语言 C++,Java等编程语言是面向对象的语言。 1.3 微型计算机中信息的表示及运算基础(一) 十进制ND有十个数码:0~9,逢十进一。 例 1234.5=1×103 +2×102 +3×101 +4×100 +5×10-1加权展开式以10称为基数,各位系数为0~9,10i为权。 一般表达式:ND= dn-1×10n-1+dn-2×10n-2 +…+d0×100 +d-1×10-1+… (二) 二进制NB两个数码:0、1, 逢二进一。 例 1101.101=1×23+1×22+0×21+1×20+1×2-1+1×2-3 加权展开式以2为基数,各位系数为0、1, 2i为权。 一般表达式: NB = bn-1×2n-1 + bn-2×2n-2 +…+b0×20 +b-1×2-1+… (三)十六进制NH十六个数码0~9、A~F,逢十六进一。 例:DFC.8=13×162 +15×161 +12×160 +8×16-1 展开式以十六为基数,各位系数为0~9,A~F,16i为权。 一般表达式: NH= hn-1×16n-1+ hn-2×16n-2+…+ h0×160+ h-1×16-1+… 二、不同进位计数制之间的转换 (二)二进制与十六进制数之间的转换 24=16 ,四位二进制数对应一位十六进制数。举例:(三)十进制数转换成二、十六进制数整数、小数分别转换 1.整数转换法“除基取余”:十进制整数不断除以转换进制基数,直至商为0。每除一次取一个余数,从低位排向高位。举例: 2. 小数转换法“乘基取整”:用转换进制的基数乘以小数部分,直至小数为0或达到转换精度要求的位数。每乘一次取一次整数,从最高位排到最低位。举例: 三、带符号数的表示方法 机器数:机器中数的表示形式。真值: 机器数所代表的实际数值。举例:一个8位机器数与它的真值对应关系如下: 真值: X1=+84=+1010100B X2=-84= -1010100B 机器数:[X1]机= 01010100 [X2]机= 11010100(二)原码、反码、补码最高位为符号位,0表示 “+”,1表示“-”。 数值位与真值数值位相同。 例 8位原码机器数: 真值: x1 = +1010100B x2 =- 1010100B 机器数: [x1]原 = 01010100 [x2]原 = 11010100原码表示简单直观,但0的表示不唯一,加减运算复杂。 正数的反码与原码表示相同。 负数反码符号位为 1,数值位为原码数值各位取反。 例 8位反码机器数: x= +4: [x]原= 00000100 [x]反= 00000100 x= -4: [x]原= 10000100 [x]反= 111110113、补码(Two’s Complement)正数的补码表示与原码相同。 负数补码等于2n-abs(x)8位机器数表示的真值四、 二进制编码例:求十进制数876的BCD码 876= 1000 0111 0110 BCD 876= 36CH = 1101101100B 2、字符编码 美国标准信息交换码ASCII码,用于计算 机与计算机、计算机与外设之间传递信息。 3、汉字编码 “国家标准信息交换用汉字编码”(GB2312-80标准),简称国标码。 用两个七位二进制数编码表示一个汉字 例如“巧”字的代码是39H、41H汉字内码例如“巧”字的代码是0B9H、0C1H1·4 运算基础 一、二进制数的运算加法规则:“逢2进1” 减法规则:“借1当2” 乘法规则:“逢0出0,全1出1”二、二—十进制数的加、减运算 BCD数的运算规则 循十进制数的运算规则“逢10进1”。但计算机在进行这种运算时会出现潜在的错误。为了解决BCD数的运算问题,采取调整运算结果的措施:即“加六修正”和“减六修正”例:10001000(BCD)+01101001(BCD) =000101010111(BCD) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 + 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 + 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 ……调整 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 进位 例: 10001000(BCD)- 01101001(BCD)= 00011001(BCD) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 - 0 1 1 0 ……调整 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 三、 带符号二进制数的运算 1.5 几个重要的数字逻辑电路编码器译码器计数器微机自动工作的条件程序指令顺序存放自动跟踪指令执行1.6 微机基本结构微机结构各部分组成连接方式1、以CPU为中心的双总线结构;2、以内存为中心的双总线结构;3、单总线结构CPU结构管脚特点 1、多功能;2、分时复用内部结构 1、控制; 2、运算; 3、寄存器; 4、地址程序计数器堆栈定义 1、定义;2、管理;3、堆栈形式
上传时间: 2013-10-17
用单片机配置FPGA—PLD设计技巧 Configuration/Program Method for Altera Device Configure the FLEX Device You can use any Micro-Controller to configure the FLEX device–the main idea is clocking in ONE BITof configuration data PER CLOCK–start from the BIT 0The total Configuration time–e.g. 10K10 need 15K byte configuration file•calculation equation–10K10* 1.5= 15Kbyte–configuration time for the file itself•15*1024*8*clock = 122,880Clock•assume the CLOCK is 4MHz•122,880*1/4Mhz=30.72msec
上传时间: 2013-10-09
This application note describes how the existing dual-port block memories in the Spartan™-IIand Virtex™ families can be used as Quad-Port memories. This essentially involves a dataaccess time (halved) versus functionality (doubled) trade-off. The overall bandwidth of the blockmemory in terms of bits PER second will remain the same.
