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  • BIOS emulator and interface to Realmode X86 Emulator Library Can emulate a PCI Graphic Controller V

    BIOS emulator and interface to Realmode X86 Emulator Library Can emulate a PCI Graphic Controller VGA bios on a powerpc platform

    标签: Controller interface emulator Realmode

    上传时间: 2015-11-02


  • PCI vhdl for Fpga designer to design PCI IP

    PCI vhdl for Fpga designer to design PCI IP

    标签: PCI designer design Fpga

    上传时间: 2016-03-06


  • dm642pci加载代码 DM642 DSP PCI loader, could be reformed to working in a different OS.

    dm642pci加载代码 DM642 DSP PCI loader, could be reformed to working in a different OS.

    标签: 642 different reformed working

    上传时间: 2014-11-28


  • The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the d

    The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the door to increasing system speed and expansion capabilities. The PCI Local bus moves high speed peripherals from the I/O bus and places them closer to the system’s processor bus, providing faster data transfers between the processor and peripherals. The PCI Local bus also addresses the industry’s need for a bus standard which is not directly dependent on the speed, size and type of system processor. It represents the first microprocessor independent bus offering performance more than adequate for the most demanding applications such as full-motion video.

    标签: bottleneck developed the concept

    上传时间: 2014-12-03


  • The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the d

    The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the door to increasing system speed and expansion capabilities. The PCI Local bus moves high speed peripherals from the I/O bus and places them closer to the system’s processor bus, providing faster data transfers between the processor and peripherals. The PCI Local bus also addresses the industry’s need for a bus standard which is not directly dependent on the speed, size and type of system processor. It represents the first microprocessor independent bus offering performance more than adequate for the most demanding applications such as full-motion video. Hardware reference

    标签: bottleneck developed the concept

    上传时间: 2016-03-18


  • The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the d

    The PCI Local bus concept was developed to break the PC data I/O bottleneck and clearly opens the door to increasing system speed and expansion capabilities. The PCI Local bus moves high speed peripherals from the I/O bus and places them closer to the system’s processor bus, providing faster data transfers between the processor and peripherals. The PCI Local bus also addresses the industry’s need for a bus standard which is not directly dependent on the speed, size and type of system processor. It represents the first microprocessor independent bus offering performance more than adequate for the most demanding applications such as full-motion video. User Manual

    标签: bottleneck developed the concept

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • This a generic PCI express device driver that enable user to access the device without caring much o

    This a generic PCI express device driver that enable user to access the device without caring much of the PCI express protocol in user mode. An utility program was built to help user in developing the application based on the given skeleton.

    标签: device generic express without

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • PEX 8311 ExpressLane PCI Express-to-Generic Local Bus Bridge Data Book

    PEX 8311 ExpressLane PCI Express-to-Generic Local Bus Bridge Data Book

    标签: Express-to-Generic ExpressLane Bridge Local

    上传时间: 2016-12-27


  • usb pci detection to usb port device

    usb pci detection to usb port device

    标签: usb detection device port

    上传时间: 2014-11-18


  • 基于FPGA的PCI接口的设计

    PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)局部总线是微型计算机中处理器、存储器与外围控制部件、扩展卡之间的互连接口,由于其速度快、可靠性高、成本低、兼容性好等特点,在各种计算机总线标准占有重要地位,基于PCI标准的接口设计已经成为相关项目开发中的一个重要的选择。    目前,现场可编程门阵列FPGA(Field Programmable Gates)得到了广泛应用。由于其具有规模大,开发过程投资小,可反复编程,且支持软硬件协同设计等特点,因此已逐步成为复杂数字硬件电路设计的首选。    PCI接口的开发有多种方法,主要有两种:一是使用专用接口芯片,二是使用可编程逻辑器件,如FPGA。本论文基于成本和实际需要的考虑,采用第二种方法进行设计。    本论文采用自上而下(Top-To-Down)和模块化的设计方法,使用FPGA和硬件描述语言(VHDL和Verilog HDL)设计了一个PCI接口核,并通过自行设计的试验板对其进行验证。为使设计准确可靠,在具体模块的设计中广泛采用流水线技术和状态机的方法。    论文最终设计完成了一个33M32位的PCI主从接口,并把它作为以NIOSⅡ为核心的SOPC片内外设,与通用计算机成功进行了通讯。    论文对PCI接口进行了功能仿真,仿真结果和PCI协议的要求一致,表明本论文设计正确。把设计下载进FPGA芯片EP2C8Q208C7之后,论文给出了使用SIGNALTAPⅡ观察到的信号实际波形,波形显示PCI接口能够满足本设计中系统的需要。本文最后还给出试验板的具体设计步骤及驱动程序的安装。

    标签: FPGA PCI 接口的设计

    上传时间: 2013-07-28