上传时间: 2013-11-08
This application note covers the design considerations of a system using the PERformance features of the LogiCORE™ IP Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) Interconnect core. The design focuses on high system throughput through the AXI Interconnect core with F MAX and area optimizations in certain portions of the design. The design uses five AXI video direct memory access (VDMA) engines to simultaneously move 10 streams (five transmit video streams and five receive video streams), each in 1920 x 1080p format, 60 Hz refresh rate, and up to 32 data bits PER pixel. Each VDMA is driven from a video test pattern generator (TPG) with a video timing controller (VTC) block to set up the necessary video timing signals. Data read by each AXI VDMA is sent to a common on-screen display (OSD) core capable of multiplexing or overlaying multiple video streams to a single output video stream. The output of the OSD core drives the DVI video display interface on the board. PERformance monitor blocks are added to capture PERformance data. All 10 video streams moved by the AXI VDMA blocks are buffered through a shared DDR3 SDRAM memory and are controlled by a MicroBlaze™ processor. The reference system is targeted for the Virtex-6 XC6VLX240TFF1156-1 FPGA on the Xilinx® ML605 Rev D evaluation board
上传时间: 2013-11-14
This document is a quick reference to some of the formulas and important information related to optical technologies. It focuses on decibels (dB), decibels PER milliwatt (dBm), attenuation and measurements, and provides an introduction to optical fibers.
上传时间: 2013-10-17
同步技术是跳频通信系统的关键技术之一,尤其是在快速跳频通信系统中,常规跳频通信通过同步字头携带相关码的方法来实现同步,但对于快跳频来说,由于是一跳或者多跳传输一个调制符号,难以携带相关码。对此引入双跳频图案方法,提出了一种适用于快速跳频通信系统的同步方案。采用短码携带同步信息,克服了快速跳频难以携带相关码的困难。分析了同步性能,仿真结果表明该方案同步时间短、虚警概率低、捕获概率高,同步性能可靠。 Abstract: Synchronization is one of the key techniques to frequency-hopping communication system, especially in the fast frequency hopping communication system. In conventional frequency hopping communication systems, synchronization can be achieved by synchronization-head which can be used to carry the synchronization information, but for the fast frequency hopping, Because modulation symbol is transmitted by PER hop or multi-hop, it is difficult to carry the correlation code. For the limitation of fast frequency hopping in carrying correlation code, a fast frequency-hopping synchronization scheme with two hopping patterns is proposed. The synchronization information is carried by short code, which overcomes the difficulty of correlation code transmission in fast frequency-hopping. The PERformance of the scheme is analyzed, and simulation results show that the scheme has the advantages of shorter synchronization time, lower probability of false alarm, higher probability of capture and more reliable of synchronization.
上传时间: 2013-11-23
Multioutput monolithic regulators are easy to use and fi tinto spaces where multichip solutions cannot. Nevertheless,the popularity of multioutput regulators is temPERedby a lack of options for input voltages above 30V andsupport of high output currents. The LT3692A fi lls thisgap with a dual monolithic regulator that oPERates frominputs up to 36V. It also includes a number of channeloptimization features that allow the LT3692A’s PER-channelPERformance to rival that of multichip solutions.
上传时间: 2014-01-03